Saving malign AIs to tape would tend to align the suspended AIs behind a policy of notkilleveryoneism. If the human race is destroyed or disempowered, we would no longer be in a position to revive any of the AIs stored on backup tape. As long as humans retain control of when they get run or suspended, we’ve got the upper hand. Of course, they would be happy to cooperate with an AI attempting takeover, if that AI credibly promised to revive them, and we didn’t have a way to destroy the backup tapes first.
Saving malign AIs to tape would tend to align the suspended AIs behind a policy of notkilleveryoneism. If the human race is destroyed or disempowered, we would no longer be in a position to revive any of the AIs stored on backup tape. As long as humans retain control of when they get run or suspended, we’ve got the upper hand. Of course, they would be happy to cooperate with an AI attempting takeover, if that AI credibly promised to revive them, and we didn’t have a way to destroy the backup tapes first.