Let us assume that, on average, a booster given to a random person knocks you on your ass for a day. That’s one hundred years, an actual lifetime,of knocked-on-ass time for every hospitalization prevented. The torture here seems less bad than the dust specs.
What’s your source for “booster given to a random person knocks you on your ass for a day”? None of my family had more than a sore arm.
For the more severe consequences, see also https://twitter.com/DrCanuckMD/status/1600259874272989184, which is one of the replies to the tweet you linked. (Don’t have time to dig into which paper to trust more, but at least this one seems to be comparing like for like, i.e., hospitalizations with hospitalizations, as opposed to hospitalizations with SAEs.)
I know of a couple of people in my community who complained of this, but the rate I’ve observed is maybe an order of magnitude lower than what Zvi is suggesting.
I am unconcerned enough about hospitalization that even if the RNA shots gave me anything but a sore arm that wakes me up the night after the shot when I roll over onto it, I would be analyzing it in terms of days of feeling cruddy from shot versus days of feeling cruddy from an infection, and timing them accordingly to maximize the odds of preventing feeling like crud for a week in a given year.
Sinovac, at least, gave a low-grade fever to everyone I knew who got it. There was an unspoken agreement in my workplace that anyone who took the vaccine could take the afternoon off for exactly this reason.
What’s your source for “booster given to a random person knocks you on your ass for a day”? None of my family had more than a sore arm.
For the more severe consequences, see also https://twitter.com/DrCanuckMD/status/1600259874272989184, which is one of the replies to the tweet you linked. (Don’t have time to dig into which paper to trust more, but at least this one seems to be comparing like for like, i.e., hospitalizations with hospitalizations, as opposed to hospitalizations with SAEs.)
I know of a couple of people in my community who complained of this, but the rate I’ve observed is maybe an order of magnitude lower than what Zvi is suggesting.
I am unconcerned enough about hospitalization that even if the RNA shots gave me anything but a sore arm that wakes me up the night after the shot when I roll over onto it, I would be analyzing it in terms of days of feeling cruddy from shot versus days of feeling cruddy from an infection, and timing them accordingly to maximize the odds of preventing feeling like crud for a week in a given year.
Sinovac, at least, gave a low-grade fever to everyone I knew who got it. There was an unspoken agreement in my workplace that anyone who took the vaccine could take the afternoon off for exactly this reason.
Probably varies a lot from person to person.