On the other hand, as I have shown, if you chose t sufficiently large the algorithm I recommend in my post will necessarily end up one boxing if the formal system used is sound.
This is incorrect, as Zeno had shown more than 2000 years ago. It could be that your inference system generates an infinite sequence of statements of the form A()=1 ⇒ U()≥Si with sequence {Si} tending to, say, 100, but with all Si<100, so that A()=1 loses to A()=2 no matter how large the timeout is.
That’s why you enumerate all proofs of statement of the form A()=a ⇒ U()≥u (where u is rational number in canonical form). It’s a well known fact that it is possible to enumerate all the provable statements in a given formal system without skipping any.
This is a possible behavior, even if the formal system used is sound, if one use rational intervals as you recommend.
Not if we use a Goedel statement/chicken rule failsafe like the one discussed in Slepnev’s article you linked to.
There are some subtleties about doing this in the interval setting which made me doubt that it could be done, but after thinking about it some more I must admit that it is possible.
But I think that my algorithm for the non-oracle setting is still valuable.
But I think that my algorithm for the non-oracle setting is still valuable.
I think it’s a useful trick not so much because it doesn’t require oracles, but because it doesn’t require a Goedel statement (chicken rule), even though it depends on choosing a time limit, while the algorithm with Goedel statement doesn’t.
That’s why you enumerate all proofs of statement of the form A()=a ⇒ U()≥u (where u is rational number in canonical form). It’s a well known fact that it is possible to enumerate all the provable statements in a given formal system without skipping any.
There are some subtleties about doing this in the interval setting which made me doubt that it could be done, but after thinking about it some more I must admit that it is possible.
But I think that my algorithm for the non-oracle setting is still valuable.
I think it’s a useful trick not so much because it doesn’t require oracles, but because it doesn’t require a Goedel statement (chicken rule), even though it depends on choosing a time limit, while the algorithm with Goedel statement doesn’t.
You’re right, there is no problem here, as long as you enumerate everything.