You’re in Berkeley, last I was at the grouphouse Arcadia, it was filled with people getting ground-level contact with the world. My experience with Berkeley is you just need to get ε away from EAs/rationalists in order to find people doing a bunch of agentic stuff (though most EAs and rationalists I’ve met I think strike the right balamce between thought and agency, however I would suggest similarly if I noticed EAs and rationalists weren’t agentic and nothing else changed too much about the world as it currently exists).
Somewhat relatedly, you can typically find people doing stuff at hackathons or makerspaces.
You’re in Berkeley, last I was at the grouphouse Arcadia, it was filled with people getting ground-level contact with the world. My experience with Berkeley is you just need to get ε away from EAs/rationalists in order to find people doing a bunch of agentic stuff (though most EAs and rationalists I’ve met I think strike the right balamce between thought and agency, however I would suggest similarly if I noticed EAs and rationalists weren’t agentic and nothing else changed too much about the world as it currently exists).
Somewhat relatedly, you can typically find people doing stuff at hackathons or makerspaces.