RE: EAVR, I haven’t felt like running or advertising meetups after the previous main host lost interest. Mako, who is very enthusiastic about VR, has suggested that topicless meetups aren’t worth running. Having a somewhat structured event like a typical IRL meetup would probably work a lot better than the topicless discussion meetups we were having. I’m optimistic that “virtually rational”/”vrlw”/whatever we end up calling it is a better selector, we’ll have to see.
RE: EAVR, I haven’t felt like running or advertising meetups after the previous main host lost interest. Mako, who is very enthusiastic about VR, has suggested that topicless meetups aren’t worth running. Having a somewhat structured event like a typical IRL meetup would probably work a lot better than the topicless discussion meetups we were having. I’m optimistic that “virtually rational”/”vrlw”/whatever we end up calling it is a better selector, we’ll have to see.