thanks for this post! I have read the 7 habits a few years ago but didn’t remember that part at all (not even now that you mention). so not only did you remind me, you also made it better :)
I actually like your version before the simplification. for example, i think the “shouldn’t” can be good, for when we want a strong reminder/pledge to ourselves to break some habit. there are also many people who suggest actually making a “NOT to do list”, so if that is valuable advice, than your model will take it in.
Thanks—yes I think there is a case for having a ‘Shouldn’t’ list. As you imply, it should only be for things you know are useless/harmful, not for things you’ve merely decided not to do because they are low importance (e.g. paint the bathroom). Hence ‘shouldn’t do’ not merely ‘don’t do’.
thanks for this post! I have read the 7 habits a few years ago but didn’t remember that part at all (not even now that you mention). so not only did you remind me, you also made it better :)
I actually like your version before the simplification. for example, i think the “shouldn’t” can be good, for when we want a strong reminder/pledge to ourselves to break some habit. there are also many people who suggest actually making a “NOT to do list”, so if that is valuable advice, than your model will take it in.
Thanks—yes I think there is a case for having a ‘Shouldn’t’ list. As you imply, it should only be for things you know are useless/harmful, not for things you’ve merely decided not to do because they are low importance (e.g. paint the bathroom). Hence ‘shouldn’t do’ not merely ‘don’t do’.