I have a personal calendar system. I use it in my planning. Today, for example, I think of as M2 Ω6 and the third day of Joy.
My calendar year begins on Summer solstice. It is 10 “decimos” long. Each Decimo is split into 3 “trieks”, of 12 days each, for a total of 36 days per decimo. (With 5-6 extra festival days at the end of the year to pad the solstice alignment)
Why? Why go to the trouble of inventing and then using my own calendar?
Partly for regularity. I like having weeks and months that can be cleanly divided multiple ways, so there are more bases for regularly repeating habits. Every quarter of a triek, for example, gets its own ritual theme. That’s certainly why I made my calendar that way but it’s not why I made a calendar.
My original inspiration was noticing this statement made during the LW dialogues on Slack:
One more useful attribute of the Jewish Sabbath is the extent to which its rigid rules generate friction in emergency situations.
If powerful and pervasive cultural forces are out to get you, you ought to check in from time to time … to give yourself a chance to notice whether you have gotten got for too much.
(Note: The sentences are not in that order in the original source)
A classic work schedule does not line up nicely with trieks and decimos. I can learn to keep track of how the weekdays shift over a series of trieks, but it’s not without effort. A different calendar makes sure that I have to think about whether the rhythm of my life lines up with society’s, and furthermore whether it should. I’m doing it because it’s hard.
I’ll need that kind of slack in my ability to choose norms, for what I want to do
How long have you been using this? Do you categorize for instance internal memories this way? Do you naturally find yourself telling people that you’ll be free in two trieks?
I have always sucked at categorizing internal memories by date, and I still do with the new system. What has improved is—if I know what date it is now and when my last notable date then was my mental handle on the time that passed feels like a discrete quantity of days rather than a nebulous “in the before time”.
I do not tell people that I’ll be free in two trieks time because no one knows what that means. I have been thinking stuff like “Next decimo is gonna be hella busy” and “which quarter of the triek does it makes sense to schedule this in?”
I have a personal calendar system. I use it in my planning. Today, for example, I think of as M2 Ω6 and the third day of Joy.
My calendar year begins on Summer solstice. It is 10 “decimos” long. Each Decimo is split into 3 “trieks”, of 12 days each, for a total of 36 days per decimo. (With 5-6 extra festival days at the end of the year to pad the solstice alignment)
Why? Why go to the trouble of inventing and then using my own calendar?
Partly for regularity. I like having weeks and months that can be cleanly divided multiple ways, so there are more bases for regularly repeating habits. Every quarter of a triek, for example, gets its own ritual theme. That’s certainly why I made my calendar that way but it’s not why I made a calendar.
My original inspiration was noticing this statement made during the LW dialogues on Slack:
A classic work schedule does not line up nicely with trieks and decimos. I can learn to keep track of how the weekdays shift over a series of trieks, but it’s not without effort. A different calendar makes sure that I have to think about whether the rhythm of my life lines up with society’s, and furthermore whether it should. I’m doing it because it’s hard.
I’ll need that kind of slack in my ability to choose norms, for what I want to do
This is cool.
How long have you been using this? Do you categorize for instance internal memories this way? Do you naturally find yourself telling people that you’ll be free in two trieks?
I have been using this for almost 2 years
I have always sucked at categorizing internal memories by date, and I still do with the new system. What has improved is—if I know what date it is now and when my last notable date then was my mental handle on the time that passed feels like a discrete quantity of days rather than a nebulous “in the before time”.
I do not tell people that I’ll be free in two trieks time because no one knows what that means. I have been thinking stuff like “Next decimo is gonna be hella busy” and “which quarter of the triek does it makes sense to schedule this in?”