Quirk of the Paduan university system: what Americans would call “Calculus” is treated as a part of the “[Mathematical] Analysis” course name, which very often uses the same two-part massive textbook written by a maths professor (which most people buy from older students since it’s so standard) - except that applied scientists study maybe 10-15% of it to cover their MA course, which I believe more or less matches Calculus, while maths and physics students usually take MA2, MA3, MA4, and Topology 1 to finish the tome.
Your Calculus 2 textbook includes a discussion of Tychonoff’s theorem?
Quirk of the Paduan university system: what Americans would call “Calculus” is treated as a part of the “[Mathematical] Analysis” course name, which very often uses the same two-part massive textbook written by a maths professor (which most people buy from older students since it’s so standard) - except that applied scientists study maybe 10-15% of it to cover their MA course, which I believe more or less matches Calculus, while maths and physics students usually take MA2, MA3, MA4, and Topology 1 to finish the tome.
Ah, makes sense now. Grazie.
You went to university in Padua? Are you from there? Any interesting reflections on the experience?
Moved to PM (or to the Open thread should more people manifest interest).
In that case, allow me to manifest my interest.
(ETA: All the more so since I see that your current location is Uppsala, Sweden.)