I imagined what rational me would do a couple of hours ago, and he’d have gotten a head start on next week’s workload until he was tired and then started tomorrow off on much better footing (I’m not talking about being a workaholic—I’m lazy and have kind of fallen behind—I could stand to work a bit more)
Instead, I read about why the great filter probably doesn’t lie between the evolution of a nervous system and dolphin-level intelligence, learned about ‘biological dark matter’, dismissed it as viruses, undismissed it, learned that it was probably just material from unsequenced portions of microbe genomes, learned things I never knew about the difference between archaea and bacteria, about how they might have combined to form eukaryotes, about tons of various external factors that could keep life from getting the chance to evolve in the first place, read far too much discussion about hypothetical engineers in hypothetical dolphin bodies, then finally came back to this thread and read all the comments.
I imagined what rational me would do a couple of hours ago, and he’d have gotten a head start on next week’s workload until he was tired and then started tomorrow off on much better footing (I’m not talking about being a workaholic—I’m lazy and have kind of fallen behind—I could stand to work a bit more)
Instead, I read about why the great filter probably doesn’t lie between the evolution of a nervous system and dolphin-level intelligence, learned about ‘biological dark matter’, dismissed it as viruses, undismissed it, learned that it was probably just material from unsequenced portions of microbe genomes, learned things I never knew about the difference between archaea and bacteria, about how they might have combined to form eukaryotes, about tons of various external factors that could keep life from getting the chance to evolve in the first place, read far too much discussion about hypothetical engineers in hypothetical dolphin bodies, then finally came back to this thread and read all the comments.
I guess I did it wrong? :(
Come now, how could anything you call “work” possibly be less important than all that?