I’ll do that. However, Peter Hurford listed his similar experience below. This post can generate even more value (and I don’t mean karma, I mean people dovetailing) on its value with better, stronger examples than just the ones I’ve provided above. I’m thinking this could be a repository, and a catalyst for ever more users to get values out of Less Wrong as both a community, and a resource, like this. If you know of other users with similar experiences, please ask them if they’d be willing to share their stories, and include them in this post.
This should at least be in Discussions. It is very valuable high level feedback about the value of LessWrong.
If you agree and if you want to avoid duplicating it you can remove the body of the text and replace it with a link to the Discussions post.
I’ll do that. However, Peter Hurford listed his similar experience below. This post can generate even more value (and I don’t mean karma, I mean people dovetailing) on its value with better, stronger examples than just the ones I’ve provided above. I’m thinking this could be a repository, and a catalyst for ever more users to get values out of Less Wrong as both a community, and a resource, like this. If you know of other users with similar experiences, please ask them if they’d be willing to share their stories, and include them in this post.
Ways to act on this idea:
Collaborate with Peter Hurford to jointly post this.
Create a Positive LW Experience Thread
Create a LW Wiki page where this can be collected.
I think the last has the most permanent effect but by itself is likely to receive little contribution.