In times like these I really have to wonder why it’s never (or at least rarely, to my eye) stressed that self-awareness is probably the single most important component of a healthy life. We’re constantly handed very specific definitions of good behavior, complex moral and legal codes, questionable social constructs, and so on. I don’t remember ever really being told to take a step back—to step back as far as possible—and look constructively at myself. But increasingly I feel that the only dividing line between being “that guy” and being a net positive to those around you comes out of being able to look at yourself critically and build constructively.
Maybe I’m oversimplifying or assuming that introspection is simple. But for every ten groups explaining religious ideology to me, or telling me why their political candidate is best, I wish one would have told me to get out of my own head as much as possible.
Metafilter comment by user Phyltre