Hello folks!
I am a 18 year old italian Student who will start studying Mathematics in Germany this year.
I was always interested in the way of the rational/scientific method, and since I remember tried to use it to reason about almost everything.
A month ago some friends showed me HPMoR, which I read in like 3 days and really enjoyed it. So finally I came here. I read some subsequences and various single topics, including a lot of the comments, which I found almost always very interesting.
This blog opened my eyes especially on cognitive biases thing. Often had I noted in hindsight that I had made poor decisions or evaluated a situation badly, but I never really saw how this could happen. So I am very glad to learn the causes behind those mistakes in judgment, so I’ll hopefully be able to avoid them sometimes.
I finally decided to register, so I might comment from time to time, when I think I have something to say.
Hello folks! I am a 18 year old italian Student who will start studying Mathematics in Germany this year. I was always interested in the way of the rational/scientific method, and since I remember tried to use it to reason about almost everything.
A month ago some friends showed me HPMoR, which I read in like 3 days and really enjoyed it. So finally I came here. I read some subsequences and various single topics, including a lot of the comments, which I found almost always very interesting.
This blog opened my eyes especially on cognitive biases thing. Often had I noted in hindsight that I had made poor decisions or evaluated a situation badly, but I never really saw how this could happen. So I am very glad to learn the causes behind those mistakes in judgment, so I’ll hopefully be able to avoid them sometimes. I finally decided to register, so I might comment from time to time, when I think I have something to say.