If ginger-ale doesn’t work, maybe try a teaspoon of dried ginger root powder dissolved in hot water. Tastes pretty good, but its more effective for nausea than cramps.
For the runs, try immodium over tums. Tums will only help with acid reflux, and they don’t even do that very well. Immodium will harden your stool.
I’d bet that the liquor helps for its muscle relaxant properties. It doesn’t meet the no doctor requirement, but a good friend of mine with the same problem of horrible stomach cramps if he doesn’t eat for too long was solved really well with a drug called “Donnatal”. It’s very low-dose phenobarbital with belladonna alkaloids. It’s like a miracle cure for him. He takes it when he feels like it might be starting and it goes away. No side effects for him except slight dry mouth. Also makes it stop after it’s started. Might want to try it out.
He’s had it for so long, he’s typically able to tell when its starting, but before it gets very bad. He’ll just take it at that point and it stops it from happening. I suppose it would be possible to take it if you were just hungry, but it seems to me like a better option in that case would be just to carry a snack bar or a protein bar around and just use the Donnatal if you feel like your cramps are coming on.
A doctor will of course be able to give you real medical advice. This is just anecdotal, but the no eating causing stomach/intestinal cramps sounds very similar.
If ginger-ale doesn’t work, maybe try a teaspoon of dried ginger root powder dissolved in hot water. Tastes pretty good, but its more effective for nausea than cramps.
For the runs, try immodium over tums. Tums will only help with acid reflux, and they don’t even do that very well. Immodium will harden your stool.
I’d bet that the liquor helps for its muscle relaxant properties. It doesn’t meet the no doctor requirement, but a good friend of mine with the same problem of horrible stomach cramps if he doesn’t eat for too long was solved really well with a drug called “Donnatal”. It’s very low-dose phenobarbital with belladonna alkaloids. It’s like a miracle cure for him. He takes it when he feels like it might be starting and it goes away. No side effects for him except slight dry mouth. Also makes it stop after it’s started. Might want to try it out.
When does he take the Donnatal? Is it with meals or any time he is getting hungry?
He’s had it for so long, he’s typically able to tell when its starting, but before it gets very bad. He’ll just take it at that point and it stops it from happening. I suppose it would be possible to take it if you were just hungry, but it seems to me like a better option in that case would be just to carry a snack bar or a protein bar around and just use the Donnatal if you feel like your cramps are coming on.
A doctor will of course be able to give you real medical advice. This is just anecdotal, but the no eating causing stomach/intestinal cramps sounds very similar.