It’s true that the program might fail to find any proofs at all. Then it could output a random action, I guess? Or just return zero?
Puzzled about your last paragraph. The “knowledge” that the agents are equivalent has to be derivable by inspecting the program as a whole. (This is a very strong condition, but it can be satisfied.) Proving things about proofs is something proof checkers with sufficiently strong axioms can do just fine, no modal logic needed.
But in general, I don’t believe this sort of reasoning carries over to multi-player games. If we take the Prisoner’s Dilemma and tweak the payoffs slightly to make them non-symmetric, the agents are back to square one. Game theory is inherently harder than individual rationality. I really should write another post on that, because it seems to be a Pons Asinorum that many intelligent people fail to cross.
Seems to me you understood it and responded appropriately.
Game theory is inherently harder than individual rationality.
Yes it is. One important difference is that game-playing agents generally use mixed strategies. So we need to distinguish the reading the strategy source code of another player from reading the pseudo-random-number source code and “seed”. Rational agents will want to keep secrets.
A second difference is that the “preference structure” of the agent ought to be modeled as data about the agent, rather than data about the world. And some of this is information which a rational agent will wish to conceal as well.
So, as a toy model illustrating the compatibility of determinism and free will, your example (i.e. this posting) works fine. But as a way of modeling a flavor of rationality that “solves” one-shot PD and Newcomb-like problems in a “better” way than classical game theory, I think it doesn’t (yet?) work.
Slightly tangential: I have a semi-worked-out notion of a “fair” class of problems which includes Newcomb’s Problem because the predictor makes a decision based only on your action, not the “ritual of cognition” that preceded it (to borrow Eliezer’s phrase). But the one-shot PD doesn’t reside in this “fair” class because you don’t cooperate by just predicting the opponent’s action. You need to somehow tie the knot of infinite recursion, e.g. with quining or Löbian reasoning, and all such approaches seem to inevitably require inspecting the other guy’s “ritual of cognition”. This direction of research leads to all sorts of clever tricks, but ultimately it might be a dead end.
As for your main point, I completely agree. Any model that cannot accommodate limited information is bound to be useless in practice. I’m just trying to solve simple problems first, see what works and what doesn’t in very idealized conditions. Don’t worry, I’ll never neglect game theory—it was accidentally getting my hands on Ken Binmore’s “Fun and Games” that brought me back to math in the first place :-)
But in general, I don’t believe this sort of reasoning carries over to multi-player games. If we take the Prisoner’s Dilemma and tweak the payoffs slightly to make them non-symmetric, the agents are back to square one.
I don’t understand. Do you mean changing the numeric values, leaving the game the same, or changing the ordering, turning it into different game? In the first case, it seems to me that the argument from your other post should work just fine [Edit: Wrong, see cousin_it’s explanation below] -- roughly:
Suppose there’s a short proof that agent1()==”C” iff agent2()==”cooperate”. Then there’s an only slightly longer proof that agent1()==”C” implies that both agents get the C/C payoff, and that agent1()==”D” implies both get the D/D payoff. Therefore, under the supposition, agent1 will choose “C”; similarly, agent2 will choose “cooperate”.
In other words: If there’s a short proof that agent1()==”C” iff agent2()==”cooperate”, then agent1()==”C” and agent2()==”cooperate”. By the Löbian reasoning in your previous post (linked above), it follows that both agents cooperate.
This post does solve the class of problems Eliezer was talking about (I call it the “fair” class), but my previous Löbian post used a different algorithm that didn’t do utility maximization. That algorithm explicitly said that it cooperates if it can find any proof that agent1()==agent2(), without comparing utilities or trying to prove other statements, and that explicitness made the proof work in the first place.
Your proof fails here:
Therefore, under the supposition, agent1 will choose “C”; similarly, agent2 will choose “cooperate”.
It’s extremely difficult for the agent to conclude that it will make any particular choice, because any proof of that (starting from your assumptions or any other assumptions) must also prove that the agent won’t stumble on any other proofs that lead to yet higher outcomes. This amounts to the agent assuming the consistency of its own proof checker, which is a no go.
As far as I can see right now, making the payoffs slightly non-symmetric breaks everything. If you think an individual utility-maximizing algorithm can work in general game-theoretic situations, you have a unique canonical solution for all equilibrium selection and bargaining problems with non-transferable utility. Judging from the literature, finding such a unique canonical solution is extremely unlikely. (The transferable utility case is easy—it is solved by the Shapley value and my Freaky Fairness algorithm.)
It’s extremely difficult for the agent to conclude that it will make any particular choice, because any proof of that (starting from your assumptions or any other assumptions) must also prove that the agent won’t stumble on any other proofs that lead to yet higher outcomes.
When does the agent need to have that knowledge? It just acts on certain conclusions, at the moment it obtains them. It can as well act on conclusions1 about its future conclusions2, the only problem might be that it never reaches those conclusions1 (and so won’t act on them)
The point is that I relied on the fact that if the agent can prove “If I cooperate, I get 5” and “If I defect, I get 2″, then the agent will cooperate. This is a fact, but the agent cannot prove it: if its proof system were inconsistent, then it might (within maxsteps) also be able to prove “If I defect, I get 42,” and thus end up defecting.
Maybe your comment suggests that the agent should choose to cooperate as soon as it has proven the first two statements above; but as far as the agent knows, if its proof system is inconsistent, it might find the proof of “If I defect, I get 42” earlier than the proof of “If I defect, I get 2.” The agent cannot prove that “I will prove C → 5 and D → 2” implies “I will cooperate.”
The agent can just cooperate as soon as it proves “If I cooperate, I get X” and “If I defect, I get Y”, for X>Y. This algorithm is justified, and the agent doesn’t need to write its own algorithm, we are writing it.
I don’t completely understand your idea, but Löbian cooperation seems to require enumerating a lot of proofs without stopping early. If Bob can stop early, Alice now needs to prove that Bob will stumble on a specific proof earlier than that, rather than at all. I remember trying and failing to remove the exhaustive search for proofs from my previous post. Or maybe I’m missing something?
Maybe you could formalize your idea and give some sort of proof? If it works, it’ll be definite progress.
IIUC, Vladimir is arguing that we can write an algorithm specifically for the PD that will cooperate if it finds any two proofs “C → I get X” and “D → I get Y”, for X>Y. I think this algorithm will indeed do the right thing, do you agree?
Intuitively, the point is that both in Vladimir’s algorithm and your earlier proof, it is sufficient to know something of the form “there exists a proof such that...” to conclude that the program will have a certain behavior (cooperate), whereas in my purported proof, you need to know something of the form “there exists no proof such that...”, aka “for all proofs, it holds that...” (which you’d also need in both Vladimir’s proposal and your earlier proof to show that one of the agents defects).
Ah. Now I see where the actual work is being done. Vladimir, sorry, I retract my request for clarification.
The proposed algorithm will probably work for the usual Löbian reasons (don’t have the energy to write a formal proof right now, though). But it is not utility maximization. This algorithm asymmetrically “privileges” cooperation over defection: finding a proof that cooperation is better will make it cooperate, but finding a proof that defection is better won’t make it defect. So in spirit it’s pretty similar to my old algorithm, and we probably won’t find a solution to game theory on these lines.
If you just look for the proofs of statements of the form
(action=A1 => U=U1) AND (action=A2 => U=U2) AND (U1>=U2)
where U1 and U2 are variables, and A1 and A2 are different constants (cooperate and defect in some order), up to some sufficient timeout (after which you act randomly), and perform A1 the moment you see the first one, you’ll play correctly against your near-copy (with different timeout or syntactic differences), and defecting and cooperating rocks.
This algorithm asymmetrically “privileges” cooperation over defection
Now that I disagree with! If the algorithm finds a proof that defection is better, it will defect, because the proof system is consistent, so the algorithm can’t in this case find a proof that cooperation is better. (It’s true that it cannot prove that it will defect, of course.) In fact I’d say the algorithm privileges defection, because it’ll defect unless it finds a reason to cooperate.
I don’t see any straight-forward generalization to arbitrary games, but a natural generalization to games where every player has only two choices springs to mind. Take as parameters the payoff matrix and the other players’ source code; then play minimax unless you can prove that playing the other strategy will result in a higher payoff. [Edit: Er, unless the utility you can prove you get under the assumption that you play the other strategy is higher than etc etc… you know what I mean.] Haven’t yet looked into whether this actually does give sensible answers to non-PD games, though. *goes off to do just that*
Now that I disagree with! If the algorithm finds a proof that defection is better, it will defect
What on Earth do you mean by this counterfactual? :-)
The obvious extension of your proposed algorithm to games with many players and many strategies: assume any commonly-accepted method of finding a “fair strategy profile”, attempt Löbian cooperation to reach it, otherwise play minimax. This doesn’t solve fairness/bargaining, and we all are quitefamiliar with this sort of trick already.
Essentially, what you’re doing is “porting” old ideas from one enforcement method (quining) to another (Löbian cooperation), hoping that fairness will magically pop out this time. No. Fairness and enforcement are orthogonal issues. I’m really frustrated that people stubbornly fail to see fairness as the serious obstacle to “solving” game theory. There’s no cheap accidental way around it.
ETA: on rereading, this comment sounded harsh. Please don’t take it personally—I just feel that at this point in the discussion, it’s time to forcefully state some of my background intuitions so other people can break them down more easily.
What on Earth do you mean by this counterfactual? :-)
It’s not a counterfactual, it’s a logical implication, so it’s true! :-) No, seriously, if it wasn’t clear, I mean that against every opponent program for which it can prove a higher utility for defection, it will indeed defect; e.g. against the always-cooperating program and the defection rock.
My intuition is that the algorithm above precisely does not encode a notion of “fair strategy profile,” it just tries to maximize its own utility; I suppose that’s a fuzzy notion, though. I wasn’t arguing that it solves bargaining. An extension to many strategies should cooperate in the finitely iterated PD without wiring in any more notion about “fairness” than in the algorithm above, and without special-casing IPD—if that’s indeed simple I’m curious how it works, it’s not obvious to me.
I mean that against every opponent program for which it can prove a higher utility for defection, it will indeed defect; e.g. against the always-cooperating program and the defection rock.
Ohhh, I managed to miss that. Thank you. This is really good.
About bargaining, I reason like this: if you have a program that’s good enough at maximizing utility that it can cooperate with itself in the PD, and make this program play different games against itself, this will give us a canonical way to calculate a “fair” outcome for every game. But this is very unlikely, so a utility-maximizer that plays arbitrary games well is by implication also very unlikely.
How do your programs play the iterated PD? Do they have memory? I can’t understand what you mean yet.
It seems to me that bargaining will be resolved simultaneously with the problem of deciding under uncertainty (when you can’t hope to find a proof of utility being precisely U).
On the other hand, making games “fuzzy” to solve bargaining has been tried, and it’s not enough.
On the third hand, I feel that some games might be genuinely indeterminate because they abstract too much, they don’t include enough information from the real-world situation—information that in practice ends up determining the outcome. For example, (instantaneous) bargaining in the Rubinstein model depends on the players’ (temporal) discount rates, and if you forgot to look at them, the instantaneous game seems pretty damn indeterminate.
My proposal can’t handle the iterated PD, only games where each player has two choices. I was replying to you saying there was an obvious generalization to more than two strategies—if there is, then we can pass in the payoff matrix of the normal form of a finitely iterated PD (and if it’s a sensible generalization, it should cooperate with itself on every round).
Your argument about bargaining makes sense, though alas I don’t know enough about bargaining to have a really informed opinion. It may be that the idea only works for sufficiently PD-like games, but if we can handle a class of them without special-casing that doesn’t seem so bad. It does at least handle Chicken [Edit: and Stag Hunt] correctly, AFAICS, so it’s not as if it’s PD-only.
Um, the obvious generalization to many strategies must “privilege” one of the strategies apriori, the same way as your algorithm “privileges” cooperation. Otherwise, what single statement would the proof checker be trying to prove? I don’t see a way around that.
Ah, sorry, now I understand what’s going on. You are saying “there’s an obvious generalization, but then you’d have to pick a ‘fair’ strategy profile that it would privilege.” I’m saying “there’s no obvious generalization which preserves what’s interesting about the two-strategy case.” So we’re in agreement already.
(I’m not entirely without hope; I have a vague idea that we could order the possible somehow, and if we can prove a higher utility for strategy X than for any strategy that is below X in the ordering, then the agent can prove it will definitely choose X or a strategy that is above it in the ordering. Or something like that. But need to look at the details much more closely.)
Essentially, what you’re doing is “porting” old ideas from one enforcement method (quining) to another (Löbian cooperation), hoping that fairness will magically pop out this time.
I’m not sure when exactly you added this, is this still what you think I’m doing? What I’m trying to do is to give an algorithm that correctly handles games “where the other agents’ decisions can be viewed as functions of one argument, that argument being your own choice in that particular case” (same Eliezer quote as upthread), without special-casing for the details of particular games like you did with your solution of the PD. I.e., I’m trying to do what I at first thought your original post did, but what you explained to me it doesn’t. AFAICS, if Eliezer’s informal arguments are correct, these games have a clear correct solution without solving bargaining.
I can describe a class of such games and its solution, but I’d hope that if a good decision theoretical agent exists that solves this class, it might also solve some wider class of problems in an intuitively correct way. -- That said, the class is symmetric games, and the solution is the strategy profile that yields the highest utility, among those strategy profiles in which all players choose the same strategy. [More precisely, a good algorithm should choose this algorithm when playing against itself or a similar algorithm, should maximize its utility when playing against an opponent that unconditionally plays some given strategy, and should “do something sensible” in other cases.]
The quining-cooperator algorithm in the Prisoner’s Dilemma forms a “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” against itself. This is a very desirable property to have, which roughly corresponds to “reflective consistency” in single-player decision theory. However, the algorithm you’re trying to develop (which includes maximizing utility against an opponent that plays a strategy unconditionally) will not form a “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” against itself, even in symmetric games.
To see this, consider a simple bargaining game, a variant of “dividing the dollar”. Each player sees the other’s source code and outputs an integer. If the sum of the two integers is less than or equal to 10, both players get the amount in dollars that they asked for. If the sum is greater than 10, both get nothing. Your algorithm will output 5 when playing against itself. But this means it’s not a best reply to itself, because if your opponent is replaced with the simple program “return 9″, you will maximize utility and get only 1.
The quining-cooperator algorithm in the Prisoner’s Dilemma forms a “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” against itself. This is a very desirable property to have, which roughly corresponds to “reflective consistency” in single-player decision theory. However, the algorithm you’re trying to develop (which includes maximizing utility against an opponent that plays a strategy unconditionally) will not form a “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” against itself, even in symmetric games.
On reflection: I agree that “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” would be desirable, but you seem to find it a more knock-out argument than I do. If we’re discussing what kinds of algorithms to enter into something like Axelrod’s tournament, then clearly, Nash equilibrium in algorithms would be a very compelling property. But if world() really is (a utility function over) the whole universe, then it’s less clear to me that “take 1″ is not the right thing to do when encountering a “take 9” rock.
Intuitively, the reason you wouldn’t want to “take 1” in this case is that you would not want someone else—Clippy, say—a motive to leave “take 9″ rocks around for you to find. But there’s the counter-intuition that:
(a) If Clippy does this as a result of reasoning about how you behave, then that’s in fact a different situation (the assumption being that you’re reasoning about the source of the whole world, not just about the source of the “take 9” rock in front of you). What you do in this situation influences whether Clippy will have left behind a “take 9″ rock, so your decision algorithm should not be able to conclude that you maximize utility by “taking 1.” [I’m assuming an UDT-like agent which one can think of as taking the source of the world and returning the actions to perform in different contingencies, so it does not make sense to say that we cannot influence what Clippy does because our sensory input tells us that Clippy has “already” left behind a “take 9” rock.]
(b) If Clippy does not do this as a result of actually reasoning about how you behave, then if you “take 5” (say), Clippy will still have left a “take 9″ rock behind—by assumption, there’s no logical causality from what you do to what Clippy does.
I can’t formalize this argument, and I’m not sure that (b) especially is the right way of thinking about this problem, but this counter-intuition seems at least as compelling to me as the original intuition. Am I missing something?
-- All this said, I no longer think that the idea behind my proposed algorithm is useful. The problem is as far as I can see, if agent 1 runs “do X unless I can prove it’s better to do Y” and agent 2 runs “do A unless I can prove that it’s better to do B,” then the agents won’t play (X,B) or (Y,A) even if this would be the most desirable outcome for both of them—or at least I can’t prove that these outcomes are possible.
“Play minimax unless I can prove the other strategy is better” doesn’t exactly run into this problem in symmetric games as long as the two available strategies have different minimax values, but what I’m really after is a decision theory that would act correctly if it finds such a game embedded in the world, and this does seem to run into the problem described above.
User Perplexed pointed me to Nash’s 1953 paper Two-person cooperative games that seems to give a unique “fair” solution for all two-person competitive games in our setting. I’ve been thinking how to spin the algorithm in the paper into a flavor of utility maximization, but failing so far.
The key is to understand that when two players form a coalition they create a new entity distinct from its members which has its own revealed preferences and its own utility to maximize. That is, you need to step up a level and imagine each member of a coalition as making a deal with the coalition itself, rather than simply dealing with the other members. In joining a coalition, a player gives up some or all of his decision-making power in exchange for a promise of security.
Define coalescence utility for player A as the amount of extra A utility A gets because the pair plays the cooperation game rather than the threat game. If you wish, think of this as a compensation paid to A by the collective in exchange for his cooperation in the objectives of the collective. Define the utility of cooperation to the ‘collective’ (i.e. to the union of A and B considered as an entity at a different level than A and B themselves) as the sum of the logarithms of the coalescence utilities of A and B. Then, the collective maximizes its own utility by maximizing the product of the coalescence utilities (which means the same as maximizing the sum of the logs).
This approach of taking the logarithm of individual utilities to get components of corporate or collective utility extends nicely to coalitions with more than 2 members. For some analogies in other (biological) kinds of optimization processes where taking the logarithm is the trick that makes it all work, see my favorite paper ever or this classic paper from Dick Lewontin:
R. C. Lewontin and D. Cohen.
On population growth in a randomly varying environment.
Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, 62:1056–1060, 1969.
Now that I disagree with! If the algorithm finds a proof that defection is better, it will defect, because the proof system is consistent, so the algorithm can’t in this case find a proof that cooperation is better.
I don’t see what theory do you refer to here, in saying “proof theory is consistent”. We have an algorithm that proves some theorems in PA. The only theory under discussion is PA. If the algorithm finds a proof that defection is better, it defects, period.
If PA is the system the agent uses, then by “the proof system,” I mean PA. I was speaking generically, in case you’d prefer to use ZFC or PA + Con(PA) or whatever.
If the algorithm finds a proof that defection is better, it defects, period.
Er, are you saying that as soon as the algorithm finds such a proof, it stops searching and returns “defect”? That will not work, because then the Löbian reasoning won’t go through, for the reason cousin_it gave. [Because PA cannot prove Con(PA), it also cannot prove that “there’s a short proof that cooperate is better” implies “the agent cooperates”—for all PA knows, PA might be inconsistent, and there might be an even shorter proof that defect is better.]
Or do you mean that the algorithm looks through the whole list of proofs, and if it never finds a proof that cooperate is better, it defects? Then we’re in agreement; I was simply pointing out that in this case, we know that if the algorithm proves “defect is better,” then it will not cooperate, because we know that PA is consistent, so if the algorithm proves “defect is better” then it will not prove “cooperate is better.”
Because PA cannot prove Con(PA), it also cannot prove that “there’s a short proof that cooperate is better” implies “the agent cooperates”
It can enumerate all shorter proofs, and see if any of them imply a different action of the agent. (Note that PA is reflexive, that is can prove that any given finite set of its statements is logically consistent.)
Can you give some link or citation about “reflexive”? I can’t figure out what this means. It seems to me that if PA can prove every finite subset of its axioms consistent, then it can prove itself consistent: “If PA is inconsistent, then there would be a statement A and a proof of A and a proof of NOT A; but each proof only uses a finite set of axioms; the union of two finite sets is finite; so there is a finite set of axioms of PA that proves both A and NOT A; but every finite subset of PA is consistent, contradiction. Ergo, PA is consistent.” Clearly, I’m misunderstanding something.
(PA can’t talk about sets in general, but finite sets are fine, and “finite subset of PA” just means “finite set of propositions, all of which are in the enumeration that is PA.”)
It can’t prove that every finite set of its statements is consistent, but for every finite set of its statements it can prove its consistency. (See this chapter, Corollary 8.)
I don’t understand. The relevant step in the argument, as far as I understand it, requires an inference from “there exists a proof in n steps that cooperate is better” to “the agent cooperates”. It seems to me that “enumerating all shorter proofs” would requiring knowing the precise proof (or at least its length), not just the statement “there exists such a proof”. But I’m probably not following what, exactly, you have in mind; could you expand on your argument?
[I should say I was wrong to say “it … cannot prove that” above—all I can say is that one particular technique for showing that it can prove it doesn’t go through.]
The setting is sufficiently confusing at this point that I give up (I’m not sure what we are talking about). I’ll try to work on a proof (not the proof) of something along the lines of this conjecture.
for all PA knows, PA might be inconsistent, and there might be an even shorter proof that defect is better.
If the agent checked all proofs of length less than X, and none of them prove statement T, there are no proofs of T shorter than X, even if the theory is inconsistent and T is provable (therefore, by longer proofs).
It’s extremely difficult for the agent to conclude that it will make any particular choice, because any proof of that (starting from your assumptions or any other assumptions) must also prove that the agent won’t stumble on any other proofs that lead to yet higher outcomes.
I.e., that the agent won’t find (contradictory) proofs that the same actions will lead to different, even higher utilities. Right, thanks.
(The following sounds too confusing, but making it clearer doesn’t seem straightforward. Posting just in case communication succeeds on some level.)
Payoffs are part of preference, preference is (aspect of) world program, and world program determines the outcome. By changing the payoffs, you change the world program, and where decision-making is based on logical inferences about it, you can thus fundamentally change the shape of possible inferences. “Nice” solutions mean parametrization of the solution by elements of the problem statement, but here parametrization is bound to talk about what can be logically inferred, so expect no nice solutions.
Suppose there’s a short proof that agent1()==”C” iff agent2()==”cooperate”. [...] Therefore, under the supposition, agent1 will choose “C”; similarly, agent2 will choose “cooperate”.
Sounds right (but it’s a rather strong supposition).
Sorry, I wasn’t being as clear as I should have been:
The above is true as a metatheorem, but uninteresting, because as you say, the supposition is rather strong.
What I was trying to argue is that in the agent’s proof system (for concreteness, say PA), when assuming the supposition, the conclusion follows, so by the deduction theorem, PA proves “the supposition implies the conclusion”. I wanted to use this for a proof-size-bounded Löbian argument à la cousin_it.
But this does not work because in PA, the conclusion does not follow when assuming the supposition, as pointed out by cousin_it.
This post does solve the class of problems Eliezer was talking about (I call it the “fair” class), but my previous Löbian post used a different algorithm that didn’t do utility maximization. That algorithm explicitly said that it cooperates if it can find the proof that agent1()==agent2(), and that explicitness made the proof work in the first place.
As far as I can see right now, making the payoffs slightly non-symmetric breaks everything. If you think an individual utility-maximizing algorithm can work in general game-theoretical situations, you have a unique canonical solution for all equilibrium selection and bargaining problems with non-transferable utility. Judging from the literature, finding such a unique canonical solution is extremely unlikely.
It’s true that the program might fail to find any proofs at all. Then it could output a random action, I guess? Or just return zero?
Puzzled about your last paragraph. The “knowledge” that the agents are equivalent has to be derivable by inspecting the program as a whole. (This is a very strong condition, but it can be satisfied.) Proving things about proofs is something proof checkers with sufficiently strong axioms can do just fine, no modal logic needed.
But in general, I don’t believe this sort of reasoning carries over to multi-player games. If we take the Prisoner’s Dilemma and tweak the payoffs slightly to make them non-symmetric, the agents are back to square one. Game theory is inherently harder than individual rationality. I really should write another post on that, because it seems to be a Pons Asinorum that many intelligent people fail to cross.
Seems to me you understood it and responded appropriately.
Yes it is. One important difference is that game-playing agents generally use mixed strategies. So we need to distinguish the reading the strategy source code of another player from reading the pseudo-random-number source code and “seed”. Rational agents will want to keep secrets.
A second difference is that the “preference structure” of the agent ought to be modeled as data about the agent, rather than data about the world. And some of this is information which a rational agent will wish to conceal as well.
So, as a toy model illustrating the compatibility of determinism and free will, your example (i.e. this posting) works fine. But as a way of modeling a flavor of rationality that “solves” one-shot PD and Newcomb-like problems in a “better” way than classical game theory, I think it doesn’t (yet?) work.
Slightly tangential: I have a semi-worked-out notion of a “fair” class of problems which includes Newcomb’s Problem because the predictor makes a decision based only on your action, not the “ritual of cognition” that preceded it (to borrow Eliezer’s phrase). But the one-shot PD doesn’t reside in this “fair” class because you don’t cooperate by just predicting the opponent’s action. You need to somehow tie the knot of infinite recursion, e.g. with quining or Löbian reasoning, and all such approaches seem to inevitably require inspecting the other guy’s “ritual of cognition”. This direction of research leads to all sorts of clever tricks, but ultimately it might be a dead end.
As for your main point, I completely agree. Any model that cannot accommodate limited information is bound to be useless in practice. I’m just trying to solve simple problems first, see what works and what doesn’t in very idealized conditions. Don’t worry, I’ll never neglect game theory—it was accidentally getting my hands on Ken Binmore’s “Fun and Games” that brought me back to math in the first place :-)
I don’t understand. Do you mean changing the numeric values, leaving the game the same, or changing the ordering, turning it into different game? In the first case, it seems to me that the argument from your other post should work just fine [Edit: Wrong, see cousin_it’s explanation below] -- roughly:
Suppose there’s a short proof that agent1()==”C” iff agent2()==”cooperate”. Then there’s an only slightly longer proof that agent1()==”C” implies that both agents get the C/C payoff, and that agent1()==”D” implies both get the D/D payoff. Therefore, under the supposition, agent1 will choose “C”; similarly, agent2 will choose “cooperate”.
In other words: If there’s a short proof that agent1()==”C” iff agent2()==”cooperate”, then agent1()==”C” and agent2()==”cooperate”. By the Löbian reasoning in your previous post (linked above), it follows that both agents cooperate.
Am I confused about something? Or is it just that you were in fact talking about changing the payoffs so that the game is not a PD any longer? (I think it still at least bears mentioning if your work already solves the class of problems that Eliezer has been talking about, “where the other agents’ decisions can be viewed as functions of one argument, that argument being your own choice in that particular case.”)
This post does solve the class of problems Eliezer was talking about (I call it the “fair” class), but my previous Löbian post used a different algorithm that didn’t do utility maximization. That algorithm explicitly said that it cooperates if it can find any proof that agent1()==agent2(), without comparing utilities or trying to prove other statements, and that explicitness made the proof work in the first place.
Your proof fails here:
It’s extremely difficult for the agent to conclude that it will make any particular choice, because any proof of that (starting from your assumptions or any other assumptions) must also prove that the agent won’t stumble on any other proofs that lead to yet higher outcomes. This amounts to the agent assuming the consistency of its own proof checker, which is a no go.
As far as I can see right now, making the payoffs slightly non-symmetric breaks everything. If you think an individual utility-maximizing algorithm can work in general game-theoretic situations, you have a unique canonical solution for all equilibrium selection and bargaining problems with non-transferable utility. Judging from the literature, finding such a unique canonical solution is extremely unlikely. (The transferable utility case is easy—it is solved by the Shapley value and my Freaky Fairness algorithm.)
When does the agent need to have that knowledge? It just acts on certain conclusions, at the moment it obtains them. It can as well act on conclusions1 about its future conclusions2, the only problem might be that it never reaches those conclusions1 (and so won’t act on them)
The point is that I relied on the fact that if the agent can prove “If I cooperate, I get 5” and “If I defect, I get 2″, then the agent will cooperate. This is a fact, but the agent cannot prove it: if its proof system were inconsistent, then it might (within maxsteps) also be able to prove “If I defect, I get 42,” and thus end up defecting.
Maybe your comment suggests that the agent should choose to cooperate as soon as it has proven the first two statements above; but as far as the agent knows, if its proof system is inconsistent, it might find the proof of “If I defect, I get 42” earlier than the proof of “If I defect, I get 2.” The agent cannot prove that “I will prove C → 5 and D → 2” implies “I will cooperate.”
The agent can just cooperate as soon as it proves “If I cooperate, I get X” and “If I defect, I get Y”, for X>Y. This algorithm is justified, and the agent doesn’t need to write its own algorithm, we are writing it.
I don’t completely understand your idea, but Löbian cooperation seems to require enumerating a lot of proofs without stopping early. If Bob can stop early, Alice now needs to prove that Bob will stumble on a specific proof earlier than that, rather than at all. I remember trying and failing to remove the exhaustive search for proofs from my previous post. Or maybe I’m missing something?
Maybe you could formalize your idea and give some sort of proof? If it works, it’ll be definite progress.
IIUC, Vladimir is arguing that we can write an algorithm specifically for the PD that will cooperate if it finds any two proofs “C → I get X” and “D → I get Y”, for X>Y. I think this algorithm will indeed do the right thing, do you agree?
Intuitively, the point is that both in Vladimir’s algorithm and your earlier proof, it is sufficient to know something of the form “there exists a proof such that...” to conclude that the program will have a certain behavior (cooperate), whereas in my purported proof, you need to know something of the form “there exists no proof such that...”, aka “for all proofs, it holds that...” (which you’d also need in both Vladimir’s proposal and your earlier proof to show that one of the agents defects).
Ah. Now I see where the actual work is being done. Vladimir, sorry, I retract my request for clarification.
The proposed algorithm will probably work for the usual Löbian reasons (don’t have the energy to write a formal proof right now, though). But it is not utility maximization. This algorithm asymmetrically “privileges” cooperation over defection: finding a proof that cooperation is better will make it cooperate, but finding a proof that defection is better won’t make it defect. So in spirit it’s pretty similar to my old algorithm, and we probably won’t find a solution to game theory on these lines.
If you just look for the proofs of statements of the form
where U1 and U2 are variables, and A1 and A2 are different constants (cooperate and defect in some order), up to some sufficient timeout (after which you act randomly), and perform A1 the moment you see the first one, you’ll play correctly against your near-copy (with different timeout or syntactic differences), and defecting and cooperating rocks.
Maybe my math intuition is utterly failing me today, but I find this conjecture very hard to believe. Could you try proving it?
Now that I disagree with! If the algorithm finds a proof that defection is better, it will defect, because the proof system is consistent, so the algorithm can’t in this case find a proof that cooperation is better. (It’s true that it cannot prove that it will defect, of course.) In fact I’d say the algorithm privileges defection, because it’ll defect unless it finds a reason to cooperate.
I don’t see any straight-forward generalization to arbitrary games, but a natural generalization to games where every player has only two choices springs to mind. Take as parameters the payoff matrix and the other players’ source code; then play minimax unless you can prove that playing the other strategy will result in a higher payoff. [Edit: Er, unless the utility you can prove you get under the assumption that you play the other strategy is higher than etc etc… you know what I mean.] Haven’t yet looked into whether this actually does give sensible answers to non-PD games, though. *goes off to do just that*
What on Earth do you mean by this counterfactual? :-)
The obvious extension of your proposed algorithm to games with many players and many strategies: assume any commonly-accepted method of finding a “fair strategy profile”, attempt Löbian cooperation to reach it, otherwise play minimax. This doesn’t solve fairness/bargaining, and we all are quite familiar with this sort of trick already.
Essentially, what you’re doing is “porting” old ideas from one enforcement method (quining) to another (Löbian cooperation), hoping that fairness will magically pop out this time. No. Fairness and enforcement are orthogonal issues. I’m really frustrated that people stubbornly fail to see fairness as the serious obstacle to “solving” game theory. There’s no cheap accidental way around it.
ETA: on rereading, this comment sounded harsh. Please don’t take it personally—I just feel that at this point in the discussion, it’s time to forcefully state some of my background intuitions so other people can break them down more easily.
It’s not a counterfactual, it’s a logical implication, so it’s true! :-) No, seriously, if it wasn’t clear, I mean that against every opponent program for which it can prove a higher utility for defection, it will indeed defect; e.g. against the always-cooperating program and the defection rock.
My intuition is that the algorithm above precisely does not encode a notion of “fair strategy profile,” it just tries to maximize its own utility; I suppose that’s a fuzzy notion, though. I wasn’t arguing that it solves bargaining. An extension to many strategies should cooperate in the finitely iterated PD without wiring in any more notion about “fairness” than in the algorithm above, and without special-casing IPD—if that’s indeed simple I’m curious how it works, it’s not obvious to me.
Ohhh, I managed to miss that. Thank you. This is really good.
About bargaining, I reason like this: if you have a program that’s good enough at maximizing utility that it can cooperate with itself in the PD, and make this program play different games against itself, this will give us a canonical way to calculate a “fair” outcome for every game. But this is very unlikely, so a utility-maximizer that plays arbitrary games well is by implication also very unlikely.
How do your programs play the iterated PD? Do they have memory? I can’t understand what you mean yet.
It seems to me that bargaining will be resolved simultaneously with the problem of deciding under uncertainty (when you can’t hope to find a proof of utility being precisely U).
On one hand, this sounds reasonable apriori.
On the other hand, making games “fuzzy” to solve bargaining has been tried, and it’s not enough.
On the third hand, I feel that some games might be genuinely indeterminate because they abstract too much, they don’t include enough information from the real-world situation—information that in practice ends up determining the outcome. For example, (instantaneous) bargaining in the Rubinstein model depends on the players’ (temporal) discount rates, and if you forgot to look at them, the instantaneous game seems pretty damn indeterminate.
My proposal can’t handle the iterated PD, only games where each player has two choices. I was replying to you saying there was an obvious generalization to more than two strategies—if there is, then we can pass in the payoff matrix of the normal form of a finitely iterated PD (and if it’s a sensible generalization, it should cooperate with itself on every round).
Your argument about bargaining makes sense, though alas I don’t know enough about bargaining to have a really informed opinion. It may be that the idea only works for sufficiently PD-like games, but if we can handle a class of them without special-casing that doesn’t seem so bad. It does at least handle Chicken [Edit: and Stag Hunt] correctly, AFAICS, so it’s not as if it’s PD-only.
Um, the obvious generalization to many strategies must “privilege” one of the strategies apriori, the same way as your algorithm “privileges” cooperation. Otherwise, what single statement would the proof checker be trying to prove? I don’t see a way around that.
Ah, sorry, now I understand what’s going on. You are saying “there’s an obvious generalization, but then you’d have to pick a ‘fair’ strategy profile that it would privilege.” I’m saying “there’s no obvious generalization which preserves what’s interesting about the two-strategy case.” So we’re in agreement already.
(I’m not entirely without hope; I have a vague idea that we could order the possible somehow, and if we can prove a higher utility for strategy X than for any strategy that is below X in the ordering, then the agent can prove it will definitely choose X or a strategy that is above it in the ordering. Or something like that. But need to look at the details much more closely.)
I’m not sure when exactly you added this, is this still what you think I’m doing? What I’m trying to do is to give an algorithm that correctly handles games “where the other agents’ decisions can be viewed as functions of one argument, that argument being your own choice in that particular case” (same Eliezer quote as upthread), without special-casing for the details of particular games like you did with your solution of the PD. I.e., I’m trying to do what I at first thought your original post did, but what you explained to me it doesn’t. AFAICS, if Eliezer’s informal arguments are correct, these games have a clear correct solution without solving bargaining.
[The ETA’s duly noted :-)]
Can you describe this class of games precisely? And can you define the solution precisely, without referring to our algorithms?
I can describe a class of such games and its solution, but I’d hope that if a good decision theoretical agent exists that solves this class, it might also solve some wider class of problems in an intuitively correct way. -- That said, the class is symmetric games, and the solution is the strategy profile that yields the highest utility, among those strategy profiles in which all players choose the same strategy. [More precisely, a good algorithm should choose this algorithm when playing against itself or a similar algorithm, should maximize its utility when playing against an opponent that unconditionally plays some given strategy, and should “do something sensible” in other cases.]
The quining-cooperator algorithm in the Prisoner’s Dilemma forms a “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” against itself. This is a very desirable property to have, which roughly corresponds to “reflective consistency” in single-player decision theory. However, the algorithm you’re trying to develop (which includes maximizing utility against an opponent that plays a strategy unconditionally) will not form a “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” against itself, even in symmetric games.
To see this, consider a simple bargaining game, a variant of “dividing the dollar”. Each player sees the other’s source code and outputs an integer. If the sum of the two integers is less than or equal to 10, both players get the amount in dollars that they asked for. If the sum is greater than 10, both get nothing. Your algorithm will output 5 when playing against itself. But this means it’s not a best reply to itself, because if your opponent is replaced with the simple program “return 9″, you will maximize utility and get only 1.
On reflection: I agree that “Nash equilibrium in algorithms” would be desirable, but you seem to find it a more knock-out argument than I do. If we’re discussing what kinds of algorithms to enter into something like Axelrod’s tournament, then clearly, Nash equilibrium in algorithms would be a very compelling property. But if world() really is (a utility function over) the whole universe, then it’s less clear to me that “take 1″ is not the right thing to do when encountering a “take 9” rock.
Intuitively, the reason you wouldn’t want to “take 1” in this case is that you would not want someone else—Clippy, say—a motive to leave “take 9″ rocks around for you to find. But there’s the counter-intuition that:
(a) If Clippy does this as a result of reasoning about how you behave, then that’s in fact a different situation (the assumption being that you’re reasoning about the source of the whole world, not just about the source of the “take 9” rock in front of you). What you do in this situation influences whether Clippy will have left behind a “take 9″ rock, so your decision algorithm should not be able to conclude that you maximize utility by “taking 1.” [I’m assuming an UDT-like agent which one can think of as taking the source of the world and returning the actions to perform in different contingencies, so it does not make sense to say that we cannot influence what Clippy does because our sensory input tells us that Clippy has “already” left behind a “take 9” rock.]
(b) If Clippy does not do this as a result of actually reasoning about how you behave, then if you “take 5” (say), Clippy will still have left a “take 9″ rock behind—by assumption, there’s no logical causality from what you do to what Clippy does.
I can’t formalize this argument, and I’m not sure that (b) especially is the right way of thinking about this problem, but this counter-intuition seems at least as compelling to me as the original intuition. Am I missing something?
-- All this said, I no longer think that the idea behind my proposed algorithm is useful. The problem is as far as I can see, if agent 1 runs “do X unless I can prove it’s better to do Y” and agent 2 runs “do A unless I can prove that it’s better to do B,” then the agents won’t play (X,B) or (Y,A) even if this would be the most desirable outcome for both of them—or at least I can’t prove that these outcomes are possible.
“Play minimax unless I can prove the other strategy is better” doesn’t exactly run into this problem in symmetric games as long as the two available strategies have different minimax values, but what I’m really after is a decision theory that would act correctly if it finds such a game embedded in the world, and this does seem to run into the problem described above.
Hello again.
User Perplexed pointed me to Nash’s 1953 paper Two-person cooperative games that seems to give a unique “fair” solution for all two-person competitive games in our setting. I’ve been thinking how to spin the algorithm in the paper into a flavor of utility maximization, but failing so far.
The key is to understand that when two players form a coalition they create a new entity distinct from its members which has its own revealed preferences and its own utility to maximize. That is, you need to step up a level and imagine each member of a coalition as making a deal with the coalition itself, rather than simply dealing with the other members. In joining a coalition, a player gives up some or all of his decision-making power in exchange for a promise of security.
Define coalescence utility for player A as the amount of extra A utility A gets because the pair plays the cooperation game rather than the threat game. If you wish, think of this as a compensation paid to A by the collective in exchange for his cooperation in the objectives of the collective. Define the utility of cooperation to the ‘collective’ (i.e. to the union of A and B considered as an entity at a different level than A and B themselves) as the sum of the logarithms of the coalescence utilities of A and B. Then, the collective maximizes its own utility by maximizing the product of the coalescence utilities (which means the same as maximizing the sum of the logs).
This approach of taking the logarithm of individual utilities to get components of corporate or collective utility extends nicely to coalitions with more than 2 members. For some analogies in other (biological) kinds of optimization processes where taking the logarithm is the trick that makes it all work, see my favorite paper ever or this classic paper from Dick Lewontin:
R. C. Lewontin and D. Cohen. On population growth in a randomly varying environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, 62:1056–1060, 1969.
True; thanks for pointing that out.
I don’t see what theory do you refer to here, in saying “proof theory is consistent”. We have an algorithm that proves some theorems in PA. The only theory under discussion is PA. If the algorithm finds a proof that defection is better, it defects, period.
If PA is the system the agent uses, then by “the proof system,” I mean PA. I was speaking generically, in case you’d prefer to use ZFC or PA + Con(PA) or whatever.
Er, are you saying that as soon as the algorithm finds such a proof, it stops searching and returns “defect”? That will not work, because then the Löbian reasoning won’t go through, for the reason cousin_it gave. [Because PA cannot prove Con(PA), it also cannot prove that “there’s a short proof that cooperate is better” implies “the agent cooperates”—for all PA knows, PA might be inconsistent, and there might be an even shorter proof that defect is better.]
Or do you mean that the algorithm looks through the whole list of proofs, and if it never finds a proof that cooperate is better, it defects? Then we’re in agreement; I was simply pointing out that in this case, we know that if the algorithm proves “defect is better,” then it will not cooperate, because we know that PA is consistent, so if the algorithm proves “defect is better” then it will not prove “cooperate is better.”
It can enumerate all shorter proofs, and see if any of them imply a different action of the agent. (Note that PA is reflexive, that is can prove that any given finite set of its statements is logically consistent.)
Can you give some link or citation about “reflexive”? I can’t figure out what this means. It seems to me that if PA can prove every finite subset of its axioms consistent, then it can prove itself consistent: “If PA is inconsistent, then there would be a statement A and a proof of A and a proof of NOT A; but each proof only uses a finite set of axioms; the union of two finite sets is finite; so there is a finite set of axioms of PA that proves both A and NOT A; but every finite subset of PA is consistent, contradiction. Ergo, PA is consistent.” Clearly, I’m misunderstanding something.
(PA can’t talk about sets in general, but finite sets are fine, and “finite subset of PA” just means “finite set of propositions, all of which are in the enumeration that is PA.”)
It can’t prove that every finite set of its statements is consistent, but for every finite set of its statements it can prove its consistency. (See this chapter, Corollary 8.)
I don’t understand. The relevant step in the argument, as far as I understand it, requires an inference from “there exists a proof in n steps that cooperate is better” to “the agent cooperates”. It seems to me that “enumerating all shorter proofs” would requiring knowing the precise proof (or at least its length), not just the statement “there exists such a proof”. But I’m probably not following what, exactly, you have in mind; could you expand on your argument?
[I should say I was wrong to say “it … cannot prove that” above—all I can say is that one particular technique for showing that it can prove it doesn’t go through.]
The setting is sufficiently confusing at this point that I give up (I’m not sure what we are talking about). I’ll try to work on a proof (not the proof) of something along the lines of this conjecture.
If the agent checked all proofs of length less than X, and none of them prove statement T, there are no proofs of T shorter than X, even if the theory is inconsistent and T is provable (therefore, by longer proofs).
I.e., that the agent won’t find (contradictory) proofs that the same actions will lead to different, even higher utilities. Right, thanks.
(The following sounds too confusing, but making it clearer doesn’t seem straightforward. Posting just in case communication succeeds on some level.)
Payoffs are part of preference, preference is (aspect of) world program, and world program determines the outcome. By changing the payoffs, you change the world program, and where decision-making is based on logical inferences about it, you can thus fundamentally change the shape of possible inferences. “Nice” solutions mean parametrization of the solution by elements of the problem statement, but here parametrization is bound to talk about what can be logically inferred, so expect no nice solutions.
Sounds right (but it’s a rather strong supposition).
Sorry, I wasn’t being as clear as I should have been:
The above is true as a metatheorem, but uninteresting, because as you say, the supposition is rather strong.
What I was trying to argue is that in the agent’s proof system (for concreteness, say PA), when assuming the supposition, the conclusion follows, so by the deduction theorem, PA proves “the supposition implies the conclusion”. I wanted to use this for a proof-size-bounded Löbian argument à la cousin_it.
But this does not work because in PA, the conclusion does not follow when assuming the supposition, as pointed out by cousin_it.
This post does solve the class of problems Eliezer was talking about (I call it the “fair” class), but my previous Löbian post used a different algorithm that didn’t do utility maximization. That algorithm explicitly said that it cooperates if it can find the proof that agent1()==agent2(), and that explicitness made the proof work in the first place.
As far as I can see right now, making the payoffs slightly non-symmetric breaks everything. If you think an individual utility-maximizing algorithm can work in general game-theoretical situations, you have a unique canonical solution for all equilibrium selection and bargaining problems with non-transferable utility. Judging from the literature, finding such a unique canonical solution is extremely unlikely.