This survey is now closed. I am working on analysis and will have the results in a while. Please do not take it.
Also, you may now begin speculating with 95% confidence intervals on how many people took the survey this year.
Er… From your blog:
X people (Y%) chose the first option, and Z people (W%) the second.
[numbers redacted]
95% confidence interval: orgjrra svir uhaqerq naq gjb gubhfnaq.
50% confidence interval: orgjrra rvtug uhaqerq naq sbhegrra uhaqerq. (Corrected from sbhegrra gubhfnaq, thanks to Vaniver).
I suspect that last gubhfnaq should be a uhaqerq.
Indeed, thank you.
Please do not take it.
Is there not a way to shut off the survey?
My speculation: V jbhyq chg yrff guna svir creprag punapr ba yrff guna svir uhaqerq crbcyr gnxvat vg, naq yrff guna svir creprag punapr ba zber guna svir gubhfnaq crbcyr gnxvat vg. (Cbvag rfgvzngr sbe gur rkcrpgrq inyhr: rvtugrra uhaqerq.)
Shutting off the survey makes it invisible, which means that people can’t go back to see how a question was worded or something.
Thanks for the anchoring. Next time, please use rot-13. ;-)
My 95% confidence interval for number of polltakers is (rot13) svir uhaqerq gb gjb gubhfnaq.
My 50% confidence interval is ryrira uhaqerq gb gjryir uhaqerq.
This survey is now closed. I am working on analysis and will have the results in a while. Please do not take it.
Also, you may now begin speculating with 95% confidence intervals on how many people took the survey this year.
Er… From your blog:
[numbers redacted]
95% confidence interval: orgjrra svir uhaqerq naq gjb gubhfnaq.
50% confidence interval: orgjrra rvtug uhaqerq naq sbhegrra uhaqerq. (Corrected from sbhegrra gubhfnaq, thanks to Vaniver).
I suspect that last gubhfnaq should be a uhaqerq.
Indeed, thank you.
Is there not a way to shut off the survey?
My speculation: V jbhyq chg yrff guna svir creprag punapr ba yrff guna svir uhaqerq crbcyr gnxvat vg, naq yrff guna svir creprag punapr ba zber guna svir gubhfnaq crbcyr gnxvat vg. (Cbvag rfgvzngr sbe gur rkcrpgrq inyhr: rvtugrra uhaqerq.)
Shutting off the survey makes it invisible, which means that people can’t go back to see how a question was worded or something.
Thanks for the anchoring. Next time, please use rot-13. ;-)
My 95% confidence interval for number of polltakers is (rot13) svir uhaqerq gb gjb gubhfnaq.
My 50% confidence interval is ryrira uhaqerq gb gjryir uhaqerq.