I’m curious what caused my Ironshell Crab to die out (Antivenom, 0/10/1, Coconuts). It seems like all the other coconut-eaters had already died out and nothing can eat the crab. Was it just random fluctuations?
Of all the things, the coconuts were by far the most difficult to get anything to survive on. In my simulations, usually the coconut eaters that survived were also eating something else.
In theory, coconuts should sustain a 13.1 E creature; In practice, with such a small food source this size creature gets outcompeted at first by much smaller organisms that then get hunted to extinction by predators.
The equilibrium population for my crab (size 13.6) is around 110. I guess its population must have been so low by the time the last smaller coconut-eater was hunted out that a random fluctuation killed it before it could recover.
If it had managed to recover, it should have eventually migrated to establish itself in both River and Shore.
I’m curious what caused my Ironshell Crab to die out (Antivenom, 0/10/1, Coconuts). It seems like all the other coconut-eaters had already died out and nothing can eat the crab. Was it just random fluctuations?
Of all the things, the coconuts were by far the most difficult to get anything to survive on. In my simulations, usually the coconut eaters that survived were also eating something else.
In theory, coconuts should sustain a 13.1 E creature; In practice, with such a small food source this size creature gets outcompeted at first by much smaller organisms that then get hunted to extinction by predators.
The equilibrium population for my crab (size 13.6) is around 110. I guess its population must have been so low by the time the last smaller coconut-eater was hunted out that a random fluctuation killed it before it could recover.
If it had managed to recover, it should have eventually migrated to establish itself in both River and Shore.