[Question] [Thought Experiment] Given a button to terminate all humanity, would you press it?

The rules:

  1. Pressing the button will instantly terminate every single human being (including you).

  2. Pressing the button is completely anonymous. Nobody will know you did it, now or in the far future.

  3. The button cannot malfunction.

  4. The button does not have any secondary effects.

  5. The button is available for everyone to be pressed (not exactly the same physical button).

  6. Meta rule: There are no clever exploits available. This is not a riddle, the button does only what is written above.

Please do not to take the result too seriously. Inspired by AI X-Risk conversations.

I’m not aware of a poll functionality here, so I created the poll externally: https://​​strawpoll.com/​​3RnYXleKBye Results are public and can be seen at the link without voting. Voting does not require any signup.