Honestly, I was disappointed with the ending of Season 1 Korra: (rot13)
Nnat zntvpnyyl tvirf Xbeen ure oraqvat onpx nsgre Nzba gbbx vg njnl, naq gurer ner ab creznarag pbafrdhraprf gb nalguvat.
I’m not necessarily idealistic enough to be happy with a world that has no consequences or really difficult choices; I’m just not cynical enough to find misanthropy and defeatism cool. That’s why children’s entertainment appeals to me—while it can be overly sugary-sweet, adult entertainment often seems to be both narrow and shallow, and at the same time cynical. Outside of science fiction, there doesn’t seem to be much adult entertainment that’s about things I care about—saving the world, doing something big and important and good.
ETA: What Zach Weiner makes fun of here—that’s what I’m sick of. Not just misanthropy and undiscriminating cynicism, but glorifying it as the height of intelligence. LessWrong seemed very pleasantly different in that sense.
I agree; I found the ending very disappointing, as well.
The authors throw one of the characters into a very powerful personal conflict, making it impossible for the character to deny the need for a total accounting and re-evaluation of the character’s entire life and identity. The authors resolve this personal conflict about 30 seconds later with a Deus Ex Machina. Bleh.
Are you sure that’s rot13? It’s generating gibberish in two different decoders for me, although I’m pretty sure I know what you’re talking about anyway.
ETA: Yeah, looks like a shift of three characters right.
Honestly, I was disappointed with the ending of Season 1 Korra: (rot13)
Nnat zntvpnyyl tvirf Xbeen ure oraqvat onpx nsgre Nzba gbbx vg njnl, naq gurer ner ab creznarag pbafrdhraprf gb nalguvat.
I’m not necessarily idealistic enough to be happy with a world that has no consequences or really difficult choices; I’m just not cynical enough to find misanthropy and defeatism cool. That’s why children’s entertainment appeals to me—while it can be overly sugary-sweet, adult entertainment often seems to be both narrow and shallow, and at the same time cynical. Outside of science fiction, there doesn’t seem to be much adult entertainment that’s about things I care about—saving the world, doing something big and important and good.
ETA: What Zach Weiner makes fun of here—that’s what I’m sick of. Not just misanthropy and undiscriminating cynicism, but glorifying it as the height of intelligence. LessWrong seemed very pleasantly different in that sense.
I agree; I found the ending very disappointing, as well.
The authors throw one of the characters into a very powerful personal conflict, making it impossible for the character to deny the need for a total accounting and re-evaluation of the character’s entire life and identity. The authors resolve this personal conflict about 30 seconds later with a Deus Ex Machina. Bleh.
Are you sure that’s rot13? It’s generating gibberish in two different decoders for me, although I’m pretty sure I know what you’re talking about anyway.
ETA: Yeah, looks like a shift of three characters right.
ETA AGAIN: Fixed now, thanks.
Sorry, I dumped it into Briangle and forgot to change the setting.
V gubhtug vg jnf irel rssrpgvir. Gubhtu irvyrq fb xvqf jba’g pngpu vg, univat gur qnevat gb fubj n znva punenpgre pbagrzcyngvat naq nyzbfg nggrzcgvat fhvpvqr jnf n terng jnl gb pybfr gur nep. Gurer’f nyernql rabhtu ‘npgvba’ pbafrdhraprf qhr gb gur eribyhgvba, fb vg’f avpr onynapvat bhg univat gur irel raq or gur erfhygvat punatrf gb Xbeen’f punenpgre. Jura fur erwrpgf fhvpvqr nf na bcgvba, fur ernyvmrf gung fur ubyqf vagevafvp inyhr nf n uhzna orvat engure guna nf na Ningne. Cyhf nf bar bs gur ener srznyr yrnqf va puvyqera’f gryrivfvba, gur qenzngvp pyvznk bs gur fgbel orvat gur qr-bowrpgvsvpngvba bs gur srznyr yrnq vf uhtr. Nyfb gur nagv-fhvpvqr zrffntr orvat gung onq thlf pbzzvg zheqre/fhvpvqr naq gur tbbq thlf qba’g vf tbbq gb svavfu jvgu. V’z irel fngvfsvrq jvgu gurz raqvat vg gung jnl.
Znal fubjf raq jvgu jvgu ovt onq orvat orngra. Fubjf gung cergraq gb or zngher unir cebgntbavfgf qvr ng gur raq. Ohg Xbeen’f raqvat vf bar bs gur bayl gung fgevxrf zr nf npghnyyl zngher, orpnhfr vg’f qverpgyl n zbeny/cuvybfbcuvpny ceboyrz ng gur raq.
Gung’f na vagrerfgvat jnl gb chg vg, naq V guvax V’z unccvre jvgu gur raqvat orpnhfr bs gung. Ubjrire, V jnf rkcrpgvat Frnfba Gjb gb or Xbeen’f wbhearl gbjneq erpbirel (rvgure culfvpny be zragny be obgu) nsgre Nzba gbbx njnl ure oraqvat. Vg’f abg gung V qba’g jnag ure gb or jubyr naq unccl; vg’f whfg gung vg frrzrq gbb rnfl. V gubhtug Nzba/Abngnx naq Gneybpx’f fgbel nep jnf zhpu zber cbjreshy. Va snpg, gurve zheqre/fhvpvqr frrzrq gb unir fb zhpu svanyvgl gung V svtherq vg zhfg or gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr hagvy V ernyvmrq gurer jrer fvk zvahgrf yrsg.
Va bgure jbeqf, vg’f terng gung gur fgbel yraqf vgfrys gb gur vagrecergngvba gung vg jnf nobhg vagevafvp jbegu nf n uhzna orvat qvfgvapg sebz bar’f cbjref, ohg gurl unq n jubyr frnfba yrsg gb npghnyyl rkcyvpvgyl rkcyber gung. Nnat’f wbhearl jnf nobhg yrneavat gb fgbc ehaavat njnl naq npprcg gur snpg gung ur vf va snpg gur Ningne, naq ur pna’g whfg or nal bgure xvq naq sbetrg nobhg uvf cbjre naq erfcbafvovyvgl. Xbeen’f wbhearl jnf gb or nobhg npprcgvat gung whfg orpnhfr fur vf gur Ningne, naq fur ybirf vg naq qrevirf zrnavat sebz vg, qbrfa’g zrna fur’f abguvat zber guna n ebyr gb shysvyy. Vg sryg phg fubeg. Nnat tnir vg gb Xbeen; fur qvqa’g svaq vg sbe urefrys.
V funerq BaGurBgureUnaqyr’f qvfnccbvagzrag jvgu gur raqvat, naq V jnfa’g irel vzcerffrq jvgu Xbeen’f rzbgvbany erfbyhgvba ng gur raq. Fur uvgf n anqve bs qrcerffvba, frrzvatyl pbagrzcyngrf fhvpvqr, naq gura… rirelguvat fhqqrayl erfbyirf vgfrys. Fur trgf ure oraqvat onpx, jvgubhg nal rssbeg be cynaavat, naq jvgu ab zber fvtavsvpnag punenpgre qrirybczrag guna univat orra erqhprq gb qrfcrengvba. Gur Ovt Onq vf xvyyrq ol fbzrbar ryfr juvyr gur cebgntbavfgf’ nggragvba vf ryfrjurer, naq Xbeen tnvaf gur novyvgl gb haqb nyy gur qnzntr ur pnhfrq va gur svefg cynpr. Gur fbpvrgny vffhrf sebz juvpu ur ohvyg uvf onfr bs fhccbeg jrer yrsg hanqqerffrq, ohg jvgubhg n pyrne nirahr gb erfbyir gurz nf n pbagvahngvba bs gur qenzngvp pbasyvpg.
Vs Xbeen unq orra qevira gb qrfcrengvba, naq nf n erfhyg, frnepurq uneqre sbe fbyhgvbaf naq sbhaq bar, V jbhyq unir sbhaq gung n ybg zber fngvfslvat. Gung’f bar bs gur ernfbaf V engr gur raqvat bs Ningne: Gur Ynfg Nveoraqre uvture guna gung bs gur svefg frnfba bs Xbeen. Vg znl unir orra vanqrdhngryl sberfunqbjrq naq orra fbzrguvat bs n Qrhf Rk Znpuvan, ohg ng yrnfg Nnat qrnyg jvgu n fvghngvba jurer ur jnf snprq jvgu bayl hanpprcgnoyr pubvprf ol frrxvat bgure nygreangvirf, svaqvat, naq vzcyrzragvat bar. Ohg Xbeen’f ceboyrzf jrer fbyirq, abg ol frrxvat fbyhgvbaf, ohg ol pbzvat va gbhpu jvgu ure fcvevghny fvqr ol ernpuvat ure rzbgvbany ybj cbvag.
Jung Fcvevg!Nnat fnvq unf erny jbeyq gehgu gb vg. Crbcyr qb graq gb or zber fcvevghny va gurve ybjrfg naq zbfg qrfcrengr pvephzfgnaprf. Ohg engure guna orvat fbzrguvat gb ynhq, V guvax guvf ercerfragf n sbez bs tvivat hc, jurer crbcyr ghea gb gur fhcreangheny sbe fbynpr be ubcr orpnhfr gurl qba’g oryvrir gurl pna fbyir gurve ceboyrzf gurzfryirf. Fb nf erfbyhgvbaf bs punenpgre nepf tb, V gubhtug gung jnf n cerggl onq bar.
Nyy va nyy V jnf n sna bs gur frevrf, ohg gur raqvat haqrefubg zl rkcrpgngvbaf.