This is a great way of bringing a celestial body, e.g. Venus, on a transfer orbit which will put it in the same orbit as earth, but on the other side of the sun, as you’ll only need to move the caster, not the planet itself. Such orbits are fairly stable on a human timescale, and colonization (plus terraforming) may begin then. Aiming the spell might be a little difficult, but is certainly doable (as amassed spell-casting will also do, there’s no problem if several spells hit).
This is a great way of bringing a celestial body, e.g. Venus, on a transfer orbit which will put it in the same orbit as earth, but on the other side of the sun, as you’ll only need to move the caster, not the planet itself. Such orbits are fairly stable on a human timescale, and colonization (plus terraforming) may begin then. Aiming the spell might be a little difficult, but is certainly doable (as amassed spell-casting will also do, there’s no problem if several spells hit).