I think youre making this more complicated than it has to be. Why try to move a river to you when you can move to the river? Social Engineering is the way, I think. The same way that flat-surfaced guardrails on stars encourage people leaving trash/drinks/whatever there so does everything else in our public life (the life that we have when interacting with others- going to the store; filling with gas; waiting in lines; shopping etc). Combining microhabits with de-atrophication of our brains is the easiest and most widely possible solution. Maybe create a program where if you can tell the cashier the change you should be getting you get a discount or some points or some sort of reward. Or in banks or dps provide pen and paper or multiplecolored pencils/pens and have prompts on the screen or drawing challanges and completing them gets you to teh front of the line. if going from gradeschool to graduation material in 2 months gets your speeding ticket expunged I bet more people will have that knowledge fresh in mind. Or even while in jail, encouraging people to take (advanced) classes will not only better prepare them for when they finish serving their time but a secret benefit would be that, as the adult population with the most time in their hands, they will be able to digest and advance whatever subject is they were learning.
This would clear the consent/ethical ‘issues’ most of your suggestions posed. Also is more empowering (which in turn will encourage more learning).
I think a more ‘complete’ species-improvement can be had if more people got less stupid rather than if there were a handful of super notstupid people.
I also think you fall into a trap by discrediting(?), discouraging(?), disparaging(?) just how much emotions/feelings/nonthoughts would help us evolve as a species. That we learned to lego-tize our thoughts so that others could understand and use them was the first step in our fetishisiation of thoughts over emotions. It made us forget that before thoughts were emotions and that those emotions are the ground on which we pave our thoughts.
I think youre making this more complicated than it has to be. Why try to move a river to you when you can move to the river? Social Engineering is the way, I think. The same way that flat-surfaced guardrails on stars encourage people leaving trash/drinks/whatever there so does everything else in our public life (the life that we have when interacting with others- going to the store; filling with gas; waiting in lines; shopping etc). Combining microhabits with de-atrophication of our brains is the easiest and most widely possible solution. Maybe create a program where if you can tell the cashier the change you should be getting you get a discount or some points or some sort of reward. Or in banks or dps provide pen and paper or multiplecolored pencils/pens and have prompts on the screen or drawing challanges and completing them gets you to teh front of the line. if going from gradeschool to graduation material in 2 months gets your speeding ticket expunged I bet more people will have that knowledge fresh in mind. Or even while in jail, encouraging people to take (advanced) classes will not only better prepare them for when they finish serving their time but a secret benefit would be that, as the adult population with the most time in their hands, they will be able to digest and advance whatever subject is they were learning.
This would clear the consent/ethical ‘issues’ most of your suggestions posed. Also is more empowering (which in turn will encourage more learning).
I think a more ‘complete’ species-improvement can be had if more people got less stupid rather than if there were a handful of super notstupid people.
I also think you fall into a trap by discrediting(?), discouraging(?), disparaging(?) just how much emotions/feelings/nonthoughts would help us evolve as a species. That we learned to lego-tize our thoughts so that others could understand and use them was the first step in our fetishisiation of thoughts over emotions. It made us forget that before thoughts were emotions and that those emotions are the ground on which we pave our thoughts.