After analysing the cases when I was in up and down momentum, I concluded that there are other additional points:
1.A new activity has initially up momentum, as it creates new connections, people are interested in your new project and you are inspired. An old activity creates down momentum, even if the quality of the product has improved, as people become bored with it. (There are counterexamples, e.g. Sequences).
2. You may learn to “feel” which action has up momentum or down momentum and navigate accordingly.
After analysing the cases when I was in up and down momentum, I concluded that there are other additional points:
1.A new activity has initially up momentum, as it creates new connections, people are interested in your new project and you are inspired. An old activity creates down momentum, even if the quality of the product has improved, as people become bored with it. (There are counterexamples, e.g. Sequences).
2. You may learn to “feel” which action has up momentum or down momentum and navigate accordingly.