Little Boy was a gun-type device with hardly any moving parts; it was the “larger and heavier” and inefficient and impractical prototype and it still absolutely blew every conventional bomb out of the water. Also, this is reference class tennis. If the rules allow for changing the metric in the middle of the debate, I shoot back with “the first telegraph cable improved transatlantic communication latency more than ten-million-fold the instant it was turned on; how’s that for a discontinuity”.
Also, this is reference class tennis. If the rules allow for changing the metric in the middle of the debate, I shoot back with “the first telegraph cable improved transatlantic communication latency more than ten-million-fold the instant it was turned on; how’s that for a discontinuity”.
To be clear, I’m not saying “there’s this iron law about technology and you might thing nuclear weapons disprove it, but they don’t because <reasons>” (I’m not claiming there are any laws or hard rules about anything at all). What I’m saying is that there’s a thing that usually happens, but it didn’t happen with nuclear weapons, and I think we can see why. Nuclear weapons absolutely do live in the relevant reference class, and I think the way their development happened should make us more worried about AGI.
Little Boy was a gun-type device with hardly any moving parts; it was the “larger and heavier” and inefficient and impractical prototype and it still absolutely blew every conventional bomb out of the water.
It was, and this is a fair point. But Little Boy used like a billion dollars worth of HEU, which provided a very strong incentive not to approach the design process in the usual iterative way.
For contrast, the laser’s basic physics advantage over other light sources (in coherence length and intensity) is at least as big as the nuclear weapons advantage over conventional explosives, and the first useful laser was approximately as simple as Little Boy, but the first laser was still not very useful. My claim is that this is because the cost of iterating was very low and there was no need to make it useful on the first try.
We agree on the object level. On the meta level though, what’s so important about the very first laser? There is a lot of ambiguity in what counts as the starting point. For instance, when was the first steam engine invented? You could cite the Newcomen engine, or you could refer to various steam-powered contraptions from antiquity. The answer is going to differ by millennia, and along with it all the other parameters characterizing the development of this particular technology, but I don’t see what I’m supposed to learn from it.
Actually, I think the steam engine is the best example of Richard’s thesis, and I wish he had talked about it more. Before Newcomen, there was Denis Papin and Thomas Savery, who invented steam devices which were nearly useless and arguably not engines. Newcomen’s engine was the first commercially successful true engine, and even then it was arguably inferior to wind, water, or muscle power, only being practical in the very narrow case of pumping water out of coal mines. It wasn’t until the year 1800 (decades after the first engines) that they became useful enough for locomotion.
There was even an experience curve, noticed by Henry Adams, where each successive engine did more work and used less coal. Henry Adam’s curve was similar to Moore’s Law in many respects.
If the thesis is “There exists for every technological innovation in history some metric along which its performance is a smooth continuation of previous trends within some time window”, then yes, like I said, I agree at the object level, and my objection is at the meta level, namely that such an observation is worthless as there is basically no way to violate it. Disjunct over enough terms and the statement is bound to become true, but then it explains everything and therefore nothing.
Taking AGI as an example: Does slow takeoff fit the bill? Check. Scaling hypothesis implies AGI will become gradually more competent with more compute. Does hard takeoff fit the bill? Check. Recursive self-improvement implies there is a continuous chain of subagents bootstrapping from a seed AGI to superintelligence (even though it looks like Judgment Day from the outside).
If humanity survives a hard AI takeoff, I bet some future econblogger is going to draw a curve and say “Look! Each of these subagents is only a modest improvement over the last, there’s no discontinuity! Like every other technology, AI follows the same development pattern!”
Little Boy was a gun-type device with hardly any moving parts; it was the “larger and heavier” and inefficient and impractical prototype and it still absolutely blew every conventional bomb out of the water. Also, this is reference class tennis. If the rules allow for changing the metric in the middle of the debate, I shoot back with “the first telegraph cable improved transatlantic communication latency more than ten-million-fold the instant it was turned on; how’s that for a discontinuity”.
To be clear, I’m not saying “there’s this iron law about technology and you might thing nuclear weapons disprove it, but they don’t because <reasons>” (I’m not claiming there are any laws or hard rules about anything at all). What I’m saying is that there’s a thing that usually happens, but it didn’t happen with nuclear weapons, and I think we can see why. Nuclear weapons absolutely do live in the relevant reference class, and I think the way their development happened should make us more worried about AGI.
It was, and this is a fair point. But Little Boy used like a billion dollars worth of HEU, which provided a very strong incentive not to approach the design process in the usual iterative way.
For contrast, the laser’s basic physics advantage over other light sources (in coherence length and intensity) is at least as big as the nuclear weapons advantage over conventional explosives, and the first useful laser was approximately as simple as Little Boy, but the first laser was still not very useful. My claim is that this is because the cost of iterating was very low and there was no need to make it useful on the first try.
We agree on the object level. On the meta level though, what’s so important about the very first laser? There is a lot of ambiguity in what counts as the starting point. For instance, when was the first steam engine invented? You could cite the Newcomen engine, or you could refer to various steam-powered contraptions from antiquity. The answer is going to differ by millennia, and along with it all the other parameters characterizing the development of this particular technology, but I don’t see what I’m supposed to learn from it.
Actually, I think the steam engine is the best example of Richard’s thesis, and I wish he had talked about it more. Before Newcomen, there was Denis Papin and Thomas Savery, who invented steam devices which were nearly useless and arguably not engines. Newcomen’s engine was the first commercially successful true engine, and even then it was arguably inferior to wind, water, or muscle power, only being practical in the very narrow case of pumping water out of coal mines. It wasn’t until the year 1800 (decades after the first engines) that they became useful enough for locomotion.
There was even an experience curve, noticed by Henry Adams, where each successive engine did more work and used less coal. Henry Adam’s curve was similar to Moore’s Law in many respects.
If the thesis is “There exists for every technological innovation in history some metric along which its performance is a smooth continuation of previous trends within some time window”, then yes, like I said, I agree at the object level, and my objection is at the meta level, namely that such an observation is worthless as there is basically no way to violate it. Disjunct over enough terms and the statement is bound to become true, but then it explains everything and therefore nothing.
Taking AGI as an example: Does slow takeoff fit the bill? Check. Scaling hypothesis implies AGI will become gradually more competent with more compute. Does hard takeoff fit the bill? Check. Recursive self-improvement implies there is a continuous chain of subagents bootstrapping from a seed AGI to superintelligence (even though it looks like Judgment Day from the outside).
If humanity survives a hard AI takeoff, I bet some future econblogger is going to draw a curve and say “Look! Each of these subagents is only a modest improvement over the last, there’s no discontinuity! Like every other technology, AI follows the same development pattern!”