I bet o3 does actually score higher on FrontierMath than the math grad students best at math research, but not higher than math grad students best at doing competition math problems (e.g. hard IMO) and at quickly solving math problems in arbitrary domains. I think around 25% of FrontierMath is hard IMO like problems and this is probably mostly what o3 is solving. See here for context.
Quantitatively, maybe o3 is in roughly the top 1% for US math grad students on FrontierMath? (Perhaps roughly top 200?)
I bet o3 does actually score higher on FrontierMath than the math grad students best at math research, but not higher than math grad students best at doing competition math problems (e.g. hard IMO) and at quickly solving math problems in arbitrary domains. I think around 25% of FrontierMath is hard IMO like problems and this is probably mostly what o3 is solving. See here for context.
Quantitatively, maybe o3 is in roughly the top 1% for US math grad students on FrontierMath? (Perhaps roughly top 200?)