Note: Several of the suggestions have been somewhat generic. That is good for general brainstorming, but I do want to clarify, I’m hoping for specific, concrete, shovel-ready actions, that you personally would do, and preferably that you credibly believe other people would do, such that the only missing ingredient is the coordination tool.
(So, “Move from Berkeley to Wisconsin” works if you actually live in Berkeley and actually think you + other rationalists should move to Wisconsin, and preferably if you actually know at least a few people who would seriously move to Wisconsin if N other people moved to Wisconsin. Whereas “Move from X to Y” sounds more like something someone might want to do, but I’m looking for things people actually want to coordinate on in 2019.
Didn’t mean to pick on the Move X to Y suggestion in particular, most of the other answers so far felt similar. It was just the easiest example)
A single or small number of answers you are quite excited about, sorter by how many other people you expect to be excited about it (With estimations) would be best
I would add, that actions with 150+ people are preferable, since this is about the range where humans start having a really hard time coordinating (below that, you usually don’t need a full-blown website, you can make a collective decision in easier ways)
Note: Several of the suggestions have been somewhat generic. That is good for general brainstorming, but I do want to clarify, I’m hoping for specific, concrete, shovel-ready actions, that you personally would do, and preferably that you credibly believe other people would do, such that the only missing ingredient is the coordination tool.
(So, “Move from Berkeley to Wisconsin” works if you actually live in Berkeley and actually think you + other rationalists should move to Wisconsin, and preferably if you actually know at least a few people who would seriously move to Wisconsin if N other people moved to Wisconsin. Whereas “Move from X to Y” sounds more like something someone might want to do, but I’m looking for things people actually want to coordinate on in 2019.
Didn’t mean to pick on the Move X to Y suggestion in particular, most of the other answers so far felt similar. It was just the easiest example)
A single or small number of answers you are quite excited about, sorter by how many other people you expect to be excited about it (With estimations) would be best
I would add, that actions with 150+ people are preferable, since this is about the range where humans start having a really hard time coordinating (below that, you usually don’t need a full-blown website, you can make a collective decision in easier ways)
Unless people are really far apart, don’t know each other in advance, or both.