Quite a lot of LWers care about singularity issues, probably because most of this site’s top authors are Singularitarians. Also, I’m putting this in Discussion, not Main.
I would say that it does, to the extent that anything having to do with the history of the external world has something to do with rationality. It may not be directly related, but Less Wrong isn’t limited to just discussions of abstract reasoning devoid of concrete context or implications.
Of course, whether or not to take the Singularity seriously is an open questions of a sort. That doesn’t preclude discussing the subject (it does just the opposite, in fact).
Will this have anything to do with rationality? Do people come to LessWrong for this kind of stuff, and will it attract new members?
Quite a lot of LWers care about singularity issues, probably because most of this site’s top authors are Singularitarians. Also, I’m putting this in Discussion, not Main.
I would say that it does, to the extent that anything having to do with the history of the external world has something to do with rationality. It may not be directly related, but Less Wrong isn’t limited to just discussions of abstract reasoning devoid of concrete context or implications.
Of course, whether or not to take the Singularity seriously is an open questions of a sort. That doesn’t preclude discussing the subject (it does just the opposite, in fact).