But is anyone wholly a bad boy? Without a single altruistic moment? I’ve never met such a person. Not even the ones who look like “bad boys” at the outset. And are you really going to put in the effort to become such a person, one hundred per cent arrogant, just to pick up women? That’s your sole terminal value? If so, enjoy… but I think it’s a rare man who remains so singularly obsessed even after he’s proven to himself that he can succeed with women. Maybe I’m wrong.
I can see that.
But is anyone wholly a bad boy? Without a single altruistic moment? I’ve never met such a person. Not even the ones who look like “bad boys” at the outset. And are you really going to put in the effort to become such a person, one hundred per cent arrogant, just to pick up women? That’s your sole terminal value? If so, enjoy… but I think it’s a rare man who remains so singularly obsessed even after he’s proven to himself that he can succeed with women. Maybe I’m wrong.