Not at all. Rhetorical skill IS a good thing, and properly contributes to logic. Your argument seems rational to me, in the non-Spock sense that we generally encourage here. What to do? Keep on thinking AND caring!
If the search you use is as fair and unbiased as you can make it, this looking hard for answers is the core of what being a good rationalist is. Possibly, you should look harder for the causes of systematic differences between people’s intuitions, to see whether those causes are entangled with truth, but analysis has to stop at some point.
In practice, rationalists may back themselves into permanent inaction due to uncertainty, but the theory of rationality we endorse here says we should be doing what you claim to be doing. I find it extremely disturbing that we aren’t communicating this effectively, though its clearly our fault since we aren’t communicating it effectively enough to ourselves for it to motivate us to be more dynamic either.
Not at all. Rhetorical skill IS a good thing, and properly contributes to logic. Your argument seems rational to me, in the non-Spock sense that we generally encourage here. What to do? Keep on thinking AND caring!
If the search you use is as fair and unbiased as you can make it, this looking hard for answers is the core of what being a good rationalist is. Possibly, you should look harder for the causes of systematic differences between people’s intuitions, to see whether those causes are entangled with truth, but analysis has to stop at some point.
In practice, rationalists may back themselves into permanent inaction due to uncertainty, but the theory of rationality we endorse here says we should be doing what you claim to be doing. I find it extremely disturbing that we aren’t communicating this effectively, though its clearly our fault since we aren’t communicating it effectively enough to ourselves for it to motivate us to be more dynamic either.