Something that will help tremendously is redirecting to the wiki. Or, possibly,… or something that makes the link easier to change in the future if we bring the wiki over here.
Also, a link somewhere on the main page would be nice.
Of course, you should consider using PBwiki to host the Less Wrong wiki. I’ll be happy to make sure you guys get a complimentary license as my contribution to the cause of rationality.
Something that will help tremendously is redirecting to the wiki. Or, possibly,… or something that makes the link easier to change in the future if we bring the wiki over here.
Also, a link somewhere on the main page would be nice.
Maybe you had this in mind, but even better would be if could redirect to That way once an official wiki is set up, no links would have to be changed. Yet another proposed feature to add to the list....
Yeah, that should be easy to do while the new wiki isn’t ready.
Of course, you should consider using PBwiki to host the Less Wrong wiki. I’ll be happy to make sure you guys get a complimentary license as my contribution to the cause of rationality.