ACX Meetups Everywhere List
Here’s the Astral Codex Ten worldwide meetups list, crossposted at LW’s request in case people here are interested in attending. Some cities have an ACX but not an LW meetup group, or vice versa; others combine their groups. You can find the list below, in the following order:
Africa & Middle East
Asia-Pacific (including Australia)
Europe (including UK)
Latin America
United States
You can see a map of all the events on the LessWrong community page.
Within each section, it’s alphabetized first by country/state, then by city—so the first entry in Europe is Vienna, Austria. Sorry if this is confusing.
I’ll provisionally be attending the meetups in Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Diego. ACX meetups coordinator Mingyuan will provisionally be attending Paris and London. I’ll be announcing some of the biggest ones on the blog, regardless of whether or not I attend.
Extra Info For Potential Attendees
1. If you’re reading this, you’re invited. Please don’t feel like you “won’t be welcome” just because you’re new to the blog, demographically different from the average reader, or hate ACX and everything it stands for. You’ll be fine!
2. You don’t have to RSVP or contact the organizer to be able to attend (unless the event description says otherwise); RSVPs are mostly to give organizers a better sense of how many people might show up, and let them tell you if there are last-second changes. I’ve also given email addresses for all organizers in case you have a question.
Extra Info For Meetup Organizers:
1. If you’re the host, bring a sign that says “ACX MEETUP” and prop it up somewhere (or otherwise be identifiable).
2. Bring blank labels and pens for nametags.
3. Have people type their name and email address in a spreadsheet or in a Google Form (accessed via a link or QR code), so you can start a mailing list to make organizing future meetups easier.
4. If it’s the first meetup, people are probably just going to want to talk, and if you try to organize some kind of “fun” “event” it’ll probably just be annoying.
5. It’s easier to schedule a followup meetup while you’re having the first, compared to trying to do it later on by email.
6. In case people want to get to know each other better outside the meetup, you might want to mention, the rationalist friend-finder/dating site.
7. If you didn’t make a LessWrong event for your meetup, the LessWrong team did it for you using the email address you gave here. To claim your event, log into LW (or create an account) using that email address, or message the LW team on Intercom (chat button in the bottom right corner of
If you need to change a meetup date or you have any other questions, please email
Contact: MA, tofiahmed117[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: WolframSigma#1532, Telegram
Time: Friday, September 2, 11:00 AM
Location: Grinders Coffeeshop
Coordinates: 8H568FG6+73
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Zvi Schreiber, zvi[at]zvi[dot]net, WhatsApp +972 54 569 1100
Time: Wednesday, October 19, 6:00 PM
Location: Malcha technology park garden
Coordinates: 8G3QP5XP+PP
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: David Manheim, David[at]alter[dot]org[dot]il
Time: Sunday, September 11, 8:00 PM
Location: Outside porch of Aroma Coffee, הרצל 218, רחובות
Coordinates: 8G3PWR25+MP
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Notes: Please RSVP on Facebook so we can give updates if needed
Contact: Adam & inbar M, projectscentrum[at]gmail[dot]com, inbar192[at]gmail[dot]com, Whatsapp +46762791415 (Adam)
Time: Sunday, September 4, 7:00 PM
Location: Hamenia industrial loft at Beit Alfa 7 (רחוב בית אלפא 7). Look for a door with ACX sign. Two floors up.
Coordinates: 8G4P3Q8Q+85
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We’ve just made a Facebook group and are planning to organize monthly meetings going forward
Notes: For questions contact Adam on email or WhatsApp. Feel free to bring a snack or a bottle of white wine.
Contact: Daniel, dnledvs[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Tuesday, September 20, 6:30 PM
Location: Rustic, Jabal al Weibdeh
Coordinates: 8G3QXW49+WG
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: We’re hoping to grow the group, so feel free to come even if you’ve only read a few posts! +1s are also welcome.
Contact: Mark Chimes, chimes[dot]mark[at]gmail[dot]com, WhatsApp 0826568573
Time: Saturday, September 17, 11:00 AM
Location: Truth Coffee Roasting, 36 Buitenkant St, Cape Town City Centre—we’ll put a sign on the table
Coordinates: 4FRW3CFF+3M
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We met up pre-Covid and pre-ACX as an SSC group. Now we’re getting back in the swing of things. We eat lunch and chat about philosophy, politics, and sometimes SSC/ACX blog posts.
Notes: We’re planning on having another meetup on the 8th October if you can’t make the first.
Contact: Arno, arnorohwedder[at]gmail[dot]com, +255763998637
Time: Thursday, September 29, 7:30 PM
Location: The Deck, Masaki
Coordinates: 6G5X776J+X6
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Seeing if there are any interested people in Dar, look forward to meeting, if you are coming please send me a whatsapp.
Contact: RS, xyxyxz[at]gmail[dot]com, +971552726281 (WhatsApp)
Time: Friday, September 30, 7:30 PM
Location: Starbucks, Garhoud
Coordinates: 7HQQ68VR+94
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Met once before
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong, or message me on WhatsApp
Contact: Jarred Filmer, jarred[dot]filmer[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 7:00 PM
Location: 52 McCaul Street Taringa (house)
Coordinates: 5R4JFXXQ+P8
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We used to meet once a month years ago, but now just meet whenever there’s a Meetups Everywhere :)
Notes: Snacks will be provided but dinner will not be, would recommend eating before you come
Contact: Andy Bachler, Andy[dot]Bachler[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Wednesday, August 31, 5:30 PM
Location: Badger & Co pub at ANU. Central location, parking free after 5pm, might be loud, sorry!
Coordinates: 4RPFP4FC+34
Event link(s): LessWrong, Eventbrite
Notes: Parking area just to the north of the pub, over the river, is free after 5pm!
Contact: Lerancan, lerancan[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 11, 2:00 PM
Location: A picnic table, Wyberba Street Reserve, Tugun
Coordinates: 5R3MVF5W+555
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Email me in case of bad weather/you can’t find me/you can’t make that time etc.
Contact: Ryan, xgravityx[at]hotmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 2, 6:00 PM
Location: Beer Deluxe Federation Square
Coordinates: 4RJ65XM9+3Q
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We’re officially the Less Wrong Melbourne social meetup group, though our members include the broader rationalist community. We meet once a month for casual discussion (and beers for those so inclined). Please join our Facebook group to see the meeting invite; there you will see a WhatsApp group link—please join that group too to ensure timely updates in case of changes (Facebook notifications don’t work reliably for this).
Notes: Please RSVP to the meeting invite on the Facebook group so that I can make an appropriate booking.
Contact: Madge, madgech[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 25, 2:00 PM
Location: Russell Square, Northbridge, corner of Shenton and Aberdeen St. There will be some sort of ACX meetup sign.
Coordinates: 4PWQ3V34+W6
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: I run one meetup per year, if someone else wants to take over please do
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong or Facebook
Contact: Eliot, Redeliot[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Thursday, September 15, 6:00 PM
Location: City of Sydney rsl, lvl 2 in the fishbowl
Coordinates: 4RRH46F4+983
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: We meet monthly
Contact: Jason, jason[dot]bowkettblogs[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 12:00 PM
Location: UOW Library
Coordinates: 4RQGHVVH+69
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Alex, acx[dot]chengdu[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Thursday, September 15, 7:00 PM
Location: Chef Wenwu Hot & Spicy Jianghu Food (Yulin store)/文武大厨·热辣江湖菜(玉林店). I (a foreigner) will be wearing a green shirt.
Coordinates: 8P26J3C5+462
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP at the above email address, I will give you my Wechat contact if you’re interested in attending. Open to time/date/location changes, so let me know if the proposed event doesn’t work for you! Can be a bilingual event; all welcome. 有双语交流的可能性。如果想来的话,请提前发给我个电子邮件。
Contact: Nathan, nathan[at]xevarion[dot]org
Time: Saturday, September 10, 1:00 PM
Location: The Catalyst, 2 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan. Big wooden door.
Coordinates: 862M74PW+6XP
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Nihal, propwash[at]duck[dot]com, Discord: propwash#4648
Time: Sunday, September 18, 4:00 PM
Location: Matteo Coffea, Church Street
Coordinates: 7J4VXJF4+PR
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We’re the longest active group in Asia — we’ve been meeting monthly for the last 4 years, discussing ACX posts, LW content with a diverse and friendly group of people. Check our website for more info.
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong to help me be better prepared.
Contact: Vatsal, vmehra[at]pm[dot]me, Whatsapp: +919944430856 (username: Vim)
Time: Sunday, September 11, 5:00 PM
Location: The Weekend Cafe, Plot No D, 3, Vikrampuri Colony, beside vac’s bakery, Vikrampuri Colony, Lane, Secunderabad, Telangana, 500015, India
Coordinates: 7J9WFF4X+5P
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Our rationality meetup group has been around for about 3 months and we discuss articles and exercises (eg. CFAR handbook) that can help us improve epistemic and instrumental rationality.
Contact: PB, e2y94n1nv[at]relay[dot]firefox[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 9, 4:00 PM
Location: Jamjar Diner, Versova
Coordinates: 7JFJ4RM6+5W
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong or via email so I can plan activities accordingly.
Contact: Suryansh Tyagi, suryanshtyagiphone[at]gmail[dot]com, WhatsApp/phone +919997299972
Time: Sunday, September 11, 5:00 PM
Location: Select CityWalk Mall, Saket. Where inside the mall depends on the number of people interested.
Coordinates: 7JWVG6H9+8H
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please either send me an email or message me on WhatsApp if you want to attend. Any suggestions/changes are welcome.
Contact: Shailendra Paliwal, acx-meetup-2022[at]shailendra[dot]me
Time: Saturday, September 10, 7:00 PM
Location: We’ll be at Doodh Talai near Pichola Lake and I’ll be wearing a gray t-shirt carrying a sign ACX Meetup
Coordinates: 7JPMHM9M+HG
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so that I can plan ahead
Contact: William Ubud, Napaproject[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Tuesday, August 30, 6:00 PM
Location: PARQ Ubud
Coordinates: 6P3QG789+F7
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Harold Godsoe, hgodsoe[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 8, 10:00 AM
Location: Near Nakameguro station—RSVP for details
Coordinates: 8Q7XJPV2+QFP
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Notes: ACX Tokyo meets monthly since Sept 2021. Our meetups are in English, so far. To join in, feel free to get in touch in any of the many ways to do so (email, It’s useful to be in contact before coming to an event, to help with that first leap of faith.
Contact: Yi-Yang, yi[dot]yang[dot]chua[at]gmail[dot]com, LessWrong profile
Time: Saturday, September 17, 2:00 PM
Location: I’ll be in Lisette’s Bangsar, which is a 5-minute walk from Bangsar LRT. I’ll be wearing a pale green t-shirt and carrying an ACX sign.
Coordinates: 6PM34MHH+VW
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Jonathan De Wet, jonpdw[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 6:30 PM
Location: 32 Stanley Ave Milford, Auckland
Coordinates: 4VMP6QH4+86
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Notes: It’s a dinner party! Please RSVP on FB so I know how much food to make
Contact: Gavin, bisga673[at]student[dot]otago[dot]ac[dot]nz
Time: Saturday, September 3, 3:00 PM
Location: Picnic tables outside of St. David’s lecture theatre on Otago University campus. I’ll make a sign with ACX meetup.
Coordinates: 4V6G4GP7+GM5
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: There is no Dunedin group as far as I’m aware of, but I’d be keen to meet other likeminded people and organise group hangouts occasionally.
Contact: Ben W, benwve[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Tuesday, September 27, 5:30 PM
Location: Rutherford House, Bunny Street, Wellington. Room MZ05, which is on the mezzanine floor
Coordinates: 4VCPPQCH+FGC
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: We’re running the event this time in partnership with Effective Altruism Wellington
Contact: Dave, tokkolizard[at]tutanota[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 4, 2:00 PM
Location: Starbucks in Mactan Newtown, there will be a sign with ACX MEETUP on it.
Coordinates: 7Q268257+4F
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP by mail so I know if I need to set up a bigger meeting place
Contact: Jonathan Ng, jonathan[dot]ng1[at]gmail[dot]com, Telegram @derpy
Time: Tuesday, September 6, 6:30 PM
Location: Tanjong Pagar MRT gantry, I’ll be wearing the dark blue EA Global 2022 jumper
Coordinates: 6PH57RGW+J8
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: David Piepgrass, qwertie256[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 2:00 PM
Location: Marlborough Mall food court
Coordinates: 9538324C+CH9
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: It’s small!
Contact: JS, ta1hynp09[at]relay[dot]firefox[dot]com
Time: Thursday, October 13, 6:30 PM
Location: Polar Park Brewing Company—we will have a sign.
Coordinates: 9558GG82+GG
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: LessWrong
Contact: Tom Ash and Dirk Haupt, events[at]philosofiles[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 1:00 PM
Location: Dude Chilling (aka Guelph) Park, near the intersection of Main, Broadway & Kingsway. We’ll be just west of the garden—look for Tom in a neon yellow shirt.
Coordinates: 84XR7W73+PG
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: For future events, join the following: For rationalism, this Facebook group, for effective altruism, this Facebook group for both,
Notes: 🍣 We’ll have a sushi lunch for everyone who comes (fish or vegan). This is not at all necessary, but posting on the Facebook event to say you will or won’t want this will help estimate numbers. RSVPing there will help boost attendance too.
Contact: Sarah McManus, sarahmcmanusbc[at]gmail[dot]com, Twitter @SarahAMcManus
Time: Friday, September 23, 7:00 PM
Location: Snowy Village, 4071 Shelbourne St #2a, Victoria, BC V8N 5Y1 - It’s a small cafe, I’ll be at a table with an ACX MEETUP sign on it
Coordinates: 84WRFMG9+H3
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Contact: Conor Barnes (ideopunk), conorbarnes93[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 25, 1:00 PM
Location: Seven Bays Cafe (2017 Gottingen Street)
Coordinates: 87PRMC29+9C
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Join us at Seven Bayes
Contact: Jenn, hi[at]jenn[dot]site
Time: Sunday, September 25, 1:00 PM
Location: Goudie’s Lane, besides 8 Queen St N, Kitchener. I’ll be wearing white boots and at one of the picnic tables if it’s not raining, or further back in the parking area if it is. There will be some sort of ACX MEETUP sign.
Coordinates: 86MXFG26+5CV
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We have a new regular meetup group! We meet up every other Thursday. Events are posted on LessWrong, and we also have a website.
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong if possible, but show up anyways if you weren’t able to! Generally, past meetups everywhere events have attracted 8-15 people.
Contact: Tess Walsh, rationalottawa[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 16, 6:00 PM
Location: We are meeting at the Atelier d’innovation sociale, located at 95 Clegg St, K1S1C5. Specifically in the Lounge area, there will be numerous signs for ACX MEETUP where needed.
Coordinates: 87Q6C84F+PM4
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We meet weekly on Friday evenings, and that allows us enough opportunity to try out a huge variety of different types of events — probably some that you, yes you, would enjoy! Here are our Facebook, LessWrong, and Discord (where the action really is)
Notes: I always appreciate RSVP’s in any form! It helps me set expectations/plan the best meetup I can! You can also contact me, Tess Walsh, with any questions whatsoever at
Contact: Sean Aubin, seanaubin[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 18, 3:00 PM
Location: Located at the picnic tables located in The Bentway, which is the sheltered area underneath the Gardiner Expressway.
Coordinates: 87M2JHPR+X5W
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Currently meeting monthly with ambitions to meet bi-monthly.
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so I know how many people to anticipate.
See Kitchener-Waterloo, ON
Contact: E, 90u610sye[at]relay[dot]firefox[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 1:00 PM
Location: Jeanne-Mance Park, at the corner of Duluth and Esplanade
Coordinates: 87Q8GC89+37
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet once a month. Upcoming events will be posted on LessWrong
Notes: Please check the LessWrong event page the day of, as I will update it in the event of rain
Contact: Manuel, manuel[dot]turonian[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 2:00 PM
Location: Wiener Stadtpark at the Strauss Monument; will have an ACX Meetup sign.
Coordinates: 8FWR693H+GP2
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Rationality Vienna is a group of about 30 people who meet once a month in person or via Zoom. You can join our Facebook group.
Notes: We may want to shift to an indoor location depending on weather and the local Covid numbers.
Contact: Bruno D, bruno[dot]astral[dot]codex[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 18, 4:00 PM
Location: Guingette Henri, George Henri parc
Coordinates: 9F26RCWC+84
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Anastasia, sofia[dot]acx[dot]meetup[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 4:00 PM
Location: Shade Garden (Сенчестата градинка; part of Borisova garden)
Coordinates: 8GJ5M8GW+J9
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Sofia ACX started with last year’s Meetups Everywhere round. We have Serious Meetups once per month at which we discuss a blog post, a short story, or a book (for instance, The Scout Mindset, The Money Illusion, The Metropolitan Man); and sporadic non-serious social meetups that mostly include getting dinner, going on a walk, watching a film, or playing board games. Attendance hovers around 6-8 people out of a pool of 13. People get invited to the Discord server after they’ve attended at least one in-person meetup.
Contact: DJStern, dorian[dot]sternvukotic[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 6:00 PM
Location: Krivi Put
Coordinates: 8FQQRX38+V6W
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Croatian LessWrong active group communicates mainly through a Telegram group, we meetup semi regularly, approx once a month. The group is mostly social, and the meetups are not structured (sometimes we all just meet at a random party)
Notes: Send me an Email and I will add you to a Telegram group where everything (active) LessWrong Croatia/Zagreb happens
Contact: Arseniy, runescape[at]list[dot]ru, @anchorheld (Telegram / Instagram)
Time: Saturday, September 3, 12:00 PM
Location: By the Municipal Zoo
Coordinates: 8G6MM3M3+Q6
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please hit me up on Mail, Telegram, or Instagram if you’re actually going
Contact: Jiri Nadvornik, jiri[dot]nadvornik[at]efektivni-altruismus[dot]cz
Time: Thursday, October 6, 6:00 PM
Location: Garden of Dharmasala Teahouse
Coordinates: 9F2P3CRW+FP7
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Contact: Søren Elverlin, soeren[dot]elverlin[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 3:00 PM
Location: Rundholtsvej 10, 2300 København S
Coordinates: 9F7JMH38+GFP
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event,
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong
Contact: Andrew W, andrew_n_west[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
Time: Monday, September 26, 7:00 PM
Location: St Vitus, Tallinn. I don’t know if anyone will turn up, but I’ll be wearing a suit, a beard, and a book.
Coordinates: 9GF6CPRH+MQ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Joe Nash, joenash499[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 4:00 PM
Location: Restaurant Töölönranta, Helsinginkatu 56
Coordinates: 9GG65WMJ+2J
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: LessWrong group
Contact: Ebrahim Akbari, ea[dot]akbari[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 6:00 PM
Location: Glasgow bar, Fontainebleau
Coordinates: 8FW4CP32+J8
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Olivier, w20l2qtf[at]mailer[dot]me, We have a Discord and a matrix server (both servers are bridged together)
Time: Friday, September 23, 6:00 PM
Location: In the jardin du carrousel, next to jardin des Tuileries
Coordinates: 8FW4V86J+GH
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Regular meetups organized via discord or the newsletter every 3 months with around 20 people.
Notes: We have a mailing list if you are interested in future meetups. Please don’t hesitate to send me an email to RSVP that you’re coming to help gauge the interest.
Contact: Alfonso, barsom[dot]maelwys[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 8, 7:00 PM
Location: Bar ‘Le Biergarten’ (60 Gd Rue Saint-Michel, 31400 Toulouse). We’ll be sitting at a table with an ACX MEETUP sign on it.
Coordinates: 8FM3HCQW+9H
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP by email
Contact: Evgenia Karunus, lakesare[at]gmail[dot]com,
Time: Saturday, September 17, 7:00 PM
Location: Coffee Place
Coordinates: 8HH6MRQ2+WH
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Jörn, acx[at]j[dot]stoehler[dot]eu
Time: Tuesday, September 27, 7:00 PM
Location: Chico Mendes
Coordinates: 9F28Q3HJ+9Q
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP here so I can reserve the right number of tables.
Contact: Ruben Arslan, ssc[at]alphabattle[dot]xyz
Time: Sunday, October 2, 2:00 PM
Location: Südplateau Fritz-Schloss-Park
Coordinates: 9F4MG9H4+4X
Event link(s): LessWrong, Google Calendar
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong. I’ll bring some beverages.
Contact: Marcel Müller, marcel_mueller[at]mail[dot]de
Time: Saturday, October 8, 5:00 PM
Location: Marienweg 43, 50858 Köln, private venue, just ring the bell or follow the sign.
Coordinates: 9F28WRMX+96H
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: LW / ACX / Rationalist meetup group. Monthly, mostly social meetups. Other activities welcome. Unless noted otherwise we will meet at Marienweg 43 in 50858 Cologne on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 5 pm. Please email me to be added to our mailing list where deviations will be posted. Caution! September Meetup will be at a different venue!
Notes: If you read this you are welcome. Our Covid rules are still in effect: You must be tested negative on the same day. Self tests will be available at the meetup. If there is any problem, like you do not find us or I did not see your mail, call me +491788862254.
Contact: Omar, info[at]rationality-freiburg[dot]de
Time: Friday, October 14, 6:00 PM
Location: FlexRooms, Salzstr. 1, 79098 Freiburg. We will carry a cardboard sign saying “Rationality Freiburg”.
Coordinates: 8FV9XVV2+V56
Event link(s): LessWrong,, Website
Group info: The group started in May 2022 and before the summer break we had five meetups with 4-11 people attending. Every two weeks seems like a good rhythm, but nothing is set in stone. So far we always read something beforehand and then discussed it, as well as trying some practical exercises such as TAPs and Personal Calibration. Afterwards we went to have dinner and continued talking about everything and anything for hours. Everything is new and flexible, so come and help us improve!
Notes: We have a Signal messenger group and ask you to attend a meetup once to be able to join.
Contact: Gunnar Zarncke, g[dot]zarncke[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 5:00 PM
Location: Kleine Wallanlagen on the lawn near Memorial Holstenglacis. Look for pink blankets; I will also have an ACX sign. Here is an Open Street Map link which also shows the short-cut tunnel from the subway station.
Coordinates: 9F5FHX4H+RXC
Event link(s): LessWrongLessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong
Contact: Marcus Wilhelm, mail[at]marcuswilhelm[dot]de
Time: Saturday, September 24, 3:00 PM
Location: Botanischer Garten Karlsruhe
Coordinates: 8FXC2C72+85X
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet weekly, alternating offline and online, see our LessWrong page
Contact: Tobias, Sphinxfire[at]outlook[dot]de
Time: Saturday, September 10, 2:00 PM
Location: Friedrichsplatz, to the left of the DocumentaHall
Coordinates: 9F3F8F6X+R6
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Telegram group
Notes: Please join the Telegram group if you are interested in coming. It will be helpful for coordinating something beyond ‘let’s just see who shows up and take it from there’, plus, it will also make me feel a lot better on a purely subjective level if I know beforehand that at least one other person is interested. If you prefer the surprise factor of ‘knowing as little as possible about who you’re going to meet’, you can also just write me via E-mail, of course.
Contact: Gunther Forderung, notavailable[at]riseup[dot]net
Time: Tuesday, October 4, 6:00 PM
Location: In the Lene-Voigt-Park, in the secluded area opposite of the swings
Coordinates: 9F3J8CM2+PF
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Emma, emma[dot]tuebingen[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 23, 6:00 PM
Location: The ACX/SSC meetup and dinner (with vegan options) will be on October 23rd at the Annette Kade dormitory (Mohlstraße 44). If you’d like to attend, please write me an email, and I’ll send you an invitation to our WhatsApp group.
Coordinates: 8FWFG3H5+XR
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please email me to get my phone number. If a lot of people are out of town for the holidays and can’t come we could meet on, say, October 1st. I would like to know how many people to expect.
Contact: Spyros, spyros[dot]dovas[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Monday, September 5, 7:00 PM
Location: On the plaza in front of the National Library
Coordinates: 8G95WMQR+WRP
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: We have organized 2 events so far, fall and spring, we just sit around and discuss. We have a Whatsapp group that hasn’t picked up momentum yet.
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong or
Contact: Tim Underwood, timunderwood9[at]gmail[dot]com, WhatsApp 19513120591
Time: Sunday, September 11, 2:00 PM
Location: Champs Sziget bar on Margit Sziget, near the front. I’ll have a big hardcover copy in Hungarian of a book by Richard Dawkins.
Coordinates: 8FVXG2CW+2H
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We’ve been meeting in Budapest for two years now, with our first meeting being the 2020 ACX meetups everywhere. We meet about once a month, and usually we have two articles that are suggested reading that we discuss.
Contact: Mikey, Godojhana[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Thursday, September 29, 6:00 PM
Location: If sunny: The Lough. If not, then the game arcade on the parade
Coordinates: 9C3HVGQ7+JQ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Lucius, lucius[at]bushnaq[dot]de, LessWrong profile
Time: Sunday, October 2, 12:30 PM
Location: Clement & Pekoe, William Street South, Dublin 2. We’ll be sitting inside, and there’ll be a sign with ACX written on it on the table
Coordinates: 9C5M8PRP+JV
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: LessWrong
Contact: Mauro, orfino[at]yandex[dot]com, LW profile, Telegram
Time: Saturday, September 24, 5:00 PM
Location: Parco dei Canapé, at the open air cafe, ask the barista
Coordinates: 8FJJXP22+HC
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so I know how much food to get. No kids please.
Contact: Raffaele, raffa[dot]mauro[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 16, 6:30 PM
Location: Viale Luigi Majno, 18, 20129 Milano MI—Primo Ventures / T8P, IInd floor.
Coordinates: 8FQFF6C4+9C
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet once per month. The group started in May 2022.
Notes: Please RSVP by email by the 1st of September
Contact: Carlo, carlo[dot]martinucci[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 1, 3:30 PM
Location: Prato della Valle, fountain in the middle. I’ll be carrying a sign with ACX MEETUP on it :)
Coordinates: 8FQH9VXG+9J
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: We’ll probably find a bar to have a hot chocolate or tea or something :)
Contact: Raffaele, raffaelesalvia[at]alice[dot]it
Time: Saturday, October 22, 5:00 PM
Location: We will meet in Piazza dei Cavalieri, near the steps of Palazzo della Carovana
Coordinates: 8FMGPC92+R44
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Grigorio, greghero12[at]gmail[dot]com, Facebook, +393920366026
Time: Saturday, October 8, 6:00 PM
Location: We’ll be around Gardenie metro station, at the benches, and I will be wearing a red shirt and sitting on top of the station to be seen
Coordinates: 8FHJVHP9+8F
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet around 20-25 times a year but it is asymmetrical, focused in summer, Christmas and Easter. We discuss opinions, engage in circling, play games where we spot logical fallacies and biases by attacking our members ideological weakpoints and formalize some debating stances. Occasionally we find the willpower to devote meetups in steelmanning and understanding the outgroup (roughly 4-5 times a year)
Notes: If you are into ACX enough to see this post, I believe we have enough common ground to be worth meeting each other. Aren’t you curious who else is within this niche community in Rome? Come on, take a leap of faith. P.S. Would be nice if you sent me a message in WhatsApp with your name and probability of attendance, but I love walk-ins just fine. No space limit after all ;-)
Contact: Andis, cerulean[dot]lemniscate[at]protonmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 4:00 PM
Location: Bastejkalns (on top of the hill)
Coordinates: 9G86X426+Q5Q
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Pierre, pierreavdb[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 3:00 PM
Location: Kanarie Klub (Bellamyplein 51, 1053 AT Amsterdam)
Coordinates: 9F469V89+W4
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: The rationality community is growing in the Netherlands, and we’re now planning on having monthly meetups! Join the Rationality NL Discord server.
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so I can plan a different venue if needed
Contact: Pierre Bongrand, bongrand[dot]pierre[at]gmail[dot]com, 0033620644013 (Whatsapp/Telegram/Signal)
Time: Thursday, September 22, 6:30 PM
Location: Delftse Hout Beach, on the grass, in the center of the beach, I will be wearing a red T-shirt and carrying a sign with ACX MEETUP on it.
Coordinates: 9F4629FG+66
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Shoshannah, shos[dot]rationality[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: Dark#0849
Time: Saturday, October 8, 2:00 PM
Location: Lijsterbeslaan 6, Hattem
Coordinates: 9F48F378+PR
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We support and coordinate groups across the country, including everything from social meetups to structured events and applied rationality. The intention is to connect all Dutch rationalists and rationalists in the Netherlands. We also discuss rationality topics online and coordinate events on our Discord server.
Notes: Feel free to bring kids. Ours will be there :) Also, please park ‘t Heem if you are coming by car. It’s a 2 minute walk to our house.
Contact: Rutger, silvery[dot]swift[at]protonmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 3:00 PM
Location: De Motte (On top of the hill). Nearest road is Palladio.
Coordinates: 9F37FMC5+VR
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Kristof Redei, acxmeetup[at]kristof[dot]me
Time: Wednesday, September 14, 6:00 PM
Location: Paleistuin, Prinsessewal, 2513 EE Den Haag, Netherlands. We’ll have a picnic blanket with an ACX sign on the large central field, somewhere near the playground.
Coordinates: 9F4638J3+GP
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Notes: Please RSVP on Facebook if possible! All ages/species welcome. If it’s not outdoor weather, we’ll go to The Bookstor Cafe next door as a backup.
Contact: Hans Andreas & Jonas, acxoslomeetup[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 1:00 PM
Location: Look for the sign of Moloch at Café Billabong—Bogstadveien 53B 0366 Oslo
Coordinates: 9FFGWPH7+QP
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: We’re hoping to do at least a quarterly meetup, but we’ll base it on the turnout and enthusiasm of this event.
Notes: The cafe has historically been accepting of guests’ not ordering—please don’t let financial reasons keep you away!
Contact: Frank, frankastralcodexten[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: frhrpr#1663
Time: Saturday, August 27, 3:00 PM
Location: Next to Park Kuźniczki, opposite the train station, on the circular benches around the water pump; I will be wearing a red armband
Coordinates: 9F6W9JJ4+JW
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Mateusz Bagiński, bagginsmatthew[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 2:30 PM
Location: Celna 6⁄9, the office of the Optimum Pareto Foundation
Coordinates: 9F2X2WVX+V2
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We meet every month, here is our Facebook group.
Contact: Piotr, piotrekzlublina[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 5:00 PM
Location: Między Słowami cafe, Rybna 4, Lublin
Coordinates: 9G346HX8+FX
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Ofelia Kerr, ofel[dot]kerr[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: ofelia#0001
Time: Saturday, October 8, 6:00 PM
Location: Van Gogh Pub, Żydowska 12, 61-761. I’ll most likely be on the ground floor and I’ll have an ACX sign.
Coordinates: 9F4RCW5P+X3F
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Michał, rationalwarsaw[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 4, 6:00 PM
Location: Południk Zero, Wilcza 25
Coordinates: 9G4362G8+2V
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: The community of Warsaw LessWrong/SSC/ACX/etc. readers is active for over 8 years now. We’re trying to organise regular monthly meetups. You can join our Facebook group or
Contact: Luís Campos, luis[dot]filipe[dot]lcampos[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 3:00 PM
Location: Jardim Amália Rodrigues, close to Linha d’Água cafe, in the top of a hill, below a bunch of trees
Coordinates: 8CCGPRJW+V8
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We’ve been meeting every month for around 1 year. Get in contact if you want to participate in the WhatsApp group. :)
Contact: Tony, skyrimtracer[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 16, 3:00 PM
Location: Plaza România Mall, Bd. Timișoara 26 - food court
Coordinates: 8GP8C2HM+9X
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP by email
Contact: Marius Pop, pop[dot]marius[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 11:00 AM
Location: Deva Host, Strada Deva 1-7
Coordinates: 8GR5QH8F+MW
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Ivica Bogosavljevic, ibogosavljevic[at]gmail[dot]com, Viber +381 65 3473 433
Time: Monday, September 12, 6:00 PM
Location: Pool Cafe on Prve pruge
Coordinates: 8GP2RCP7+G7
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on my Viber number, so I know how big the room we need.
Contact: Viliam, viliam[at]bur[dot]sk
Time: Saturday, September 10, 3:00 PM
Location: Medická záhrada, by the fountain
Coordinates: 8FWV44X9+XW8
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: I will post an announcement on LessWrong later. In case of rain, a new meeting place nearby will be announced there.
Contact: Demjan Vester, demjan[dot]vester[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Wednesday, September 14, 6:00 PM
Location: Probably Lili Novy bar, near modern gallery and park Tivoli
Coordinates: 8FRP3F3X+6V
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: We meet about 0.7 times a month.
Notes: Please RSVP because last time we just barely got a place big enough.
Contact: Alfonso, alfonso[dot]martinez[at]upf[dot]edu, WhatsApp +34693846738
Time: Sunday, October 2, 5:30 PM
Location: Parc de la Ciutadella, by the Lion Catcher statue; I’ll have an ACX sign
Coordinates: 8FH495QP+96
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: The idea is to sit on the grass; bring a foulard along for your comfort, or a foldable chair if preferred. Don’t worry about the language: English, Spanish, Catalan, we’ll find a way.
Contact: Jaime, jaimesevillamolina[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 5:00 PM
Location: Teatro de títeres del Parque del Retiro. We’ll be on the stands with an ACX sign
Coordinates: 8CGRC897+F8C
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We are an EA / rationality group, we’ve been active for around 5 years but have less in-person activity since the pandemic started. We have a WhatsApp group and a channel in the Spanish-speaking EA Slack.
Contact: Edu, edur[dot]acx[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 8:00 PM
Location: Parque de María Luisa. I’ll be on the grass behind the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions. I’ll be the guy next to an ACX sign, a white wooden chair, and a cardboard ukulele with a tiny cardboard hat on it.
Coordinates: 8C9P92F6+3RG
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Joacim, joacimj[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 3:00 PM
Location: Condeco Fredsgatan. I’ll have a stack of three books on my table.
Coordinates: 9F9HPX4C+39G
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Contact: Sal, niktonick[at]gmail[dot]com, Telegram
Time: Sunday, September 25, 3:00 PM
Location: Humlegården, Karlavägen. We will meet near blue gazebo, I will have ‘ACX meetup’ sign.
Coordinates: 9FFW83RF+3M5
Group info: Facebook group
Contact: Daniel, dd14214+acx[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 2, 4:00 PM
Location: Grosse Schanze, at the statue in front of the main uni building, heading to the Pittaria if it’s cold or raining
Coordinates: 8FR9XC2Q+4G
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Eric, eric[dot]c[dot]p[dot]meier[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 11, 4:00 PM
Location: Park de la Grange, just towards the lake below Villa de la grange
Coordinates: 8FR86548+J4
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We have a small persistent group who has tried to meet up once a month since last years Meetup.
Notes: Feel free to bring other people you think would be interested!
Contact: MB, acxzurich[at]proton[dot]me
Time: Saturday, September 24, 3:00 PM
Location: TBD
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: J, jinai[dot]jyap[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 25, 4:00 PM
Location: The House Cafe in Ortaköy. I am a young Asian woman and imagine I’ll be easy to spot, but will also try to bring a sign with ACX MEETUP on it.
Coordinates: 8GHF22XG+23P
Event link(s): LessWrong, Partiful
Group info: I do not live here; I am just digital nomading for an indefinite amount of time and would like to meet anyone who’s here!
Notes: Please RSVP via the Partiful link (you can RSVP as a Maybe)!
Contact: Thomas Read, thomas[dot]read[dot]acx[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 1:00 PM
Location: We’ll be at The Wellington, 37 Bennetts Hill, on the roof terrace if possible. I’ll wear an orange shirt and have a sign saying ACX on the table.
Coordinates: 9C4WF3JX+7Q
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: It’s only a few minutes walk from the stations, so hopefully people can join from all over the West Midlands!
Contact: Alan Enright, alanenright[at]protonmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 11:00 AM
Location: We’ll be at the Alcampo Lounge on London Road—we will try and get a table on the raised area in front of you and to the left as you come in but will also have a little ACX sign.
Coordinates: 9C2XRVM6+3X
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Contact: Nick Lowry, bristoleffectivealtruism[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 2:00 PM
Location: We’ll be meeting at entrance closet to Tesco Express in the Galleries, Bristol City Centre
Coordinates: 9C3VFC45+RJM
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event,
Group info: Meet twice monthly for socials, more regular ‘productive’ meetups. Been active for 3+ years, please message for WhatsApp group
Contact: Hamish Todd, hamish[dot]todd1[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 2:00 PM
Location: Bath House Pub, UPSTAIRS!! I will have a copy of Peter Singer’s The Most Good You Can Do
Coordinates: 9F426439+J9
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We meet on the third Saturday of every month. The group has been around almost a year and is well-attended!
Notes: My phone/WhatsApp number is +44 0730 *** 3550, where the *** are replaced by the serial number of the Boeing plane whose first flight was on September 2, 1998. Email me to get on the mailing list for future events if you’d like that :)
Contact: AF, strmnova[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 16, 5:00 PM
Location: Little Man Coffee (note new location!)
Coordinates: 9C3RFRHH+W2
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Sam, acxedinburgh[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 2:00 PM
Location: Pleasance Cafe. Go through the arch and the door to the cafe is on your left
Coordinates: 9C7RWRW9+M8
Group info: ~Monthly meetups, often in Pleasance Cafe but have experimented with other locations. Email me to join the mailing list & WhatsApp group.
Contact: Gruffydd Gozali, gruffyddgozali[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 15, 3:00 PM
Location: Lancaster University Library, will be on the ground floor by the tree wearing an EA shirt.
Coordinates: 9C6V2657+WJR
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Tobias, tobias[dot]showan[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
Time: Saturday, September 10, 2:00 PM
Location: Nosey Parker pub, I’ll bring a little paper ACX sign.
Coordinates: 9C5X6C9R+XJ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Edward Saperia, edsaperia[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 25, 2:00 PM
Location: Newspeak House
Coordinates: 9C3XGWGH+3F7
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event,, Eventbrite
Group info: You can join our mailing list or our group
Contact: Matthew Gibson, melkartmtg[at]hotmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 18, 11:00 AM
Location: Sackville Gardens, Alan Turing Memorial
Coordinates: 9C5VFQG7+MH
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Joshua William, iamjoshwilliam[at]icloud[dot]com, Telegram
Time: Saturday, September 3, 12:30 PM
Location: Trinity Square, High Street Gosforth. You can get the bus to Gosforth from the city center just outside the famous ‘Tyneside Cinema’ (bus number: 30, 31, or 35 at Monument Pilgrim Street bus stop), or you can take a walk if you want to get your ‘steps’ in (if you’d like to do the latter, send me an email and I’ll send you the directions), which takes ~60-min.
Coordinates: 9C7W294H+5V
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: To my knowledge, there isn’t an ACX meet up in this city, or region of the UK, though if there is a demand for a reoccurrence, I’d be happy to keep facilitating such. I’d also happily formulate a WhatsApp group if theres interest, after the meet up.
Notes: We have a deli, ’1901 cafe’, on the square, which we can grab an immediate bite to eat at [so save some hunger if you’d like to do that]. There’s a safe [and lovely] park with some benches just by the way, which, if the weather is nice, we can sit at after a bite to eat, or, otherwise, we can remain in the cafe.
Contact: Sam, ssc[at]sambrown[dot]eu, There’s a Signal group people can join :) contact Sam for info
Time: Wednesday, October 19, 6:30 PM
Location: The Star, Rectory Road, Oxford. We’ll be in the beer garden round the back, with a sign 🙂
Coordinates: 9C3WPQX6+QP9
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event,
Group info: We run socials every months, and applied rationality workshops from time to time!
Notes: Please RSVP on any of the platforms (or email) for free pizza
Contact: mini t, tminns[at]btinternet[dot]com
Time: Saturday, August 27, 3:00 PM
Location: glasney playing field and valley
Coordinates: 9C2P5V8V+P9
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: I don’t mind rescheduling, or organizing another event, not many people are likely to turn up this far out of the way.
Contact: Simon, sjclawrence[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 2:00 PM
Location: Ibirapuera Park in Praca do Porquinho. I will be wearing a white t-shirt, be very tall and have a sign.
Coordinates: 588MC85Q+6X
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Dan P, shorty[dot]george[dot]productions[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 18, 4:00 PM
Location: Illy Cafe, Kr 15 with Park Virrey. Sign will say ACX
Coordinates: 67P7MWFW+3F7
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: HP, hp-med-acx[at]proton[dot]me
Time: Sunday, September 18, 5:00 PM
Location: Hija Mia Nomada
Coordinates: 67R66C7G+8V
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Mati Roy, mathieu[dot]roy[dot]37[at]gmail[dot]com, Facebook
Time: Sunday, August 28, 5:00 PM
Location: Parque Gardenia, C. 65-A, Residencial Floresta, 97309 Mérida, Yuc.
Coordinates: 76HG2C7X+8F
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: Facebook group
Notes: Please let me know if you’ll be coming.
Contact: Calcifer, fagarrido[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: Francisco (Mexico City)#0227
Time: Saturday, September 10, 4:00 PM
Location: Comedor de los Milagros. I’ll be wearing a green shirt and will carry a ‘ACX/CDMX Meetup’ sign.
Coordinates: 76F2CR6P+37
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We are a rather new group. We’ve been meeting sporadically since April, and we recently settled on a formal twice-per-month frequency. We have a WhatsApp group which we use mostly for coordination purposes. Send me an email if you want in.
Notes: If possible, RSVP on Less Wrong to get a sense of how many people to expect. Feel free to come if you haven’t RSVP’d, though!
Contact: Manuel, acx[at]maraoz[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 5:00 PM
Location: Borneo Coffee, patio del fondo. Ruta 10, 20001 La Barra, Departamento de Maldonado, Uruguay
Coordinates: 48Q734PQ+58
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Mike, mjhouse[at]protonmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 3:00 PM
Location: Barnes & Noble – 300 The Bridge St #100, Huntsville, AL 35806. I’ll be in the cafe with a sign that says ACX MEETUP on it.
Coordinates: 866MP88H+53
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Barnes & Noble has an area for little kids. If you want to bring a service animal, that’s probably fine, but I doubt they allow pets.
Contact: Ben Morin, benjamin[dot]j[dot]morin[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 15, 1:00 PM
Location: Thirsty Lion Pub in Tempe. I will have a table with an ACX sign.
Coordinates: 8559FVVQ+6C
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: This will be our 5th meetup (started during the meetups everywhere last year).
Notes: Please email if interested to be added to the email list, even if you can’t make this event
Contact: Moshe Z., belmont-acx[at]devskillup[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 4, 2:00 PM
Location: Twin Pines Park, Picnic Tables. The table will have some sign saying ‘ACX Meetup’ on it.
Coordinates: 849VGP8C+RRG
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: You can join the mailing list here.
Contact: Scott
Time: Sunday, September 18, 1:00 PM
Location: Rose Garden Inn, a rationalist event space at 2740 Telegraph Ave. Come in through the front gate on Telegraph.
Coordinates: 849VVP5R+X7V
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: The Bay rationality community has a mailing list, a Discord server, and a Facebook group. There are dinner meetups every Thursday at 7 PM in the East Bay, and occasional meetups in SF and South Bay.
Contact: Ryan, wiserd[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: Wiserd#0906
Time: Saturday, October 1st, 6:00 PM
Location: It’s my house. There are a bunch of plants on the porch and garbage bins in the driveway.
Coordinates: 856393VX+VQ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP to my email or Discord. Kids and dogs are welcome in the back yard. Full vaccinations (on the honor system) and masks required.
Contact: Max Harms, raelifin[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 2:00 PM
Location: Condon Park by the prospector statue. In the case of rain we’ll change the location to a residence, so RSVP to get updated!
Coordinates: 84FW6W8H+C5
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Nick C, cohenskijanuary1[at]mail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 1, 2:00 PM
Location: University Town Center
Coordinates: 8554M526+7H
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet once a month at the same location.
Contact: Vishal Prasad (koreindian), vprasadcs[at]gmail[dot]com, Contact me on Discord. I am “Vishal” on the server.
Time: Saturday, October 8, 6:30 PM
Location: 11841 Wagner St., Culver City, CA 90039
Coordinates: 8553XHWM+GP
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet weekly every Wednesday. We have been around for over 8 years. We discuss articles, watch movies, lift weights. We have a Discord server, a LessWrong group, and a website!
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so I know how much food to get.
Contact: Michael M, michaelmichalchik[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, August 27, 2:00 PM
Location: Picnic tables next to 1900 Port Carlow community clubhouse. The park is verdant and pleasant and easy to access. Free street parking nearby. In case of bad weather, we have a couple of near by places to relocate to.
Coordinates: 8554J48R+WCX
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We will meet most Saturdays at 2pm until whenever. There will be short suggested readings and question most weeks to spur conversation, but they are optional. Each week we will ask if people have had something happen recently that surprised them or changed the way they looked at the world. Something that should or did update their priors. Participation is optional.
Notes: Its a public park with tables and BBQ’s so you can bring food and well behaved pets. We may regularly go on casual walks in the surrounding area.
Contact: Julius, julius[dot]simonelli[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 9, 3:00 PM
Location: We will meet up in Bird Park. I will be wearing a red shirt.
Coordinates: 8544PVQ8+Q7
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: Join our Discord server
Contact: Derek Pankaew, derekpankaew[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 18, 11:00 AM
Location: We’ll between in the Panhandle, between Ashbury and Masonic, with a ‘ACX’ sign.
Coordinates: 849VQHC3+V8
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: David Friedman, ddfr[at]daviddfriedman[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 2:00 PM
Location: 3806 Williams Rd, San Jose, CA 95117
Coordinates: 849W825J+6P
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Before Covid we hosted every month or two. No structure, just conversation and food. We feed everyone who is still there at dinner time. We have done it once or twice since Covid. I have an email list of interested people.
Notes: Kids are welcome. Please RSVP to my email so I will have a rough count of how many we are feeding.
Contact: Eric F., EricF14159[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 25, 2:00 PM
Location: Hollandia Park Soccer Field. At the tables near the top parking lot.
Coordinates: 85544VW4+RV
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Josh Sacks, josh[dot]sacks+acx[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 16, 3:00 PM
Location: 9191 Tahoe Ln, Boulder, CO 80301
Coordinates: 85GP2V96+JQ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so we know ~ how many people to expect!
Contact: Nick, naj[at]njarboe[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 1:00 PM
Location: Sopris Park—Center covered picnic tables—blue shirt with ACX sign on table
Coordinates: 85FJ9QXP+QMF
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Ian Philips, iansphilips[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: palebone#2796
Time: Sunday, October 2, 11:00 AM
Location: We’ll be in the backyard patio of St. Mark’s Coffee House. I’ll wear a white shirt with (my brothers’) baby faces on it and have a brown hat on.
Coordinates: 85FQP2VP+9R
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet typically 4 times a year.
Contact: Steven Zuber, stevenjzuber[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Wednesday, October 5, 7:00 PM
Location: We meet in the clubhouse located in this townhome community: 8769 W Cornell Ave Lakewood, CO 80227
Coordinates: 85FPMW64+MW
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: We meet the first Wednesday of every month. Informal, casual atmosphere with occasional presentations by people.
Notes: Check the Meetup page or Facebook group for updates.
Contact: Justin Barclay, barclay[dot]justin[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 10:00 AM
Location: South Pine Creek Beach. I’ll set up near the lifeguard stand.
Coordinates: 87H84PCH+CM
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Mike, park-mike[at]outlook[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 5:00 PM
Location: Near flagpole on top of hill
Coordinates: 87H9QFFH+J7
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: RM, acx[dot]meetup[dot]nhv[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 18, 12:30 PM
Location: Cross Campus (Yale University), New Haven, CT 06511. We’ll be on the grass on the northern half of Cross Campus, closest to Sterling Memorial Library. I’ll be wearing an orange shirt.
Coordinates: 87H9836C+8VG
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Feel free to bring friends! The vibe will be welcoming and relaxed, and you can stay for any amount of time. Please email me if you’re thinking about coming so I can get the right number of Insomnia cookies!
Contact: John Bennett, WashingtonDCAstralCodexTen[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 6:00 PM
Location: Froggy Bottom Pub: 2021 K Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20006
Coordinates: 87C4WX33+3J
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: The Washington DC ACX/SSC group has been active since the first Meetups Everywhere in 2017. We have Monthly Socials downtown, hikes, board game days, and other cultural events. We’re looking to spin up more rationality Dojo-type events with nearby groups in the coming months.
Notes: We’ve rented out the Froggy Bottom Pub for the night, dinner and soft drinks will be provided. Alcohol available for purchase if desired, but no purchases are required. Metered street parking on nearby blocks is free after 6:30. Closest Metros are Farragut West and Farragut North.
Contact: Shawn Spilman, shawn[dot]spilman[at]outlook[dot]com, 508 655 8123
Time: Sunday, October 2, 1:00 PM
Location: 929 SW 54th Ln, Cape Coral, FL 33914
Coordinates: 76RWH224+44
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: RSVP via email. I can be flexible about the date.
Contact: Christian, christian[dot]h[dot]williams[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Wednesday, October 12, 7:30 PM
Location: The Bridge Bar − 33 Gulf Breeze Pkwy A, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561
Coordinates: 862J9RCF+G6
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP by emailing me. Thanks! If I don’t hear from anyone, I won’t be there. I work for Metaculus, but promise not to talk your ear off about forecasting. (Unless you want it talked off.)
Contact: Eric Magro, eric135033[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: eric135#4943
Time: Sunday, September 11, 5:00 PM
Location: Buckminster Fuller Fly’s Eye Dome 140 NE 39th St #001, Miami, FL 33137 ----- Look for a paper sign on a table that says ACX MEETUP west of the dome.
Coordinates: 76QXRR65+V2
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Miami ACX started in 2017. Our official meetup happens monthly in either Miami or Broward. There are activities happening on a weekly basis from Miami to Palm Beach. We have a Facebook group, Discord server, and group.
Contact: Noah Topper, noah[dot]topper[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 16, 7:00 PM
Location: 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL. We’ll be meeting up at UCF’s pavilion near Garages A and I. I’ll have a pretty ACX Meetup sign.
Coordinates: 76WWJQ2X+82
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We try to meet up once a month, so far they’ve just been casual social meetups with natural discussions of rationality topics. Here’s our Discord link :)
Notes: RSVPs on LessWrong would be greatly appreciated. :)
Contact: JF, jf19o[at]fsu[dot]edu
Time: Monday, August 29, 2:00 PM
Location: Landis, FSU. I will be wearing a black shirt
Coordinates: 862QCPR3+PX
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Dallon, knox[dot]dallon[dot]a[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: leonard#4208
Time: Saturday, October 15, 3:00 PM
Location: Hendershots on Prince Avenue
Coordinates: 865RXJ68+2W
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: I might bring some board games
Contact: Steve French, steve[at]digitaltoolfactory[dot]net
Time: Saturday, September 17, 2:00 PM
Location: Bold Monk Brewing − 1737 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW suite d-1 · Atlanta, GA (upstairs – look for the ACX Atlanta sign)
Coordinates: 865QRH2F+V8
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: We’ve been in existence for four years – we have a dedicated crew and a very active Slack group
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong or
Contact: Matt Popovich, mattpopovich[at]outlook[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 4:00 PM
Location: We’ll meet at Magic Island at Ala Moana Beach Park, 1201 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96814. From the parking lot, walk along the left side of the peninsula out toward Magic Island Lagoon. We’re usually near the end of the peninsula, somewhere around the bathroom building. Look for the large ‘ACX’ sign.
Coordinates: 73H475M3+JP
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: Honolulu Rationality hosts discussion meetups about twice a month in Ala Moana Beach Park. Check us out on our website
Contact: Julia and John, jae[dot]miomu[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, October 7, 6:00 PM
Location: Old Timer’s Shelter in Ann Morrison Park. I will have an ACX sign.
Coordinates: 85M5JQ6P+96
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP and feel free to bring kids.
Contact: Ben, cu[dot]acx[dot]meetups[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 9, 7:00 PM
Location: Siebel Center for Computer Science, Room 4403
Coordinates: 86GH4Q7G+H8F
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Discord server
Notes: RSVPs are appreciated but not at all required. You can RSVP by email or by pinging me in the Discord server. Suggested entrance is the East side of the building (see Coordinates) - we’ll try to make sure at least that door is unlocked, but if it isn’t then ping us on email or Discord.
Contact: Todd, info[at]chicagorationality[dot]com,
Time: Sunday, September 18, 1:00 PM
Location: Grant Park—North side of Balbo between the tracks and Columbus
Coordinates: 86HJV9FH+84
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Chicago Rationality does a monthly discussion meetup (typically the first Saturday of the month) and a monthly social meetup (typically the third weekend of the month)
Notes: Sign up for our email list to be notified of future meetups
Contact: Uzair, uzairq93[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 1, 7:00 PM
Location: 626 Church Street, Evanston IL 60201
Coordinates: 86JJ28X9+5WQ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: The venue is a pub but it’s really more of a restaurant, big long tables available so space should be fine and non drinkers shouldn’t feel too out of place.
Contact: Avery, acxbloomington[at]fastmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 16, 2:00 PM
Location: Switchyard Park. Will be at one of the tables near the Rogers Street parking lot. I will bring a cardboard sign that says “ACX”.
Coordinates: 86FM4FX6+4Q
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We met last year for Meetups Everywhere and it was fun! Here’s a link to our Discord.
Notes: You can RSVP via Discord or email, but you are encouraged to show up even if you did not RSVP!
Contact: NR, mapreader4[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 1:00 PM
Location: 1275 1st Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906. We’ll be in the south of the Earhart Hall lobby (not the dining court) near the piano, and I will be wearing a green shirt and carrying a sign with ACX MEETUP on it.
Coordinates: 86GMC3GG+728
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Nathan, nwculley[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 3, 7:00 PM
Location: Blue Stallion Brewing. 610 W. 3rd St., Lexington, KY 40508. We will have a sign indicating we are the ACX meetup.
Coordinates: 86CQ3F4X+VF
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet 1-2 times a month to talk about ACX, books, memes, etc., often over drinks and board games.
Contact: Blake, blake[at]philosophers[dot]group
Time: Sunday, September 4, 11:11 AM
Location: Petite Clouet Cafe. Look for the group with an iPad that has a People’s Pint sticker.
Coordinates: 76XFXX73+8R
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Website
Notes: Hybrid in-person and online, video link sent weekly. Email for the link.
Contact: Robi Rahman, robirahman94[at]gmail[dot]com, 7039818526
Time: Saturday, September 10, 5:00 PM
Location: Boston Common, at the Parkman Bandstand gazebo
Coordinates: 87JC9W3M+PR
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: Mailing list, Facebook group,
Notes: We’ll be providing food at the meetup, and giving out free books related to ACX, rationality, and effective altruism. Email the hosts if you’d like a particular book or you have any dietary restrictions. Our group is also doing a tour of the JFK Presidential Library on September 9, you’re welcome to join!
Contact: Alex, alex[at]alexliebowitz[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 9, 6:00 PM
Location: The Deck, 125A Pleasant St., Northampton MA 01096. The official address is bizarre and inaccurate; it’s the outdoor dining part of a group of bars & restaurants in a former rail station… a whole block away from Pleasant St. The simplest way to get to The Deck is to enter The Platform, one of the other restaurants, by its street entrance around 36 Strong Ave., here (make sure to look at street view). Go inside and ask them to show you to The Deck. We’ll have a sign.
Coordinates: 87J9899F+H7H
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We started in the 2018 Meetups Everywhere and is still going strong. We aim to meet about once every two weeks. At most meetups we get about 5-7 people out of a rotation of 15-20; Meetups Everywhere and other special events tend to bring in a few more than usual. We’re a totally social meetup with no ‘format’ or suggested readings. Although it’s not rare for us to touch on ACX articles and related topics, the conversation varies wildly, and you are welcome even if you’re the most occasional ACX reader.
Notes: We have a (not very active) Discord where you can DM me or post on a public channel. I’m most responsive by email. There is a small chance we’ll have to change the location to somewhere else in Northampton. Please check the Less Wrong or Facebook posts on or after August 26 to get the final word on location.
Contact: Rivka, rivka[at]adrusi[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 11, 7:00 PM
Location: UMBC outside of the Performing Arts and Humanities Building, on the north side. I will have a sign that says ACX meetup. Parking is free on the weekends. Edit: Rain is forecasted; if it’s raining, we will be inside of the Performing Arts building, on the ground floor just inside the entrance.
Coordinates: 87F5774P+53
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet Sundays at 7pm — half are in person and half are virtual.
Notes: There will be pizza and drinks
Contact: Matt Arnold, matt[dot]mattarn[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Tuesday, September 20, 7:00 PM
Location: Tenacity Craft, 8517 2nd Ave, Detroit, MI 48202
Coordinates: 86JR9WG9+R6
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Timothy, tmbond[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 1:00 PM
Location: Meet at the picnic tables near the southeast corner of Powderhorn Park—the ones by the parking lot. I will be wearing a green Google t-shirt and have a sign that says ACX.
Coordinates: 86P8WPRW+76
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: I will bring some snacks (but not a full lunch, so eat before or bring something if you’ll be that hungry). Please RSVP on LessWrong.
Contact: Alex, alex[dot]hedtke[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 16, 6:30 PM
Location: We will be in the courtyard above Whole Foods (which is also an apartment complex). You can enter through the apartment lobby, located on Oak Street. We will have runners shepherding people from the entrance up to the courtyard.
Coordinates: 86F72CM8+RR
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Contact: JohnBuridan, littlejohnburidan[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 8, 1:00 PM
Location: Lily Pond Shelter, Tower Grove Park, St. Louis
Coordinates: 86CFJP4R+XV
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: BYOB
Contact: Liam, liamhession[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 12:00 PM
Location: 10⁄40 Coffee, 24 Court Square, West Plains, MO
Coordinates: 868CP4HW+CV
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Hoping to get anyone from around the Ozark region
Contact: Will Jarvis, willdjarvis[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Thursday, September 8, 7:30 PM
Location: Ponysaurus Brewing Company, 219 Hood St, Durham
Coordinates: 8773X4Q3+QW
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet weekly! We also have a Discord
Contact: Ben L, mywebdev3[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 29, 8:30 PM
Location: TBD
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Matt, matt[dot]brooks[at]impactmarkets[dot]io, Discord: Matt B#0216
Time: Saturday, October 1, 2:00 PM
Location: 10 N Park Pl, Morristown, NJ 07960 (at the center of the Morristown Green)
Coordinates: 87G7QGW9+RJ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: This is the first meetup, come be a founding member of the Northern NJ ACX/EA/LW group!
Contact: Danny K, dskumpf[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 1, 3:00 PM
Location: Palmer Square, Princeton, NJ 08540. On the green right outside The Bent Spoon and Rojo’s Roastary, near the big tree. I’ll have some sort of ACX Meetup sign!
Coordinates: 87G7982Q+2CP
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Jonathan Ray, ray[dot]jonathan[dot]w[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 11, 11:45 AM
Location: At El Segundo Sol restaurant with giant ACX MEETUP signs
Coordinates: 85864RHJ+3H
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We meet regularly and mostly just socialize. We have a new Discord server.
Contact: Steven, stevenl451[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: Steeven#7407
Time: Friday, September 2, 5:30 PM
Location: We’ll be in Crissie Caughlin Park, near the tables and the swing set
Coordinates: 85F2G46W+FG
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Feel free to bring kids/dogs and please RSVP on LessWrong if you are going
Contact: George Herold, ggherold[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 11, 1:00 PM
Location: 932 Welch Rd. Java Center, NY 14082
Coordinates: 87J3W467+8P
Notes: Last-minute location change!
Contact: Gabe, gabeaweil[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Thursday, October 27, 7:00 PM
Location: Whales Tale in Northport
Coordinates: 87G8VJRW+99
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Jasmine, jasminermj[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 11, 4:00 PM
Location: Pavillion @ Rockefeller Park, Warren St / River Terrace
Coordinates: 87G7PX9M+4J3
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: OBNYC has a Discord and a Google Group; the Google Group is the main mailing list we use for events
Contact: Pedro David Bonilla, proportionatetoevidence[at]gmail[dot]com, Cell 8452001681
Time: Saturday, September 24, 10:00 AM
Location: Perkins Restaurant & Bakery, 1421 NY-300, Newburgh, NY 12550
Coordinates: 87H7GWCH+GF
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Skivverus, skivverus[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: Skivverus#5915
Time: Saturday, October 8, 1:00 PM
Location: 4870 Culver Road; will be wearing a polo shirt, jeans, and glasses, and may or may not have figured out a sign due to just getting back from honeymoon. Look for a pair of parrots, one white, one green with a yellow/orange head.
Coordinates: 87M46FM6+Q5P
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Venue very near amusement park; non-bathroom, non-parking amenities are therefore available but not free. Plan accordingly. Not particularly attached to specific location named, just happen to live reasonably close to there; alternative suggestions acceptable. Canadian visitors also welcome should your logistics permit; airport transportation available. RSVP via Discord preferred, but email will also work.
Contact: Jack Zhang, LukeZhao9[at]protonmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 1:00 PM
Location: Picnic tables at Wade Oval (university circle)
Coordinates: 86HWG96Q+GC5
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Daniel, daniel[dot]m[dot]adamiak[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 3:00 PM
Location: Jeffrey Park—Clinton Shelter. I will be wearing a red shirt.
Coordinates: 86FVX3C3+QF
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet once a month. We discuss EA, AI and other two letter initialisms. Occasionally we go for walks in local grottos and nature trails.
Notes: Email me if you want to be added to the mailing list to receive any updates or future invites. RSVPing is appreciated.
Contact: Scout, scout[dot]sivar[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 12:00 PM
Location: Black Kite Coffee
Coordinates: 86HRMCCV+9R
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: bean, battleshipbean[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 9, 1:00 PM
Location: Edmond Public Library/Shannon Miller Park. I will be wearing a hat that says USS Iowa on it.
Coordinates: 8674MG3C+MW
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Had four people last year and a good time, moved to Edmond because a lot of us are up here.
Contact: Kenan (he/him), kbitikofer[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 1, 2:00 PM
Location: Bowman Park, Albany, Oregon. In or near the shelter. I will wear a bright red shirt and carry a sign with ACX MEETUP on it.
Coordinates: 84PRJWR7+XC6
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Ethan Ashkie, ethanashkie[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Wednesday, September 7, 6:00 PM
Location: Common Fields, in the reserved outdoor seating near the entrance
Coordinates: 84PRHP5P+VQ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Ben Smith, benjsmith[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 PM
Location: The Barn Light, 924 Willamette St, Eugene 97401
Coordinates: 84PR2WX4+VV
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so I know how much pizza to get, but if you forget, don’t worry about it, we want you to come along anyway
Contact: Sam F Celarek, support[at]pearcommunity[dot]com, 513-432-3310, Discord: Sam Celarek#2845
Time: Friday, September 9, 5:00 PM
Location: 205 NW 4th Ave
Coordinates: 84QVG8FG+V4
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: Portland Effective Altruism and Rationality is very active. We have book clubs, bi-weekly AI safety meet-ups, bi-weekly topical meet-ups, bi-weekly socials, and have an active Discord.
Notes: We would prefer you RSVP on a week beforehand so that we can get the right amount of food!
Contact: Phil, acxharrisburg[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 2:00 PM
Location: Ever Grain Brewing Co, 4444 Carlisle Pike, Camp Hill, PA 17011 - We will be sitting at one of the picnic tables outside with an ACX MEETUP sign
Coordinates: 87G562QQ+8P
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Small monthly meetup group based out of Harrisburg—celebrating 1 year of actuality! You can see more of our events on LessWrong.
Contact: Eric, ericindianapa[at]gmail[dot]com, 717-256-2717
Time: Saturday, September 24, 11:00 AM
Location: Caffè Amadeus in downtown Indiana, PA. I will have a sign with ‘ACX Meetup’ on one of the tables.
Coordinates: 87G2JRFX+48
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP via email or text message so I know how many to expect.
Contact: Wes and Diana, rationalphilly[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Thursday, September 22, 6:30 PM
Location: The Philadelphia Ethical Society, 1906 Rittenhouse Square. The meeting room is in the basement, look for the signs.
Coordinates: 87F6WRXG+FQ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We tend to meet in downtown Philly on the last Thursday of the month. We’re aiming to make the Ethical Society our new steady location. We have many links: Discord, Google Calendar, Facebook, Meetup, Google Group
Notes: We’ll be ordering food from a local restaurant, so no need to eat first. BYOB
Contact: Justin, pghacx[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 2:00 PM
Location: Westinghouse Shelter @ Schenley Park (W Circuit Rd near Schenley Dr). We have the outdoor shelter reserved, so light rain shouldn’t be a problem, but in the event of extreme weather, we may relocate indoors (our default ‘contingency indoor location’ is Crazy Mocha Coffee on 2100 Murray Ave in Squirrel Hill).
Coordinates: 87G2C3Q4+773
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet monthly-ish for general discussion and chit-chat, email me if you’d like to be notified of future meetups.
Contact: John Slow, auk480[at]psu[dot]edu
Time: Thursday, September 8, 5:00 PM
Location: Old Main. I will be carrying an ACX meetup sign.
Coordinates: 87G4Q4WP+HV
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Dan Gelfarb, danielgelfarb[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 1:00 PM
Location: Lote 23, back corner under the tents. I will be wearing a blue shirt with a sign that says ACX meetup on it.
Coordinates: 77CMCWVM+W32
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: James Bailey, feanor1600[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 4:00 PM
Location: Prospect Terrace park, to the right of the Roger Williams statue
Coordinates: 87HCRHJV+24
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: S. C., villainsplus[at]protonmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 2, 5:00 PM
Location: 410 E 26th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 - the pavillion on the west side of McKennan Park, or the tables just south of it if I can’t book it. I’ll be the guy with the grill.
Coordinates: 86M5G7JH+W57
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Michael, michael[at]postlibertarian[dot]com
Time: Monday, September 5, 1:00 PM
Location: French Truck Coffee at Crosstown Concourse, Central Atrium 1350 Concourse Ave, Memphis, TN 38104. We will be at one of the many tables near French Truck Coffee and I will have a sign that says ACX MEETUP.
Coordinates: 867F5X2P+QHC
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet about every month or so. We’ve been around since 2019 but only regularly since mid 2021 due to the pandemic. We have a Discord server.
Contact: Ellen, enwiegand[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 1, 11:00 AM
Location: OneCity Nashville (8 City Blvd, Nashville, TN 37209), next to the volleyball courts. I’ll have a pink ballcap that says SPINSTER on it.
Coordinates: 868M552H+XW
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Silas Barta, sbarta[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 8, 12:00 PM
Location: 4001 N Lamar, Austin Texas, park by Central Market near stone tables and tents
Coordinates: 86248746+8C
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: Austin LessWrong has a weekly focused discussion, a weekly social mixer, a weekly online book club, and a monthly movie night. Been around since 2011.
Notes: Location may change as we are talking to other venues
Contact: Kenny, easwaran[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, September 9, 5:00 PM
Location: Back patio of Torchy’s Tacos at Texas and New Main. I’ll have a yellow umbrella and pinkish/purple hair
Coordinates: JMFC+4J
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Ethan Morse, ethan[dot]morse97[at]gmail[dot]com, Discord: ethanmorse#5255
Time: Sunday, September 11, 12:00 PM
Location: Union, 3705 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas, TX 75219. We’ll be in the upstairs conference room.
Coordinates: 8645R55R+9M9
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong so I know how much food to get
Contact: Eric Magro, eric135033[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 18, 4:00 PM
Location: Empire Cafe, 1732 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77098 ---- Look for a table with an ACX MEETUP sign.
Coordinates: 76X6PHVW+5H
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: There are meetups every week. We have a Discord and a Facebook group.
Contact: Mike, BaylorACX[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 1, 1:00 PM
Location: Cameron Park, picnic tables next to Jacob’s Ladder
Coordinates: 8634HVG2+V9
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please email me if you’re thinking about attending! Would love to start an ACX community here :)
Contact: Ross Richey (aka Jeremiah), wearenotsaved[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, October 8, 3:00 PM
Location: Liberty Park near the ChargePoint stations
Coordinates: 85GCP4WF+VJ
Event link(s): LessWrong
Group info: We meet every other month, we do book clubs and movie nights as well.
Notes: Will be outdoors. If the weather looks bad, email event organizer to check on location.
Contact: RL, effectivealtruismatuva[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, September 4, 5:00 PM
Location: 12 Rotunda Drive Charlottesville, VA 22903 - We’ll meet at the picnic tables across the street from The Virginian. There will be an ACX sign.
Coordinates: 87C32FPX+3H4
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Craig, craigbdaniel[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 17, 4:00 PM
Location: Three Roads Brewing—I will be wearing a purple t-shirt and will place an “”ACX”″ card on the table
Coordinates: 8792CV65+5G
Contact: Willa, walambert[at]pm[dot]me
Time: Sunday, September 18, 4:00 PM
Location: Pagoda & Oriental Garden, 265 W Tazewell St, Norfolk, VA 23510. I will be wearing a bright green shirt, will have a large green & yellow hat on, and will have a sign with ACX Meetup on it.
Coordinates: 8785RPX4+W3
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: Hi! Virginia Rationalists was co-founded in Norfolk VA earlier this year by Willa & Yitzi with the goal of growing a thriving ACX / LW / EA community in our city & the state of Virginia. We meet every week at Fair Grounds cafe on Wednesday evenings from 5-7:30pm Eastern Time. We have a Discord server and a Twitter.
Contact: James, jrbalch333[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 24, 1:30 PM
Location: The matchbox at 1900 Reston Station Blvd, Reston, VA 20190 on the 1st floor of the giant Google building. I’ll be holding a copy of Sapiens.
Coordinates: 87C4WMX6+9X
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Email me to be added to the WhatsApp group
Contact: Cedar, cedar[dot]ren+acxmeetup[at]gmail[dot]com, @Cedar at this Discord server
Time: Saturday, October 1, 2:30 PM
Location: Richmond Public Libraries, West End Branch 5420 Patterson Ave, Richmond, VA 23226
Coordinates: 8794HFHQ+3G
Event link(s): LessWrong
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong & optionally reach out to me on Discord to introduce yourself!
Contact: Forrest, lucidobservor[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, September 10, 2:00 PM
Location: Battery Park, at the benches in the south-western corner of the park, near the cannons facing the lake. I will have an ‘ACX Meetup’ sign.
Coordinates: 87P8FQJH+8P
Event link(s): LessWrong
Contact: Alex, bellinghamrationalish[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Thursday, September 29, 5:30 PM
Location: Lake Padden Park, at one of the tables near the lake by the dog park. If it’s rainy, we’ll meet in one of the two covered gazebo areas just north (right, if you’re facing the lake) of the planned spot. If the forecast looks really bad (e.g. very cold), I’ll post an indoor location to the page at least three days in advance.
Coordinates: 84WVMHX3+GM
Event link(s): LessWrong,
Group info: Bellingham Rationalish discusses (in good faith!) topics in and around rationality. We usually meet the evening of the last Wednesday of each month. Our first meeting was a 2021 ACX Everywhere meetup.
Notes: Please RSVP on Meetup so I have an idea how many people to expect. Kids, animals, food, beverages, etc. are all welcome.
Contact: Nikita Sokolsky, sokolx[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, October 9, 5:00 PM
Location: Optimism Brewing (1158 Broadway, Seattle)
Coordinates: 84VVJM7H+4Q
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event,
Notes: Please RSVP on LessWrong (or FB/Meetup) for planning purposes
Contact: Mary Wang, mmwang[at]wisc[dot]edu
Time: Saturday, September 10, 1:00 PM
Location: 1022 High St. Blue house with red porches. If weather permits, we’ll be in my large backyard, which has more seating now than last year. If rain, come in the side door. There will be air purifiers and open windows. Masks optional. Look for a sign at the end of the driveway that says ACX/SSC Meetup.
Coordinates: 86MG3H3X+XW
Event link(s): LessWrong, Facebook event
Group info: We have met fortnightly in the past, but quit last year when it got too cold to meet outside. We typically have shared a meal, sat around my kitchen table and talked. Have held a Solstice celebration.
- EA & LW Forums Weekly Summary (21 Aug − 27 Aug 22’) by Aug 30, 2022, 1:37 AM; 144 points) (EA Forum;
- EA & LW Forums Weekly Summary (21 Aug − 27 Aug 22′) by Aug 30, 2022, 1:42 AM; 57 points) (
- Meetup: West End Trolleys Saturday October 1 Richmond, VA LW / ACX Meetup by Aug 23, 2022, 1:57 AM; 6 points) (
PSA: This is the old page pointing to the 2022 meetup month events, chances are you got here in year 2023 (at the time of writing this comment) while there was a bug on the homepage of with a map and popup link pointing here... seems to be the right one 🤞