Link post
Patrick Collison on universal covid vaccines: we could have them very soon, if it weren’t for bureaucratic roadblocks
“Current funding organizations cluster heavily around a few management styles, warping the research ecosystem” (Ben Reinhardt)
The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change announces their Progress Fellows Programme 2022 (h/t @benedictcooney)
“A jeremiad is a long literary work… in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone of sustained invective, and always contains a prophecy of society’s imminent downfall.” (Sad and amusing to me that there is a word for this!)
What would you change the h-index to? (@eric_is_weird)
Who should be in a “Most Interesting People in the World” speaker series? No one has suggested me yet… (@tom_morganKCP)
World’s Fair posters from DALL-E (@arbesman)
The thinking machines allow us to become more human (@tszzl)
Why did we stop reclaiming land for cities? (@MTabarrok)
Progress links and tweets, 2022-07-12
Link post
Patrick Collison on universal covid vaccines: we could have them very soon, if it weren’t for bureaucratic roadblocks
“Current funding organizations cluster heavily around a few management styles, warping the research ecosystem” (Ben Reinhardt)
The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change announces their Progress Fellows Programme 2022 (h/t @benedictcooney)
“A jeremiad is a long literary work… in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone of sustained invective, and always contains a prophecy of society’s imminent downfall.” (Sad and amusing to me that there is a word for this!)
What would you change the h-index to? (@eric_is_weird)
Who should be in a “Most Interesting People in the World” speaker series? No one has suggested me yet… (@tom_morganKCP)
World’s Fair posters from DALL-E (@arbesman)
The thinking machines allow us to become more human (@tszzl)
Why did we stop reclaiming land for cities? (@MTabarrok)