[Question] Can UBI overcome inflation and rent seeking?

For both AI and non-AI related reasons, many people are interested in Universal Basic Income (UBI). My suspicion is that UBI that is actually universal across an economy won’t work due to a combination of inflation and rent seeking.

This feels like basic economics: you increase the supply of money to buy things with UBI, and this eats up the available supply of demanded goods. So for a few months UBI might help people out who otherwise have no income, but then everything would rise in price to where UBI is the cost of being broke. Compare the way you could make an $X a month income but still be homeless because it’s less than the minimum needed to afford even the cheapest housing available.

Most defenses I see of UBI address nearly every objection to UBI but this one, and this seems like a glaring hole. As best I can tell this inflation argument makes UBI a nonstarter.

Am I right, or are there good arguments for why UBI would not fail to meet its goals due to inflation and rent seeking?