Glad to have this flagged here, thanks. As I’ve said to @Chipmonk privately, I think this sort of boundaries-based deontology shares lots of DNA with the libertarian deontology tradition, which I gestured at in the last footnote. (See for an overview.) Philosophers have been discussing this stuff at least since Nozick in the 1970s, so there’s lots of sophisticated material to draw on—I’d encourage boundaries/membranes fans to look at this literature before trying to reinvent everything from scratch.
The SEP article on republicanism also has some nice discussion of conceptual questions about non-interference and non-domination (, which I think any approach along these lines will have to grapple with.
@Andrew_Critch and @davidad, I’d be interested in hearing more about your respective boundaritarian versions of deontology, especially with respect to AI safety applications!
Glad to have this flagged here, thanks. As I’ve said to @Chipmonk privately, I think this sort of boundaries-based deontology shares lots of DNA with the libertarian deontology tradition, which I gestured at in the last footnote. (See for an overview.) Philosophers have been discussing this stuff at least since Nozick in the 1970s, so there’s lots of sophisticated material to draw on—I’d encourage boundaries/membranes fans to look at this literature before trying to reinvent everything from scratch.
The SEP article on republicanism also has some nice discussion of conceptual questions about non-interference and non-domination (, which I think any approach along these lines will have to grapple with.
@Andrew_Critch and @davidad, I’d be interested in hearing more about your respective boundaritarian versions of deontology, especially with respect to AI safety applications!
For what it’s worth, the phrase “night watchman” as I use it is certainly downstream of Nozick’s concept.