EDIT: This was my attempt to do what you suggested.
EDIT2: I feel like what I’m talking about is something more generally applicable. You can use it for decision making.
Another reason I like it is because I tend to have mental filters in place, that prevent me from thinking about something that seems difficult. This helps because I think I just let my self occupy the thought that feels like it would be too hard to think and trust in my intuition to lead me somewhere useful instead of trying to force things? Probably not true. Anywho, for people with mental scars like me, this kind of thing is useful. Don’t know why. But it also reminds me of what SquirrellInHell is talking about in BeWellTuned. Like you’re like a CEO or maybe someone who sends ratings to various thoughts/plans that come up, and your brain decides what to do as a result. If you just ignore your job, then parts of your brain will get fed up and start not trusting you to rate good plans as good and you become lazy, time incosistent and hate yourself. I feel BeWellTuned has a much better description than I do.
What an interesting way to write. But I think it is more like babble than anything else. If you don’t have good babble, you’re probably not going to produce anything useful by doing this. My internal experience seems more like a series of suggestions, potential next ideas and corrections to make. On occasion, I might get a feeling that says “no, that’s not right” and have to iterate next part of the sentence a bunch. And my feelings tend to be right, so I don’t try to “forge ahead”. Honestly, I have been doing what I describe for a while when making my notes. It results in a great deal more productivity, though I don’t do it nearly as often as I should.
I was viewing it as something like a linked list of suggestions, where you don’t know what will happen if you follow the next suggestion, but invariably something useful will come of it. Your description of it as a seris of max likelihood predictions kind of matches, except I’ll often have like 7 or 8 things that I think are worth writing, and they can apply to various parts of the text I’ve written or even be continuations of thoughts I’ve not written down for whatever reason. So I’m paying attention to ealier parts and that’s helping me generate stuff. So I guess what I’m saying, is that it is less linear in some sense than what I think you’re talking about.
Also, sometimes I will have to FOCUS to catch the feeling I’m thinking of, or break through some reluctance. Which isn’t that hard when I’m in this frame of thought, because I notice the reluctance is just another suggestion, not something I have to follow. I feel more aware, and deliberate despite just following suggestions that seem like they’re not unpleasent.
EDIT: This was my attempt to do what you suggested.
EDIT2: I feel like what I’m talking about is something more generally applicable. You can use it for decision making.
Another reason I like it is because I tend to have mental filters in place, that prevent me from thinking about something that seems difficult. This helps because I think I just let my self occupy the thought that feels like it would be too hard to think and trust in my intuition to lead me somewhere useful instead of trying to force things? Probably not true. Anywho, for people with mental scars like me, this kind of thing is useful. Don’t know why. But it also reminds me of what SquirrellInHell is talking about in BeWellTuned. Like you’re like a CEO or maybe someone who sends ratings to various thoughts/plans that come up, and your brain decides what to do as a result. If you just ignore your job, then parts of your brain will get fed up and start not trusting you to rate good plans as good and you become lazy, time incosistent and hate yourself. I feel BeWellTuned has a much better description than I do.
What an interesting way to write. But I think it is more like babble than anything else. If you don’t have good babble, you’re probably not going to produce anything useful by doing this. My internal experience seems more like a series of suggestions, potential next ideas and corrections to make. On occasion, I might get a feeling that says “no, that’s not right” and have to iterate next part of the sentence a bunch. And my feelings tend to be right, so I don’t try to “forge ahead”. Honestly, I have been doing what I describe for a while when making my notes. It results in a great deal more productivity, though I don’t do it nearly as often as I should.
I was viewing it as something like a linked list of suggestions, where you don’t know what will happen if you follow the next suggestion, but invariably something useful will come of it. Your description of it as a seris of max likelihood predictions kind of matches, except I’ll often have like 7 or 8 things that I think are worth writing, and they can apply to various parts of the text I’ve written or even be continuations of thoughts I’ve not written down for whatever reason. So I’m paying attention to ealier parts and that’s helping me generate stuff. So I guess what I’m saying, is that it is less linear in some sense than what I think you’re talking about.
Also, sometimes I will have to FOCUS to catch the feeling I’m thinking of, or break through some reluctance. Which isn’t that hard when I’m in this frame of thought, because I notice the reluctance is just another suggestion, not something I have to follow. I feel more aware, and deliberate despite just following suggestions that seem like they’re not unpleasent.