Sounds like a good idea, would be an incentive for reading and understanding the sequences to many people and could raise the quality level in the higher ‘levels’ considerably. There are also downsides: We might look more phyg-ish to newbies, discussion quality at the lower levels could fall rapidly (honestly, who wants to debate about ‘free will’ with newbies when they could be having discussions about more interesting and challenging topics?) and, well, if an intelligent and well-informed outsider has to say something important about a topic, they won’t be able to.
For this to be implemented, we’d need a user rights system with the respective discussion sections as well as a way to determine the ‘level’ of members. Quizzes with questions randomly drawn from a large pool of questions with a limited number of tries per time period could do well, especially if you don’t give any feedback about the scoring other than ‘you leveled up!’ and ‘Your score wasn’t good enough, re-read these sequences:__ and try again later.’
And, of course, we need the consent of many members and our phyg-leaders as well as someone to actually implement it.
Sounds like a good idea, would be an incentive for reading and understanding the sequences to many people and could raise the quality level in the higher ‘levels’ considerably. There are also downsides: We might look more phyg-ish to newbies, discussion quality at the lower levels could fall rapidly (honestly, who wants to debate about ‘free will’ with newbies when they could be having discussions about more interesting and challenging topics?) and, well, if an intelligent and well-informed outsider has to say something important about a topic, they won’t be able to.
For this to be implemented, we’d need a user rights system with the respective discussion sections as well as a way to determine the ‘level’ of members. Quizzes with questions randomly drawn from a large pool of questions with a limited number of tries per time period could do well, especially if you don’t give any feedback about the scoring other than ‘you leveled up!’ and ‘Your score wasn’t good enough, re-read these sequences:__ and try again later.’
And, of course, we need the consent of many members and our phyg-leaders as well as someone to actually implement it.