...You can’t just mention one region and say “we don’t talk about that region!” Now I really wanna know. :P
Is it the equivalent of those taxes where imposing the tax overly benefits the rich, but if that tax already exists, removing the tax ALSO overly benefits the rich? So in this case, Omelas is bad, but destroying it would ALSO be bad? It’s the derivatives that are throwing me off a little.
That’s more the “everything is horrible” region. Omelas is horrible, and it gets more horrible the more people live in it.
To be sure I actually have doubt about labelling the “destroy” region now. Some of it is in a position in which Omelas is a net negative but can become a mild net positive if enough people migrate to it. It’s the region above the critical T line that makes Omelas unfixable.
...You can’t just mention one region and say “we don’t talk about that region!” Now I really wanna know. :P
Is it the equivalent of those taxes where imposing the tax overly benefits the rich, but if that tax already exists, removing the tax ALSO overly benefits the rich? So in this case, Omelas is bad, but destroying it would ALSO be bad? It’s the derivatives that are throwing me off a little.
That’s more the “everything is horrible” region. Omelas is horrible, and it gets more horrible the more people live in it.
To be sure I actually have doubt about labelling the “destroy” region now. Some of it is in a position in which Omelas is a net negative but can become a mild net positive if enough people migrate to it. It’s the region above the critical T line that makes Omelas unfixable.