The answer is perhaps that even though you’d want to meta-precommit to preserving the will of your current self on the decisions of your future self, you (as a human) actually can’t do that. You can model what your decision should’ve been, had you been precommited by your past self, but this ideal decision is not what you actually want. This is just an abstract belief planted in your mind by the process that constructed it, from past to the future, but it’s not your true preference anymore, no more than the “survival of the fittest” is the utmost concern to our kind. You may in fact believe in this decision, but you are now wrong from your new perspective, and you should probably change your mind on reflection.
and you should probably change your mind on reflection.
Ideal-Nathan would not want to do so. It may seem completely irrational, but if paperclippers can not-want not to paperclip, then ideal-Nathan can not-want not to kill 15 people for no particularly consequential reason. Your reply
but this ideal decision is not what you actually want.
is true—it really is true—but it is true becauseI cannot with current technology radically alter myself to make it false. Ideal-Nathan can and does—unless it puts a strong disutility on such an action, which means that I myself put a strong disutility on such an action. Which I do.
[...] I cannot with current technology radically alter myself [...] Ideal-Nathan can and does—unless it puts a strong disutility on such an action, which means that I myself put a strong disutility on such an action.
That’s a mistake: you are not him. You make your own decisions. If you value following the ideal-self-modifying-you, that’s fine, but I don’t believe that’s in human nature, it’s only a declarative construction that doesn’t actually relate to your values. You may want to become the ideal-you, but that doesn’t mean that you want to follow the counterfactual actions of the ideal-you if you haven’t actually become one.
The ideal-potentially-self modifying me. No such being exists. I know, for a fact, that I am not perfectly rational in the sense that I construe “rational” to mean. That doesn’t mean that Omega couldn’t write a utility function that, if maximised, would perfectly describe my actions. Now in fact I am going to end up maximising that utility function: that’s just mathematics/physics. But I am structured so as to value “me”, even if “me” is just a concept I hold of myself. When I talk of ideal-Nathan, I mean a being that has the utility function that I think I have, which is not the same as the utility function that I do have. I then work out what ideal-Nathan does. If I find it does something that I know for a fact I do not want to do, then I’m simply mistaken about ideal-Nathan—I’m mistaken about my own utility function. That means that by considering the behaviour of ideal-Nathan (not looking so ideal now, is he?) I can occasionally discover something about myself. In this case I’ve discovered:
I don’t care about my past selves nearly as much as I thought I did
I place a stronger premium on not modifying myself in such a way as to find killing pleasurable than I do on human life itself.
The answer is perhaps that even though you’d want to meta-precommit to preserving the will of your current self on the decisions of your future self, you (as a human) actually can’t do that. You can model what your decision should’ve been, had you been precommited by your past self, but this ideal decision is not what you actually want. This is just an abstract belief planted in your mind by the process that constructed it, from past to the future, but it’s not your true preference anymore, no more than the “survival of the fittest” is the utmost concern to our kind. You may in fact believe in this decision, but you are now wrong from your new perspective, and you should probably change your mind on reflection.
Ideal-Nathan would not want to do so. It may seem completely irrational, but if paperclippers can not-want not to paperclip, then ideal-Nathan can not-want not to kill 15 people for no particularly consequential reason. Your reply
is true—it really is true—but it is true because I cannot with current technology radically alter myself to make it false. Ideal-Nathan can and does—unless it puts a strong disutility on such an action, which means that I myself put a strong disutility on such an action. Which I do.
That’s a mistake: you are not him. You make your own decisions. If you value following the ideal-self-modifying-you, that’s fine, but I don’t believe that’s in human nature, it’s only a declarative construction that doesn’t actually relate to your values. You may want to become the ideal-you, but that doesn’t mean that you want to follow the counterfactual actions of the ideal-you if you haven’t actually become one.
The ideal-potentially-self modifying me. No such being exists. I know, for a fact, that I am not perfectly rational in the sense that I construe “rational” to mean. That doesn’t mean that Omega couldn’t write a utility function that, if maximised, would perfectly describe my actions. Now in fact I am going to end up maximising that utility function: that’s just mathematics/physics. But I am structured so as to value “me”, even if “me” is just a concept I hold of myself. When I talk of ideal-Nathan, I mean a being that has the utility function that I think I have, which is not the same as the utility function that I do have. I then work out what ideal-Nathan does. If I find it does something that I know for a fact I do not want to do, then I’m simply mistaken about ideal-Nathan—I’m mistaken about my own utility function. That means that by considering the behaviour of ideal-Nathan (not looking so ideal now, is he?) I can occasionally discover something about myself. In this case I’ve discovered:
I don’t care about my past selves nearly as much as I thought I did
I place a stronger premium on not modifying myself in such a way as to find killing pleasurable than I do on human life itself.