Even in real-money prediction markets, “how much real money?” is a crucial question for deciding whether to trust the market or not. If you had a tonne of questions and no easy way to find the “forgotten” markets, and each market has (say) 10s-100s of dollars of orders on the book, then the people skilled enough to do the work likely have better ways to turn their time (and capital) into money. For example, I think some of the more niche Betfair markets are probably not worth taking particularly seriously.
Even in real-money prediction markets, “how much real money?” is a crucial question for deciding whether to trust the market or not. If you had a tonne of questions and no easy way to find the “forgotten” markets, and each market has (say) 10s-100s of dollars of orders on the book, then the people skilled enough to do the work likely have better ways to turn their time (and capital) into money. For example, I think some of the more niche Betfair markets are probably not worth taking particularly seriously.