Do you have any evidence for your claim about tactic 4? I’ll sometimes (as you mention) eat unhealthily when I’m unhappy, but this seems like a perfectly rational “Eating unhealthy foods makes me happy; I can’t do it all the time because it would make me fat, but I can do it as an acute intervention when I’m unusually unhappy to make things a little better.” This seems to work okay for me.
It’s not that the food is unhealthy—this is something different from a treat or a pick-me-up. This is when you take an action that (for you) symbolizing doubling down on your gloom or underlining it, instead of trying to return to normal life. Other examples would include dwelling on thoughts like “I wish I were dead.” If you think too much about planning your suicide, you’ll get stuck in that mindset for a while.
I’ve been looking around trying to find clinical evidence that thinking gloomy thoughts makes you stay gloomy longer but in these few minutes I haven’t found it; maybe people think it’s too obvious?
Do you have any evidence for your claim about tactic 4? I’ll sometimes (as you mention) eat unhealthily when I’m unhappy, but this seems like a perfectly rational “Eating unhealthy foods makes me happy; I can’t do it all the time because it would make me fat, but I can do it as an acute intervention when I’m unusually unhappy to make things a little better.” This seems to work okay for me.
It’s not that the food is unhealthy—this is something different from a treat or a pick-me-up. This is when you take an action that (for you) symbolizing doubling down on your gloom or underlining it, instead of trying to return to normal life. Other examples would include dwelling on thoughts like “I wish I were dead.” If you think too much about planning your suicide, you’ll get stuck in that mindset for a while.
I’ve been looking around trying to find clinical evidence that thinking gloomy thoughts makes you stay gloomy longer but in these few minutes I haven’t found it; maybe people think it’s too obvious?
When I get gloomy, I often find myself wanting to stay gloomy.