I think he can have, like, one point for ethics. He’s a little sloppy about it in places and does sling generalizations, but there’s nothing that egregious and he doesn’t seem to hate women or consider us interchangeable.
because of this quotation:
“yes we still had sex on Friday night (she squirted), Saturday night (she cried), Sunday morning (she tolerated it) and Sunday night looks good too (she’s gonna go for the handjob option when I offer it). ”
Do consider his competition. At some point, if you don’t want to be accused of not reading them or being fair, you need to award the PUA Blogger of the Month award to someone, even if it’s for not-deserving-an-award-the-least.
I think he can have, like, one point for ethics. He’s a little sloppy about it in places and does sling generalizations, but there’s nothing that egregious and he doesn’t seem to hate women or consider us interchangeable.
He has this post about the “dark side of game”: http://www.marriedmansexlife.com/2010/03/dark-side-of-game.html
This post from him really flipped me out: http://www.marriedmansexlife.com/2011/02/life-sucks-marriage-still-good.html
because of this quotation: “yes we still had sex on Friday night (she squirted), Saturday night (she cried), Sunday morning (she tolerated it) and Sunday night looks good too (she’s gonna go for the handjob option when I offer it). ”
which, uh, doesn’t sound like his wife is all that into the sex. On the other hand, she later asserted that she has no problem with their current setup in this post: http://www.marriedmansexlife.com/2011/02/jennifer-answers-some-questions.html
so the problem I think is more with careless phrasing than careless treatment of her feelings. At least, I hope so. She sounds pretty ok to me.
Well, fair enough. He also didn’t shoot anyone in the face, so...
Do consider his competition. At some point, if you don’t want to be accused of not reading them or being fair, you need to award the PUA Blogger of the Month award to someone, even if it’s for not-deserving-an-award-the-least.