I am a 31-year-old physicist and have been following LW since before it split from OB. It is one of the sites I spend most time reading, even though I never delurked before—I suspected, probably correctly, that it would induce me to spend even more time in it (“Less Wrong Will Ruin Your Life”, as TVTropes might put it). However, I have recently moved into an area where regular meetups are going on, so I thought it would be worthwhile to get involved in the community and try to meet some of its members.
Hello everyone,
I am a 31-year-old physicist and have been following LW since before it split from OB. It is one of the sites I spend most time reading, even though I never delurked before—I suspected, probably correctly, that it would induce me to spend even more time in it (“Less Wrong Will Ruin Your Life”, as TVTropes might put it). However, I have recently moved into an area where regular meetups are going on, so I thought it would be worthwhile to get involved in the community and try to meet some of its members.
If you can cope with TVTropes, LessWrong shouldn’t be too addictive.
And who said I am coping well with TVTropes? ;)