In a few weeks, I will be starting a self-experiment. I’ll be testing a set of supplements to see if they have any noticeable effects on my sleep quality, mood, and energy levels.
The supplements I will be trying:
Purpose / Notes
6 mg
300 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0 mg
I already consume a lot of dairy, so no need.
Vitamin D
500 IU
0 µg
I get enough from dairy, so skipping supplementation.
20 mg
I don’t eat meat. I will get tested to see if I am deficient firstly
3 g
May improve cognitive function
500 mg/day
Supposed to help with brain function and inflammation.
Things I want to measure:
Sleep quality – I will start using sleep as android to track my sleep—has anyone tried it out? This seems somewhat risky because if there is a phone next to my bed it will make it harder for me to fall asleep because I will be using it.
Energy levels – Subjective rating (1-10) every evening. Prompt: “What is your energy level?”
I will also do journaling and use chat GPT to summarize it.
Digestion/gut health – Any noticeable changes in bloating, gas, or gut discomfort. I used to struggle with that, I will probably not measure this every day but just keep in mind that it might be related.
Exercise performance – I already track this via heavy so no added costs. (also, add me on heavy, my nick is tricular)
I expect my sleep quality to improve, especially with magnesium and omega-3. I’m curious if creatine will have any effect on mental clarity and exercise.
If anyone has tried these supplements already and has tips, let me know! Would love to hear what worked (or didn’t) for you.
I will start with a two week period where I develop the daily questionare and test if the sleep tracking app works on me.
One risk is that I just actually feel better and fail to see that in energy levels. How are those subjective measures performing in self-study? Also, I don’t have a control—I kinda think it’s useless. Convince me it is not! I just expect that I will notice getting smarter. Do you think it’s stupid or not?
Also, I’m vegetarian. My diet is pretty unhealthy as in it doesn’t include a big variety of foods.
In a few weeks, I will be starting a self-experiment. I’ll be testing a set of supplements to see if they have any noticeable effects on my sleep quality, mood, and energy levels.
The supplements I will be trying:
Things I want to measure:
Sleep quality – I will start using sleep as android to track my sleep—has anyone tried it out? This seems somewhat risky because if there is a phone next to my bed it will make it harder for me to fall asleep because I will be using it.
Energy levels – Subjective rating (1-10) every evening. Prompt: “What is your energy level?”
I will also do journaling and use chat GPT to summarize it.
Digestion/gut health – Any noticeable changes in bloating, gas, or gut discomfort. I used to struggle with that, I will probably not measure this every day but just keep in mind that it might be related.
Exercise performance – I already track this via heavy so no added costs. (also, add me on heavy, my nick is tricular)
I expect my sleep quality to improve, especially with magnesium and omega-3. I’m curious if creatine will have any effect on mental clarity and exercise.
If anyone has tried these supplements already and has tips, let me know! Would love to hear what worked (or didn’t) for you.
I will start with a two week period where I develop the daily questionare and test if the sleep tracking app works on me.
One risk is that I just actually feel better and fail to see that in energy levels. How are those subjective measures performing in self-study? Also, I don’t have a control—I kinda think it’s useless. Convince me it is not! I just expect that I will notice getting smarter. Do you think it’s stupid or not?
Also, I’m vegetarian. My diet is pretty unhealthy as in it doesn’t include a big variety of foods.
I checked the maximum intake of supplements on