What I think is that cases where such situations would arise are corner cases of rather low practical significance...
...but yes, if you really believed that an all powerful agent took a snapshot of the universe before you were born, successfully predicted your dispositions from it and made important decisions based on the results, then the obvious way to deal with that within DBDT would be to put the “critical point” early on (the paper is pretty clear about the need to do this), and consider that the dynamical system before your creation had dispositions that must have causally led to your own dispositions. A “disposition” is treated as just a propensity to behave in a particular way in particular circumstances—so is quite a general concept.
Do you believe that DBDT can place a critical point at the time/situation where the agent doesn’t exist?
What I think is that cases where such situations would arise are corner cases of rather low practical significance...
...but yes, if you really believed that an all powerful agent took a snapshot of the universe before you were born, successfully predicted your dispositions from it and made important decisions based on the results, then the obvious way to deal with that within DBDT would be to put the “critical point” early on (the paper is pretty clear about the need to do this), and consider that the dynamical system before your creation had dispositions that must have causally led to your own dispositions. A “disposition” is treated as just a propensity to behave in a particular way in particular circumstances—so is quite a general concept.