I like it, that works well, so long as we have an airtight definition in advance of when this counts. Alternatively, we can know from our guide that the result won’t be ambiguous.
That works. Though now card price doesn’t actually reflect a character’s implied probability of surviving. Eg buying a card at $40 is a confident move if there’s a chance of two survivors, and always loses money if there’s 3.
Instead it’d be $100*p(surviving|1 survivor) + $50*p(surviving|2 survivors) + $33*p(surviving|3 survivors)… which makes it a lot harder to think about whether to buy or sell. Could make things more interesting though.
If more than one person “did it”, you could pay off that fraction of $100 to each. So if two did it, each card is worth $50 at the end.
I like it, that works well, so long as we have an airtight definition in advance of when this counts. Alternatively, we can know from our guide that the result won’t be ambiguous.
That works. Though now card price doesn’t actually reflect a character’s implied probability of surviving. Eg buying a card at $40 is a confident move if there’s a chance of two survivors, and always loses money if there’s 3.
Instead it’d be $100*p(surviving|1 survivor) + $50*p(surviving|2 survivors) + $33*p(surviving|3 survivors)… which makes it a lot harder to think about whether to buy or sell. Could make things more interesting though.