How long have you been using this? Do you categorize for instance internal memories this way? Do you naturally find yourself telling people that you’ll be free in two trieks?
I have always sucked at categorizing internal memories by date, and I still do with the new system. What has improved is—if I know what date it is now and when my last notable date then was my mental handle on the time that passed feels like a discrete quantity of days rather than a nebulous “in the before time”.
I do not tell people that I’ll be free in two trieks time because no one knows what that means. I have been thinking stuff like “Next decimo is gonna be hella busy” and “which quarter of the triek does it makes sense to schedule this in?”
This is cool.
How long have you been using this? Do you categorize for instance internal memories this way? Do you naturally find yourself telling people that you’ll be free in two trieks?
I have been using this for almost 2 years
I have always sucked at categorizing internal memories by date, and I still do with the new system. What has improved is—if I know what date it is now and when my last notable date then was my mental handle on the time that passed feels like a discrete quantity of days rather than a nebulous “in the before time”.
I do not tell people that I’ll be free in two trieks time because no one knows what that means. I have been thinking stuff like “Next decimo is gonna be hella busy” and “which quarter of the triek does it makes sense to schedule this in?”