I’m not entirely sure why, but this comment was inordinately helpful in doing away with the last vestiges of confusion about your metaethics. I don’t know what I thought before reading it—of course morality would be a subset of our values, what else could it be? But somehow it made everything jump into place. I think I can now say (two years after first reading the sequence, and only through a long and gradual process) that I agree with your metaethical theory.
I’m not entirely sure why, but this comment was inordinately helpful in doing away with the last vestiges of confusion about your metaethics. I don’t know what I thought before reading it—of course morality would be a subset of our values, what else could it be? But somehow it made everything jump into place. I think I can now say (two years after first reading the sequence, and only through a long and gradual process) that I agree with your metaethical theory.