The lower you go on the academic totem pole, the less tolerance there is. Extensions are hard to get at state schools—even the really good ones—and practically nonexistent at community colleges. It may be unfair, but it makes sense. Teacher:student ratios are lower at elite colleges, and late work is rarer, so it’s not really a burden. Also, professors at elite colleges are generally happier and have cushier lives, whereas teachers at CCs are usually underpaid and overworked already, so late work is an intolerable addition. Finally, many of the students in middling schools shouldn’t be in college at all, while the assumption at an elite college is that the person who’s late is a good student with a good reason. That assumption’s not always true, of course, but elite colleges would rather make one type of error.
I really like this, because it draws some testable predictions and then tests them. The more annoying it would be for the professor to grade late work, and the more it would mess up the student’s life, the less likely the professor is to accept excuses. That means professors really are making that sort of “my utility versus the student’s utility” decision when deciding whether or not to accept excuses.
(although the commenter who responded that Ivy League professors do it because they don’t want rich parents complaining has a point too)
As someone who went to an elite university: professors can indeed be extraordinarily lax with deadlines, and 9 times out of 10, the reasons for turning work in late are not what anyone would call “legitimate”.
On Hacker News:
pw0ncakes writes:
I really like this, because it draws some testable predictions and then tests them. The more annoying it would be for the professor to grade late work, and the more it would mess up the student’s life, the less likely the professor is to accept excuses. That means professors really are making that sort of “my utility versus the student’s utility” decision when deciding whether or not to accept excuses.
(although the commenter who responded that Ivy League professors do it because they don’t want rich parents complaining has a point too)
As someone who went to an elite university: professors can indeed be extraordinarily lax with deadlines, and 9 times out of 10, the reasons for turning work in late are not what anyone would call “legitimate”.