Upvoted. This is a very interesting direction for distillation to go; it seems eminently worthwhile to me to pull out sections of older essays to refresh the public memory, and then perhaps refine them independently. This provides the opportunity to approach the same point from a different level of group development, which feels necessary from time to time.
This is a useful thing that’s often done on Stack Overflow too – ‘duplicate’ questions are closed and linked to the ‘original’ question but not deleted. That allows multiple ‘vectors’ (e.g. via different web searches) to converge on canonical info.
What you pointed out is different – approaching “the same point from a different level of group development” – but seems broadly similar and, I’d guess, would be similarly useful.
Upvoted. This is a very interesting direction for distillation to go; it seems eminently worthwhile to me to pull out sections of older essays to refresh the public memory, and then perhaps refine them independently. This provides the opportunity to approach the same point from a different level of group development, which feels necessary from time to time.
This is a useful thing that’s often done on Stack Overflow too – ‘duplicate’ questions are closed and linked to the ‘original’ question but not deleted. That allows multiple ‘vectors’ (e.g. via different web searches) to converge on canonical info.
What you pointed out is different – approaching “the same point from a different level of group development” – but seems broadly similar and, I’d guess, would be similarly useful.