There’s a Naruto fanfic (much better than the actual manga, mind) with this trope, except the author adds a cool extra at the end. In that, it turns out one with looping power only goes back to the same point in time because
they haven’t learned how to set a new, so to speak, “save point”. This mechanic became clear to the characters after they had decades of experience in child bodies, so that they began to carefully plan the world they wanted to have, and exhaustively time looped until they managed to set things perfectly aligned for the next stage of their plan, at which point they “saved”, and went for it.
I’ve tried adding spoiler tags, but it isn’t working. According the FAQ for Markdown it’s three colons and the word “spoiler” at the beginning, followed by three colons at the end, but no luck. Any suggestion?
There’s a Naruto fanfic (much better than the actual manga, mind) with this trope, except the author adds a cool extra at the end. In that, it turns out one with looping power only goes back to the same point in time because
they haven’t learned how to set a new, so to speak, “save point”. This mechanic became clear to the characters after they had decades of experience in child bodies, so that they began to carefully plan the world they wanted to have, and exhaustively time looped until they managed to set things perfectly aligned for the next stage of their plan, at which point they “saved”, and went for it.
If I’m correct and you’re talking about
Time Braid
you might want to add spoiler tags.
I’ve tried adding spoiler tags, but it isn’t working. According the FAQ for Markdown it’s three colons and the word “spoiler” at the beginning, followed by three colons at the end, but no luck. Any suggestion?
It’s a paragraph-level operator. You need a newline after the “:::spoiler” and before the three colons at the end. Inline spoilers tags don’t work.
Thanks! And done! :-)
I think that was the one, yes. It’s been years and I forgot the name.
I’ll add the tags, thanks!