I was surprised to see that this recent post was voted up even though I pointed out in the comments that it linked to something we had seen before. Someone suggested that reposts of old things are worthwhile so that more people see them. But to me the idea of using reposting to expose people to old stuff seems inelegant. Does anyone have any thoughts?
It’s weeks of casual reading to go through every posting in Main since 2007 (I know, I did it), and approximately nobody is going to go through every posting in Discussion. When I’ve done this and had it pointed out, I tend to leave the post up but link to the previous discussion.
Perhaps digests of the most-upvoted posts in a particular time period? Top from week x, top from month y, top from whichever time period? People can archive-binge to the degree that they find most comfortable.
The nature of the discussion section and curated blog is to reward recency. Thus, reposts actually are the most elegant way to make sure interesting information is shared in those contexts. There’s also the wiki, which is not organized by recent (and thus doesn’t allow duplicate posts). Anything that’s interesting enough to get popular twice in the discussion section should probably be posted to an “interesting rationality links” page on the wiki.
I was surprised to see that this recent post was voted up even though I pointed out in the comments that it linked to something we had seen before. Someone suggested that reposts of old things are worthwhile so that more people see them. But to me the idea of using reposting to expose people to old stuff seems inelegant. Does anyone have any thoughts?
It’s weeks of casual reading to go through every posting in Main since 2007 (I know, I did it), and approximately nobody is going to go through every posting in Discussion. When I’ve done this and had it pointed out, I tend to leave the post up but link to the previous discussion.
Perhaps digests of the most-upvoted posts in a particular time period? Top from week x, top from month y, top from whichever time period? People can archive-binge to the degree that they find most comfortable.
The nature of the discussion section and curated blog is to reward recency. Thus, reposts actually are the most elegant way to make sure interesting information is shared in those contexts. There’s also the wiki, which is not organized by recent (and thus doesn’t allow duplicate posts). Anything that’s interesting enough to get popular twice in the discussion section should probably be posted to an “interesting rationality links” page on the wiki.