The number 23⁄20 appears three times. Each time it appears it is followed by a different number, and that different number is generally “unusually nasty compared with others so far”.
First time, at (0-based) index 7: followed by 1367⁄800, first with a denominator > 40.
Second time, at (0-based) index 21: followed by 3.1883919921875 ~= 1632.4567/2^9, first with a denominator > 6400.
Third time, at (0-based) index 48: followed by 2.4439140274654036, dunno what this “really” is, first with no obvious powers-of-2-and-5 denominator.
If we multiply it by 2^11/1001, the number we actually get is 5.00013579245669; that decimal tail also seems just slightly suspicious. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, approximately-8.
The number 23⁄20 appears three times. Each time it appears it is followed by a different number, and that different number is generally “unusually nasty compared with others so far”.
First time, at (0-based) index 7: followed by 1367⁄800, first with a denominator > 40.
Second time, at (0-based) index 21: followed by 3.1883919921875 ~= 1632.4567/2^9, first with a denominator > 6400.
Third time, at (0-based) index 48: followed by 2.4439140274654036, dunno what this “really” is, first with no obvious powers-of-2-and-5 denominator.
[EDITED to fix an error.]
2.4439140274654036 might be (3³x19×3671×10631)/(2¹⁹x5⁶) with some incorrect rounding (2.4439140274658203125).
Value[71] is exactly half of value[49]. (and this again follows a 23)
The ”.4567″ seems just slightly suspicious.
That third number is quite close to 5005/2^11.
If we multiply it by 2^11/1001, the number we actually get is 5.00013579245669; that decimal tail also seems just slightly suspicious. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, approximately-8.
This could all be mere pareidolia, obviously.